View Full Version : My latest Phone Call (nothing major)

09-15-2006, 04:36 PM
I had to work ALL day today at the salon and my boyfriend had to go pave his dads driveway so he took the fur-babies with him so they could play in his dad's HUGE yard! I gave him(andy) a call and asked him how everything was going! he said uhh i have something to tell you about cainan, oh jeez i hope to god he didnt get run over! i asked, did he get hit by a car! Andy was like uhhh well....! Oh man my heart jumped like a mile outa my chest! then he laughed and said no no, he's fine JUSSSST fine, i was oh man if he woulda got hit and killed i woulda broke up with you so fast! SOO anyways, andy carried on to tell me that Cainan can no longer date Coco anymore because he found a new girlfriend today out on their quest to mow lawns before he paved the drive way! Turns out one of the neighbors had an 8 week old Yellow Lab named Casey! As soon as he saw her, his tale stuck straight up and just wagged like never before! Cainan cried a little when he had to get back in the truck and leave! :( haha! so thats my phone call for the day!! =)

09-15-2006, 09:09 PM
Ooh, that fickle boy!! :D