View Full Version : Might get a new addition...

09-16-2006, 11:54 PM
Yeah so, I really don't need another dog... ;) and I know I can't save them all, but more than likely I will be getting another one. He is a Dane/American Bulldog cross and is horribly underweight at 62 lbs, his name is Joshua.

At the vet clinic I work at, we have boarding kennels, and this lady has boarded her 3 dogs with us since about March I think. One is the dog I'm speaking of, another is a SharPei/Chow cross and another is a pit. I guess she got kicked out of her house, couldn't find a place to live that would take the dogs, or someone to take the dogs, so she boards them now. She pays something like $1000/month just to board the dogs..and yet can't find a place to live that will allow her to take them....? :confused: Anyways, Joshua is just doing horribly. He had "happy tail", a condition where the end of tail gets gashed open from wagging it too much against a wall or something (in this case, the kennel), for the longest time, and was kept in a very small kennel for the longest time, until I got the bright idea to keep him in the extra large kennel so he has room to wag it. While he was in the small kennel, he got gastrititis or collitis or something, became severely dehydrated, etc. That was an extra $500 the lady had no problem spending. Anyways, since I've been there, the dog has been loosing weight. I've taken a special interest in him, and recently began playing with him in the outside area and such. He has gained 5 lbs in about a week with the interaction, and is eating ravenously whereas before he was barely eating canned food. His muscles are atrophying, though, from lack of use. But, he adores me. The only thing that stopped me from taking him before was that I thought he wouldn't be good with the cat, and I wasn't even sure about dogs. Well..when I went to weigh him a few days ago, the house cat came right up to him and all he did was try to clean him. I had Zoie with me today, and I introduced them and they did wonderful.

So I decided to talk to the office manager, because the owner had said she wanted to find a home specifically for him. When she comes in to pay her bill (usually every 2 weeks or so) he is going to talk to her about me trying him out here. As long as everything goes well and as planned, I'm going to take him. If I find that he is too high energy for my house and it's not going to work forever (I am putting up a fence tomorrow, but it's not a huge area), and I find someone that is interested in him that has a lot of space for him, I will give him to them. But until that point, anything is better than sitting in that kennel. Poor thing, I wish I could take him home tomorrow.

Daisy and Delilah
09-17-2006, 06:45 AM
Just my opinion and just a question. If the lady is paying out that much money, why can't she just rent/buy a house to solve the problem of accomodations for herself and the pets? I hope Joshua gets better. Thanks for helping him.

09-17-2006, 10:28 AM
I don't know, that's my question too. I don't know what's going on with her. She's kind of insane, so when she comes to pay her bill, if she agrees to me taking him, I'm going to make her sign him over to me just in case.

09-17-2006, 11:11 AM
What a sad situation! The precious dog wagging his tail in the small cage got a wound from it. That just breaks my heart! That lady shouldn't board these dogs so long. That is just wrong. Thanks for taking an interest in him. Your love is saving him! :D

09-20-2006, 10:34 PM
I am getting him this weekend! Probably on Sunday, that way I'll have time with him all day. I can't wait. He has now developed pressure sores on his legs. Poor thing, if only he knew he was getting a chance at a good life in a few days. He would be soo excited. I am setting up a grooming appt for him, because he smells horrible, and I don't have the 'facilities' to bathe a big dog.

I'm excited, I can't wait.

Ginger's Mom
09-21-2006, 05:15 AM
Ah good for you, and lucky for Joshua. I am glad to hear you were able to get the lady to release him to you. And I am very excited to hear that Joshua is going to get a chance to have a happy, healthy life again. Thanks for giving him a chance.

09-21-2006, 05:36 AM
That is a great story and you are setting up shop remarkably well.

I hope you find time~~~~ :eek: ~~~~ to take some Before pictures of Joshua, so you can show us an "After" picture!!!

At any rate, I hightly applaud your"attention" and affection for this poor little guy!!!

He is sooo lucky, to have YOU ;)

Daisy and Delilah
09-21-2006, 06:00 AM
Wonderful news!! Congrats!! What a great opportunity you have to nurse this sweet boy back to health. Can't wait for pics!! :)

09-21-2006, 07:56 AM
Oh I'm so happy you can help the big guy!
Poor thing sounds like he's a total mess!!
He'll be a happy camper once he's cleaned up and plumped up! :D

critter crazy
09-21-2006, 08:00 AM
That is awsome news!! Yay Joshua!!! WOOHOO!! definitely need some pics!! he sounds so sweet!! Good luck!!

09-21-2006, 08:22 AM
Well done and thanks for helping the poor fellow. I bet he will realy perk up when he gets home. Goodluck for the introductions, i hope all goes well :).

09-21-2006, 10:21 PM
I will try to remember to bring a camera tomorrow to take some pics. He is so goofy, but absolutely such a sweet dog.

Any re-naming suggestions? I'm thinking along the lines of a god. My first thought was Erebus, but anything along those lines are considered. :)

09-21-2006, 10:48 PM
How well does he respond to his current name?

What about Atlas or Odin?

09-23-2006, 12:09 PM
I don't believe it. I am very upset right now...

Yesterday my office manager called the lady and told her that he found someone to take the dog. She told him that she didn't want someone to adopt him, she wanted someone to watch him until she could come take him. I was not going to get involved in that.

She was supposed to come in today to pay her bill. It was close to closing time and she wasn't there. Office manager called her and told her she needs to come pay her bill or that we were going to take ownership of them. She came down, and somehow there was a lot of yelling and she ended taking the dogs-and was going to another kennel.

I can't type too much right now, and I don't know why I got so attached to this dog, but I'm just heartbroken.

09-23-2006, 12:15 PM
i'm so sorry! it's probably best you got out of it before it got heated. poor dog. i hope he gets some weight on him!

09-23-2006, 05:16 PM
I'm so sorry it didn't work out :( . I hope Joshua does ok at the other kennel.