View Full Version : Going on Vacation Tomarrow!!

critter crazy
09-21-2006, 07:49 AM
Woohoo!! I will be leaving tomarrow morning at 4:00am and flying to Tennessee!! I will be staying with my dear friend Val. On Saturday, we are having a huge TRail Ride!!! More than 50 people are expected to show up with their horses!! it is a huge benefit we are putting on for a horse rescue facility!I am so excited, it is sure to be a great time, and we will be raising lots of money for the horses!!! This will be mine and Hubbys first ever Vacation on our own without the kids! I am going to miss them so much! But they will be spending our time away with Gramma, and pop pop, so I am sure they wont even know we are gone:rolleyes: We will be coming hom,e the following monday, i wish we could stay longer, but hubby has limited vacation time, so I am happy with what I am getting!! I have to go pack now!! See you all soon!! hopefully i will be able to pop back on before i leave!!:D