View Full Version : Cheetah went to get spayed today!

05-31-2002, 01:16 AM
Well my kitty Cheetah went to have her operation done today at 9:00 this morning. I called the vets at noon to ask how she was doing and they said she was doing fine and that everything was routine. I was so happy! But........... she is in so much pain! She can barely move and her tummy is so sunken in that she looks anerexic. I feel so bad for her. I know this is better in the end but I just wish there was something I could do to make her a little more comfortable. So I was wondering what everyone here has done to make their female cat comfortable aftr her spay? I have set up a little "bed" for her on the chair in our bedroom.

05-31-2002, 04:37 AM
Poor Cheetah! I know the feeling I felt bad for my female kitties as well when they had their op. I prepared special spots for them too but both Prema and Maya wanted to be near me all the time. Maya was still drowsy but climbed on my stomach and even started making bread. While Prema does not consider to sleep anywhere but on my bed at night and that day was no exception even though I prepared a comfy spot in a corner to prevent her from jumping on the bed (since part of her front leg is missing I though she would not be able to jump... of course I was wrong).

What I tried to do though is to keep them as calm as possible and did not allow the others to bother them too much.

Keep us posted.

Heather Wallace
05-31-2002, 07:34 AM
I am glad that Cheetah's operation went well!

05-31-2002, 09:25 AM
I'm wondering if they gave Cheetah enough anesthetic? Because when I get my girls back from the vet's in the late afternoon from being spayed, they were wobbly, and couldn't walk straight. But at least I know they were not in pain. I just let them roam around until they settled down somewhere in the house. Ophelia, actually fought her anesthisia, because when I brought her home she would't settle down anywhere, but kept walking (stumbling) around. By the next morning all of them were much better, and by the 3rd day, they were nearly back to normal. However, the fur that the vet shaved off their tummys takes some time to grow back. My girls have been over their operation for over a month now, and their tummy fur is just now beginning to grow back. Amy cat, (my tuxedo adoptee from 3 weeks ago) also has an emaciated look. However, she is normal and eats normally. Also, I am supposing that now since the weather is warming up, she will not fill out, until the season becomes cooler in October.

C.C.'s Mom
05-31-2002, 09:32 AM
Poor Cheetah. She'll be much better tomorrow.

05-31-2002, 10:58 AM
Poor little puss. I'm sure she'll be feeling better over the weekend. Do you have a hot water bottle you could wrap in a blanket to comfort her? I tried that with my cat when she was recovering from anasthetic and she seemed to appreciate it.

05-31-2002, 11:07 AM
Our little girl came spayed, so we didn't see how she reacted. Noah (boy) was jumping around the next day like nothing had happened...amazing...

Poor little Cheetah. Please give her our well wishes for a speedy recovery.

05-31-2002, 11:20 AM
Yes, I used to be a vet tech but now that I have my son I am not working. I spayed and nutered two of my cats so you think I should be used to this. I have just never seen a cat so sunken in before.:( It is just different when it is your own kitty who is suffering. Yes she did have enough aneshetic. She had her operation at 9 am and we picked her up at 5:30. They have her pain medication also. It's just that she looks very uncomfortable. It obviously is hurting her when she tries to lay a certain way. I am starting to think that they messed up or something. She still has not gone to the bathroom or eaten yet either. I am scared!:eek:

05-31-2002, 11:21 AM
:) I would say just the same as Wayne !! When our Sydney came home from the vet , he was still half asleep and could not stand on his feet . So all he did the first day , was sleep sleep sleep !!
Next day was much better already !!
I wonder if you can't get your Cheetah a painkiller , just to get her through that first night !! Ask your vet !:confused:

