View Full Version : A dilemma with Marigold...

09-21-2006, 03:31 AM
Ok, we are just in the finishing process of remodeling our kitchen. Before this, Marigold was allowed to jump on the counters, because I figured it was a way to stay safe from the dogs if she wanted to get away. Also, before this, our stove was a standard electric stove, and stood alone with no countertop near it. And Marigold never ever jumped on the stove.

Now, however, we have a new electric stove that is the flattop kind, and is also surrounded by countertop. I don't have a problem with her jumping on the countertop (don't worry, I always scrub them down before I start food prep!!) but the problem is that she has no problem with walking right across the stove. :eek: Yea, this could be a huge problem!!

Just yesterday, I made some chicken soup, and left it on the stove to cool. It had been maybe a half hour, and I heard some dishes "clinking" in the kitchen. Yup, there she was, standing on the stove, helping herself to some cooled-down-but-still-pretty-warm chicken soup. I am so worried that one of these days she is going to get seriously hurt!!

So what is the best way to teach her to stay off the stove??? Do I not allow her on any countertops?? (We also have a new bay window, that she loves to sunbathe in, but needs to get there via counter) What is the most effective way to get her to not walk on the stove? A friend swears by spritzing water at her cats. Any advice is appreciated :)

09-21-2006, 04:14 AM
We have a flat top stove with a Ceran top. Ok, Filou walks over it all the time. And he never ever goes near anything that's too hot for him.
Of course I would not rely upon that. So I always leave a pot with water on after cooking.

Cats can take more heat than we - and they love warm food- but in ten years never ever anything happened. So I would monitor Marigold closely and always put something on the stove when it is hot-but I think she'll be ok.

P.S. After the infamous cat manners thread you will know that I am not appalled at the thought to share chicken soup with the cat ;) When I'm cooking for guests however I make sure the cats are not in the kitchen at all ;)

09-21-2006, 07:46 AM
We have a flat top range here at Dad's house. The cats roam the countertops (though they aren't "supposed" to) but they stop at the stove and don't venture on that. Any food stuffs have lids on them.

I like the idea of placing a pot of water on any hot spots.

I also have excellent results with water spray bottles. Although it becomes a game with Sparkle, like everything else does with her . . . .

09-21-2006, 07:52 AM
Cookiebaker, I, too, have cats that walk across everything at some time. I have learned that when I remove a pot or pots I cover the smooth surface with either my tea pot that stays on my stove top all the time and/or the lid to the pot that was just taken off. My fear is that they will burn their little tootsies some day.

I, too, hear those mysterious noises coming from counters - ahemmmmm - curious cats...and hungry cats. Serving spoons are their all time favorite thing to snack on.... :rolleyes:

Wannnnnna come to dinner?

09-21-2006, 07:55 AM
I believe cats have a good sense about what's too hot to step on, but still... I agree with Barbara's suggestion, put a pot of water on the stove, so Marigold can't walk there - or stay in the kitchen until it's cold enough.

09-21-2006, 08:01 AM
I, too, have a flat top electric stove and Trevor's favorite spot to watch the world go by is the top of the refrigerator. To get there he uses the stove top as a springboard. He seems to sense the heat and avoids the area that is still warm but I worry nevertheless. I like the idea of putting something filled with water on that burner until it cools down.

09-21-2006, 09:17 AM
I too have a flat topped range. I leave a pan or lid on the hot burner after use to keep the cats from stepping on it.

The cats don't spend much time on my counters cause there's rarely any food there!

09-21-2006, 09:43 AM
I think that most of the threads are right that most Cats wont walk where its hot.
However Marigold could jump up on a Hot Stove, so I would say no loudly whenever shes near the stove.
However if there soup there she will think that theres going to be something good there.
We pray Marigold does not get burnt.

09-21-2006, 01:18 PM
My cats walk across the stove all the time. :rolleyes: But I think I have only ever seen 1 burned foot pad. for the most part, they stay away from the hot parts, but sure, accidents can happen.