View Full Version : Update on Lola, the Denver "handstand" kitten (more new info 9/19).

Prairie Purrs
09-15-2006, 02:52 PM
Lola is a kitten who walks on her front legs due to a defect with her hind legs. Here's a video: Lola (http://www.insideedition.com/ourstories/inside_stories/story.aspx?storyid=369)

According to the Maxfund shelter website, she is beginning to use her back legs, so she may stop the "handstand walk" as she gets older. One thing for sure--this is one clever and determined kitten!

Maxfund is conducting an essay contest to find the best home for Lola. Unfortunately for most PTers, only Colorado residents can apply. Here's the link: Maxfund (http://www.maxfund.org/index.htm)

There's additional information in my post below.

09-15-2006, 03:47 PM
Thank you for the update. It's good that she is starting to use her hind legs since it will probably reduce the number of people who want to adopt her because she is a "conversation piece". Not that the shelter wouldn't be able to screen those people out anyway. She is going to be an expensive cat to take care of counting possible surgeries and furniture loss.

Killearn Kitties
09-15-2006, 04:20 PM
Isn't that incredible how she gets herself around! Great news that she is starting to use her back legs though. Please keep us updated on her, if you can.

09-15-2006, 04:36 PM
What a wonderful plucky Cat, and may the Good Lord keep an eye on her, and keep her well.
We know that shes going to get a Fantastic Furr Ever Home!

09-17-2006, 03:51 PM
Last night "Inside Edition" did a segment about Lola. What an awesome little girl!!! Watching her get around is something else, nothing seems to hold her back. Hopefully the vets will be able to help her so she can enjoy a long, healthy, happy life in a loving and caring furever home.

09-17-2006, 04:04 PM
If someone could get me that shelter address we would send ASAP an Animal Association Cat Nip Mouse.
Its the least we could do for Lola.

Prairie Purrs
09-17-2006, 05:36 PM
If someone could get me that shelter address we would send ASAP an Animal Association Cat Nip Mouse.
Its the least we could do for Lola.

MaxFund Animal Adoption Center
1025 Galapago Street
Denver, Colorado 80204-3942


09-17-2006, 05:45 PM
Thank You for the address, Penny.
There will be an envelope addressed there care of Lola with two Big Mice.
With love from the Found Cats, Angels and I, The Feeder.

Prairie Purrs
09-19-2006, 03:30 PM
Here's a link to the latest local TV news story about Lola: Lola the cat ready for adoption. (http://www.9news.com/acm_news.aspx?OSGNAME=KUSA&IKOBJECTID=c30d0110-0abe-421a-01e9-6dc1c7181743&TEMPLATEID=0c76dce6-ac1f-02d8-0047-c589c01ca7bf)

Apparently MaxFund will screen the applications and essays sent in by prospective adopters, and then the TV station will have viewers vote among the top approved applicants in order to determine who gets to adopt little Lola.

I'm not so sure about the voting part of the process (it just adds to the "celebrity cat" atmosphere), but I suppose that it's OK as long as the finalists have been carefully screened. And if the publicity leads to more cats (special-needs kitties in particular) being adopted from the MaxFund shelter, then that would be a good thing.

09-28-2006, 02:15 PM
There is a video of Lola on YouTube.


What an endearing spirit. Such a sweet kitty.

09-28-2006, 06:15 PM
What a brave and extraordinary little kitty girl! I can't help but wonder how Lola ever figured out that she could get around by walking on her front legs. It sure doesn't seem to get in her way. I'm in love with that cutie big time!!! Dumb animals? I think not. Lola certainly disproves that misconception. My prayers continue for this sweet little girl that her vets find a way to give her the treatment that will guarantee a normal, happy, healthy life.

09-29-2006, 08:59 AM
We hope that Lola and the Cats at that wonderful shelter have recieved our little love offerings.
We know that they will enjoy the Animal Welfare Mice.

09-29-2006, 10:40 AM
What a sweetheart of a kitty!!! Would you believe that my mother-in-law has a baby goat who is doing the exact same thing???? I haven't seen it but my hubby has!! Amazing what animals can do to adapt! :D

09-29-2006, 11:12 AM
:) Yes she is God wittle Angel & I do hope she gets a great home & the respect she deserves..

Prairie Purrs
09-29-2006, 11:35 AM
We hope that Lola and the Cats at that wonderful shelter have recieved our little love offerings.
We know that they will enjoy the Animal Welfare Mice.

Lola is enjoying her Canadian nip! Here's the message I got from MaxFund when I asked whether they'd received Gary's present:

We did just get the mice. Please thank him for us. Lola's foster mother picked them up the other day and Lola loves them. Thanks again.