05-31-2002, 11:51 AM
When I brought Tilly home from her spaying operation i notices the same thing. Her tummy was all caved in, and she was also in a lot of pain. She would try to jump up on something, and then moan!! :( However, by the next day she was pretty much back to normal. I could pick her up, but only if I had one hand under her front legs and another really supporting her bum because it hurt her to have her tummy streched where the stiches were. Tilly also didn't potty when she got home, but that's because she didn't eat the night before - there was nothing to potty! :eek: She also didn't eat, but the anesthetic may have made her tummy queasy. By the end of the night she had something to drink, and around midnight I heard her having a crunchy. If your kitty still seems the same way the next day, I might call the vet, but other than that, it sounds like her experience is very similar to Tilly's! :) :)

05-31-2002, 12:08 PM
I had both my kitties "done" at the same time. Graemer the male, and Miley the female. They both spent an overnight at the Vet, in a cage, thus cutting down on the activity. So technically speaking, they were there from 9AM one day, until 5PM the next day....so one night, two days. Miley was a little slow when she first got home but began jumping all around within one more day. Graemer didn't miss a beat. He was active from the time he got home. So if my kitties were uncomfortable at all, I missed seeing it since they were at the Vet during the early recovery time.

Keep us posted.

05-31-2002, 12:25 PM
Livvy was spayed before she came to live with us... What you're describing worries me. What does your vet say about this? Has he/she suggested additional pain killers for Cheetah? Do keep us posted. :eek:

05-31-2002, 01:27 PM
all cats I have were spayed before I got them...Cookie's fur wasn't all the way grown back tho...so I don't know how they were after the surgery.

Ophelia, actually fought her anesthisia, because when I brought her home she would't settle down anywhere, but kept walking (stumbling) around.

that reminded me of Cookie...one time we had to bring her to Phoenix to a specialist, and she slept in my arms the whole way home, but she must have sensed when we home, because as we pulled onto our street, she woke up and wanted me to let her down, and once in the house I set her down, and she walked/stumbled around for about an hour till the feeling went away! she didnt't like that dopey feeling!

let us know how your kitty is doing....

05-31-2002, 08:09 PM
Normally, cats after spaying, will not eat anything, and in fact, the vet told us not to feed them anything because they can breathe what they are trying to eat and thereby choke. She suggested that we give her a little water to drink or an ice cube to lick. I am supposing that they used a type of stitching that will not have to be removed after she heals up. But the discomfort is normal, and if they used enough anesthesia, then she should not be so conscious of the pain, but rather I would be looking for dialated eyes and a stumbling gait. After sleeping the following night, by next morning she should be close to her usual self.:) Also, my girls would jump onto things, like the bed and their window boxes. this worried me because of a fear that they would injure their incision. But that was of no consequence. Just the same, try to keep your little girl from jumping upon things and attempt to keep her quiet for the night. In fact, if you want to read first hand the episodes that I had with my furkids after their vet visit, you can find them in "old threads" on this forum, I think from from last month.


06-01-2002, 12:44 AM
Oh poor Cheetah, I hope you feel better soon. I have three males and they were already neutured before I adopted them so I don't know if they experienced pain or not. Please keep us posted on her progress. Fingers and paws are crossed here for a speedy recovery.

06-07-2002, 02:02 AM
Sorry it took so long for me to reply! I have been so busy lately. Well Cheetah is doing wonderful now. She was jumping the first night but there is no way of stopping her. She no longer looks like a poor starving kitty on the brink of death. SHe goes to get her stitches out next week also so I will keep you posted. And no they did not use the dissapearing stures, darnit. This is the first time I have to go back to hte vet to have sutured removed! :rolleyes: Oh well.Her incision looks nice and clean, no discharge or anything. She did recieve pain medicine prior to leaving the vets. And yes my cat did not anything for two days. The third, she was back to normal. Thanks everyone for your support!:D

06-07-2002, 09:00 AM
So glad Cheetah is back to normal - it's so worrying when their not well isn't it. Hope she continues to recover. :) :)


06-08-2002, 01:40 AM
I'm glad that Cheetah is doing so well. Thanks for keeping us posted.:)

06-08-2002, 07:26 AM
give a big hug to Cheetah !!! Glad she is doing better !!