View Full Version : My reading with Nancy

09-16-2006, 11:07 PM
Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Nancy who did a reading with Tilly and Nutmeg.

It was very informative, and just amazing. The reason I had contacted her was because since I moved into my current home (since February 1st) Tilly especially, but both too, have become more and more discontent. It's something I've noticed but maybe others wouldn't. Anyhow, I decided I would talk to Nancy about this and see what came up.

She started with Tilly. She said that when she started with Tilly she was sure that she was the Alpha cat. Her personality is VERY strong and she likes to be in charge. She does not tolerate and will not allow weakness, because it doesn't fit in to how the way things are supposed to be. Tilly sees me as inferior to her. I'm not an equal and I'm not a mother figure at all.

Then when she read Nutmeg she was taken aback because as strong as Tilly's personality is, Nutmeg's is stronger. Nutmeg is most definately in charge. She is the "General" and Tilly is 2nd in command. They both work together as a team and they think alike. Even though it was apparent they are female, she got a male energy from them both because as she put it, "the guides are stereotypical" and male energies have more power and are stronger.

Then the most amazing thing was my Grandpa came in. Nancy was able to identify him by name, which is Cail. Not a common name at all, but she said that she had the names "Carl or Karl or Cal" so I knew it was my grandpa. He had a message for me and she said that sometimes this happens because the channel is opened up and other people come in with messages. I won't get into what my message was but overall I was very enlightened by what she said. I will be having the rest of my reading with her probably next week so I will post more at that time.


09-16-2006, 11:43 PM
How interesting!

Did Tilly or Nutmeg specifically voice what their displeasure was and/or let Nancy know what changes they'd like to see?

The fact that your gpa came in gives me the chills. Sounds like it was a good "visit" to say the least. :)

I've always been interested in having K'Cee read but just haven't done it yet. (With little Miss Drama Queen, I'm not sure I want to hear what she has to say, "I'm faminished! They never feed me! And the youngest one beats me!" (Kiss HATES my sister. lol))

Let us know how the 2nd reading goes!

09-17-2006, 12:11 AM
It sounds like a very interesting and informative reading. I look forward to hearing about the 2nd one.:)

09-17-2006, 12:52 AM
I'm glad you have gotten some insite and hope that the rest of the reading is as productive! :)

09-17-2006, 02:29 AM
How interesting!

Did Tilly or Nutmeg specifically voice what their displeasure was and/or let Nancy know what changes they'd like to see?

They see me as being weak, and want me to assert myself more. They think I need to find a bigger voice, and that I should command more respect.

This is also the message that my grandfather had for me.

They both complained that this house is WAY too small (it is) and there are too many energies for such a small space (there are) and it is annoying to them. Nancy said that unless we get out of here, the behaviour issues will only continue to get worse. Luckily, I'm moving to a much bigger place as of November 1st, with no other animals in the house. They also don't want any more cats!

09-17-2006, 08:20 AM
Isn't she cool?!

I will be having the rest of my reading with her probably next week so I will post more at that time.
Was that your short reading, just for her to get acknowledgement that she is on the right track? I think her "feels" are what most people would call a complete reading, so I am EAGERLY anticipating Allen's complete reading.

I can't wait to hear your final reading!

09-17-2006, 08:48 AM
I hope she can tell the girls that you are moving soon!

AND that you are in charge of where you move to, NOT them, so you would like a little respect! :D

Esepcially if they are rescues...what good Mom wouldn't pull a little guilt trip now and then? :p

Sounds great - good luck!

09-17-2006, 10:15 AM
Your experience with Nancy so intrigues me. I have thought about having a reading with Eve. Would you mind sharing contact information for Nancy - I live in Vancouver (North Shore) and would be interested in giving her a call.

Thank you,

09-17-2006, 10:35 AM
That is very interesting, I'm glad you were able to get some insight on Tilly and Nutmeg's problem, and also hear from your grandpa.

09-17-2006, 12:57 PM
I am sorrier now that I didnt ask a pysic about Moose.
Maybe I could have found out what was ailing him, and he wouldnt have gone into seclusion.
Maybe he would still be with us.