View Full Version : The Daunting Task of Finding an Apartment....

05-31-2002, 03:48 PM
That allows dogs..... ugh. And what is it with only being to rent at some places with a dog under 30 lbs?!?! OIY!

But on the bright side I have three good leads, including a man who said I sounded so nice on the phone that he'd make an exception and let me rent even though his policy is no dogs. :D

Andy and I are checking out that apartment after I get out of work. Did I mention he drove out to see me last night and came to work with me today? :D

We're spending another weekend together. *giggles*

Well... I'll let you know how the apartment hunt goes. :)

05-31-2002, 04:06 PM
GOOD LUCK!!.......May the force be with you..Three.;)

05-31-2002, 04:53 PM
Good luck. Fingers crossed for you!

05-31-2002, 06:41 PM
Good luck! We're having the same prob over here >:[

05-31-2002, 07:13 PM
I totally understand!
I'm so dreading having to move now that I've got a dog.
Not only is the beach area totally crazy expensive but finding a house w/ a yard will be impossible! And finding an apartment that will take a 60+ lb dog will be next to impossible.
But I know you can pay like $40 and get a listing of all properties for rent in the area that allow dogs. So I might end up doing that... when the time comes.

06-01-2002, 10:50 PM
Why must every place that allows a dog of Kia's size in this god forsaken city either charge an arm and a leg to rent or be a dump! :( :( :(

The search continues...... *sighs*

Former User
06-02-2002, 11:51 AM
Keeping our fingers crossed here Kimmy, good luck!

06-02-2002, 01:44 PM
Kimmy, why don't you just give up and move to Fort Wayne, I know of at least 3 apartment complexes that are pet friendly and I'm sure there are lots of houses that are for rent that would allow dogs too. Hmmmm...perhaps you could buy a house and then you wouldn't have to worry about rent AND you would have some equity!! What do you do for a living anyway?? Maybe we have some jobs here...it is only 2 hours away after all!! lol

06-03-2002, 07:45 AM

Sorry about the apartment hunt :( Hope you can find something soon. I too am dreading our next move. We have been very fortunate to be able to find houses that allowed dogs. If worse comes to worst, we will live on post. They have really nice officer housing with fenced in back yards and allow pets! Hurray for the Army! :D :D

06-03-2002, 08:15 AM
Kimmy, I am about to have the same problem!! My roommate and I had a "falling out" this weekend and although she has apologized, I can't forgive and need to leave ASAP.
I only know of one place right now that I can have dogs at and I don't want to go there except as a last resort.
I was hoping to hang in there a while longer to save some $$ but...well, I'll post the "note" she left me in another thread and you'll see why....

I have to get a new job, a new apartment and a new life!!!!!:)
I would give anything to be retired right now....This "middle part" is HARD!!! :( ;)

06-03-2002, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
Kimmy, why don't you just give up and move to Fort Wayne, I know of at least 3 apartment complexes that are pet friendly and I'm sure there are lots of houses that are for rent that would allow dogs too. Hmmmm...perhaps you could buy a house and then you wouldn't have to worry about rent AND you would have some equity!! What do you do for a living anyway?? Maybe we have some jobs here...it is only 2 hours away after all!! lol

It's tempting Molly. :D

Andy picked me up a free Apartment listing and I think I found some winners. Just need to call them today and find out if they have any openings. *fingers crossed*

I'd love to move elsewhere but this job pays nice and has GREAT benefits. Especially medical which is great for my Endo treatments. I pay nothing for perscriptions.

I can't just walk away from this job without actually having another job lined up with the same if not better pay/benefits. :)

And sadly I can't afford a house. The thought crossed my mind but my budget for rent is no more than $500 a month at the moment.

Currently I work as a Web Tech but my degree is an Associates in Computer Graphics. :)

06-04-2002, 08:36 AM
After all my searching I think I finally found it.

It's an apartment complex that is pet friendly (no size restrictions), within my budget, and in a great neighborhood and only 13 miles from my work. :D

He has one bedroom left and I'm going to see the Office Manager today after work to have a look at the place.

Woohooo!!!! I'm so excited. :)

06-04-2002, 08:39 AM
Awesome! Hope you get it! Let us know!

06-04-2002, 08:51 AM
I sure will!

Here's a pic of the place. :D


Look at all that greenery! I can't wait.... *bounces*

06-04-2002, 10:15 AM
Good luck!!

06-04-2002, 12:40 PM
CONGRATS KIMMY!! That looks like a great place! I can't wait to hear how it goes! I was talking to my mom last night and I may try to convince her landlord to let Duncan and I move in there either with her for a few months or another apartment nearby.

I'm not in any rush YET to move. I may wait until August as I have a lot of big bills coming up this month and need some time to save.

Let us know ASAP about the apartment.... :D