View Full Version : Proud Napoleon!

09-16-2006, 11:07 AM
That's just how you and your rider look Napoleon, proud!:) It's clear your devoted guardian considers you a partner not only in the show ring, but a best bud in life, always and forever!:) Not every young person is so lucky to have such a loyal, gentle and loving companion like you, Napoleon! And as time goes by, I'm sure that deep bond of unconditional love and trust will only grow stronger! And I'd bet that many blue ribbons await you both as you continue to compete, as well! Stunningly handsome, talented, gentle and loving, that's you, Napolean!:) Oh, I love how sweet you are to all those critters, too!:D Congrats to you and your proud person on your well earned Pet of the Day honors, Napoleon! I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful day of celebration and a lifetime of days filled with love and friendship!:)

09-16-2006, 01:04 PM
Napoleon, stunning was the first word that popped into my head when I saw your wonderful picture today!!!

You really are stunning! I would love to see you compete. I bet you just wow the judges or soon will!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!!! :D

sasha the cat
09-16-2006, 09:03 PM
MeeRrrrow from me, Norman and my baby brother, Felix. Congratulations most regal and noble Napoleon from Kettleby, Ontario, Canada on being chosed our fabulous Pet of the Day.

Your human girl companion has a heart of gold because you are her forever companion pet. In her own words:

I truly love this horse and I'm going to keep him until the day he dies.
How wonderful! A good life for you, which every pet deserves: to be loved and cherished for every day of one's life.

Purrrs and lots of kitty kisses to you from me, Norman the King and Felix the Prince and our purr~ents, KatMa and Paw-Paw send you 100,000 kisses [if only we could send you sweet wee carrots via PT!!].

09-17-2006, 10:17 PM
How regal you look, Napolean, and I'm sure you and your guardian will enjoy many accolades in the show ring! I hope you get lots of your favorite treats in celebration of your honour as our beautiful and talented equine POTD! :)