View Full Version : Should I ask them?

09-16-2006, 08:03 AM
When I picked Pouncer up from the vet the other day, it looked like his ear had been super-glued at the tip.... like he had gotten into a fight and his ear was cut. I figured I'd wait to see if it was indeed glue or if he simply got some gunk on it. Well, it looks like it was glue, because it fell off last night and his ear IS split, like they look after they snip it for a TNR.

Here is a picture from the other night, I'm feeling too icky to try to photograph the split.

The slit is very tiny, but noticable. I'm VERY upset about it, if only because his beautiful perfect ears are no longer perfect and nobody told me about it! If somebody said "I'm so sorry, but there was an accident and Pouncer got his ear sliced in the cage" I would have reacted but nothing compared to the grief I feel knowing how my vet gave me a HUGE break and then hid this accident. I know it happened there because it was not on him the morning he left (we had a long cuddle session) but it was there upon his return.

Anyhow, should I ask the vet what happened or just let it go? I'm not out to yell at them, but if they knew something happened why wouldn't they say something to me? What if it was just dried blood and they had no idea? BUT, it didn't look like dried blood. It was a slick and shiny dark spot, though not red, or even dark maroon. What if a vet tech did it and never told anyone?

09-16-2006, 09:10 AM
I would call and talk to the vet not receptionist or vet techs.

09-16-2006, 10:46 AM
Do call and ask.

Years ago I took Disney to the groomer at my vet and when I picked her up she had stitches in both her armpits closing up cuts. They just handed her to me and said bring her back in a week to remove the stitches. I was like "WHAT???". Anyway, the groomer claims she has glue in both arm pits that stuck her fur and skin together and they had to cut her to remove it. They did this without calling me. Right!!! The groomer swore Disney came in like this but I know she had no glue on her when I took her in. She hadn't been around any glue, period! Of course the groomer stood by her story but the vet didn't charge me for anything. I think vet doubted her too or at least he wasn't going to tick me off more.

Anyway, that was the last time I took Disney to that groomer!

09-16-2006, 11:20 AM
Wow Kim - I also agree that you should say something and that it should be to the vet himself.

The way you explained the story here to us is exactly how I would approach it - that you noticed this cut and believe it had been glued. The boss needs to know this. Just because they gave you a big $$cut does not mean you should just forget it.

I think you will feel much better after you call, Kim.

09-16-2006, 11:22 AM
Yes, I would call and ask to speak directly to the vet!

Lori, that is AWFUL about what they did to Disney!!! :eek:

09-16-2006, 11:46 AM
I will be completely stunned if it did happen, and they didn't even mention it! That's horrible! :( Poor Pouncer!!

I'm not sure if you know, but in Biology yesterday, we were talking about how they now use super-glue to reattach body parts and in replacement of stitches because it's cheaper and quicker. Weird, eh?

09-16-2006, 11:48 AM
Thanks guys. I probably would have asked the techs since they are the people at the front desk. I have to return to pick up their prescription food so I'll ask to speak with the vet for a moment.

My mom came up for a short visit this morning and told me she couldn't see any cut. It tell ya, its a tiny slice, and will be less evident when the glued hair grows back. I just feel like they did something wrong and neglected to inform me about it. I understand accidents happen... whether he scratched himlef, got it caught on the cage, or another cat scratched him, etc, I think its something they are respoinsible for informing me if they were aware of it.

I am sad though, I loved his cute rounded ears! Oh well, its not something major (like chopping his ear off! :eek: ) and doesn't affect his health or happiness. Shold I ask Nancy if he can tell us how it happened ;)

09-16-2006, 11:52 AM
Ask your vet first, directly.

And hopefully when it heals, Pouncer will have his nice round ears again.

My Oscar has one nick out of the side of one ear - amazing that is ALL he got since he was wild for about the first 2 years of his life.

It's a kinda cute thing - this purring sucky boy with the "tough guy" nick in his ear! :D

Isn't this the vet who has the really grumpy vet tech? I'd DEFINITELY ask the vet!

09-16-2006, 12:13 PM
YES, ask. You have a right to know.

09-16-2006, 02:09 PM
Definitely!!! You do have the right and need to know what happened and how it happened. If this is a situation where the tech slipped up and didn't say anything, the vet needs to know so the situation can be addressed and any appropriate action taken. Insist on talking directly to the vet, something like this reflects negatively on his (her) practice. I would also recommend that you bring the picture you posted of poor Pouncer's ear. A reasonable and completely honest explanation is unquestionably required here.

critter crazy
09-16-2006, 02:44 PM
Yes, I would defintely ask, no mater how minute it seems. It is there job to inform you of anything that happens, no matter what!! your animal was in their care and should come home the way he left, with the exception of things ou knew were going to happen. DEFINITELY ASK THIS QUESTION!

09-16-2006, 03:37 PM
I certainly would ask, as this is going to be on your mind until you find out what happened.
I certainly would want to know if a Found Cat hurt themself at the Vets.