View Full Version : Ally Cat's Mommy - what's happening?

09-15-2006, 08:58 PM
Some folks here have money and stuff to help...what have you found out about your future and a place for your kitties?

Please post!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-16-2006, 04:55 AM
I have had an offer for a foster home from one of our wonderful PTers for Connor - I am currently looking into flight routings, costs etc. When I have cleared everything up and gotten permission from the foster Meowmie to make the announcement I will do so.

Unfortunately things are NOT looking as good for Ally. I have exhausted all options for rehoming her here. Understandably, no-one on PT has offered to take her (she DOES have aggression issues, so this is to be expected):(

I have been looking for no-kill "sanctuary" type places in the states - the kind of place where impossible-to-home cats end up - but I haven't been able to find any which do not restrict their intake to cats from a specific area, or cats of a particular breed.

Ally DOES mellow out when Connor is not around (like when he was in hospital for 2 weeks), but no-one can take a chance that she will hurt their existing cats, or bite any of the hoomans in the family home :(

I am trying to convice Warren that we will have to take her with us, but the issue is that the litter box will attract flies etc, which carry horrible diseases up there, and I can't have Cali exposed to extra risks. Another problem is that there is no-where to put a cat-flap out to the balcony - the entire "wall" is made up of glass sliding doors. I also am still waiting for confirmation that pets are allowed in the appartment building.

Please pray that I find a solution for Ally - my heart breaks every time I look at her :(

09-16-2006, 05:27 AM
Julie, I feel SO badly that I cannot offer to take Ally. :( I can deal with an agressive cat, but she would certainly not be happy with the multitude of cats that live here. :(

The links below might give you an option for a cat door in your sliding glass door.



What I don't understand is why the litter box can't just be in your living room, kitchen or bedroom. A whole lot of people (myself included) have litter boxes available in ALL rooms. It really should not be that big a deal. :confused: And a covered box would be less "unsightly".

check out these ideas.



Keep the faith. Hopefully there is an answer.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-16-2006, 07:07 AM
Jen - PLEASE don't feel bad - I know that you would be the first person to volunteer, if the solution was the best one for Ally.

Thanks for the links - I will definately chat with W re having a covered litter box inside - he LOATHES litter boxes anywhere around him, and in a tiny appartment it would also have to be somewhere that Cali will not have access to when she starts to crawl, plus W will not allow it in the Kitchen, no matter how often it is scooped. It's hard to pick a perfect spot, as I have seen photos of the appartment, but that is not an accurate representation of the layout etc. Hopefully the bathroom will be big enough.

Just had a look at the litter box "hiders" - that would solve a few problems -
Cali would not be able to touch the litter, it would not look awful in the lounge/dining room, and it would stop Ally throwing her litter all over the place! I am sure I could get a local carpenter to make one when we arrive - I could just show him the picture and give him the dimensions I need!!

Of course this all depends on the landlord allowing cats - I am STILL waiting for a confirmation.

09-16-2006, 09:22 AM
Depending on the type of apartment - if you can take her - I have closets with sliding doors. I put the box on a rubber boot mat (or something else would work) which keeps the floor mostly clean, and close the two doors. One stays open about a foot from the end, lots of room for my big boys to squeeze in.

Good luck!


09-16-2006, 01:58 PM
Julie, I'm so glad to hear that Connor will have a foster home.:) I sure hope that Ally will be able to move with you or that she'll be able to be fostered some where else. The hidden litterbox idea sounds like it should work for you. I've seen these at cat shows and they look beautiful. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please continue to keep us updated.:)

09-16-2006, 03:52 PM
If the Animal Control was not after me, I would take Ally into the Found Cat Hotel where she could stay in the spare bedroom, until she mellows out.
The Found Cat Hotel had some Cats that they said would never fit in, and they are all getting along famously.
Even Doris was starting to pile up.

Felicia's Mom
09-16-2006, 08:46 PM
I am very glad you found a home for Connor. :) Please don't give up on Ally. I didn't think Felicia would fit in another home either. Turns out she is getting along fine.

Sending prayers and positive thoughts that you also find a home for Ally.

09-16-2006, 08:54 PM
I have been looking for no-kill "sanctuary" type places in the states - the kind of place where impossible-to-home cats end up - but I haven't been able to find any which do not restrict their intake to cats from a specific area, or cats of a particular breed.

Have you looked into the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah? http://www.bestfriends.org/ I'm sure they are very full, but I do think it is worth a try. I get their magazine and occasionally browse their website (have visited the sanctuary too) and I know I've read some stories of cats being rescued from other countries in special cases. I know for sure they don't have any sort of breed restriction at all they just want to help all companion animals.

09-16-2006, 08:58 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Connor has a possible foster home lined up. I wish I could do something to help other than just sending positive thoughts your way.

09-17-2006, 01:29 AM
I'm so glad that you might have found a foster home for Connor, it must be an enormous relief for you. I second what Felicia's Mom said about Ally. My Taranis was appalling with the two cats she shared with for two years, and I had to put her on prozac type medicine. Now she's with four of my FIV+ boys and a social feral female, so more cats, but she's stopped her incessant hissing, spitting, growling and swatting. She's still no pussy cat ;) but she's far more accomodating with them than I ever thought she could be.

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-18-2006, 06:29 AM
Julie.. i wasn't aware of your situation...

just fyi.. i live in a small one bedroom apartment.. and I keep the litterbox in the laundry room. We do get a lot of flies around my apartments.. i've never seen any around the litterbox though.. and probably because i would say they only get about 5 minutes to explore my place before Tinky or Jupiter gobbles them up.. :eek:

Keep your chin up and give it a shot.. If your apartment has a laundry room ... that has worked perfect for me..