View Full Version : Electronic hand-held gadgets - will someone enlighten me?

09-14-2006, 02:43 PM
Will someone explain to me in simple to understand terms - what is the difference in some of the newer handheld gadgets I hear about?

Hand-held PC?
Pocket PC?
MP3 Player?
Some play music, some are phones, computers, internet machines, word processors, etc. Some are more than one thing right? Some are the same but brands? Are the computer ones wireless or are they a cell service?


09-14-2006, 03:37 PM
That's a complex question. The Apple Newton was the first "PDA" (Personal/Portable Digital Assistant) - the first hand held PC's. Then came the Palm Pilot - both basically did the same thing: electronically stored personal address books and calendars. Developers created software for the devices so one could play simple games on the devices. People loved them so the developers kept developing and technology kept growing and changing. Then came the cell phones with more developers getting even more creative.

Research in Motion (RIM) created the Blackberry - the first portable device to make e-mail available anytime, anywhere. People loved the Blackberry, Palm felt threatened and created the Treo - basically a Palm Pilot that was also a cell phone.

The came the iPOD - the first portable MP3 player - all they do is play music that you download from the Internet; wireless devices are coming this Xmas.

Blackberry, Palm, Treo, and phone companies felt threatened, but saw that they could combine the technology into one device. So, today you have phones that are PDA's, PDA's that are phones and also play MP3's and surf the internet. etc. The sidekick is a PDA/phone and I think it also plays MP3's.

What the devices does depends on the hardware & software. I carry a Palm (Palm dropped the "Pilot" off their name years ago). It has my personal address book, calendar, games, ebooks, photos, plays MP3'S. With a WiFi attachment I could event get e-mail on my Palm, although I'm a purist and like my Palm to just have my life in it. I'll use a real PC to surf the 'net and don't want to have to pay yet another wireless provider for e-mail on my Palm.

Not sure if this answers all your questions, but I tried.

Edit: For a really techie intensive article on the history of the PDA: http://www.snarc.net/pda/pda-treatise.htm

09-14-2006, 03:55 PM
Theres a lot of things to cover in that list ...

Here are the main category definitions as I can see them:

MP3 Player: A portable device for playing back MP3 audio files

Hand-held PC: A Handheld PC, or H/PC for short, is a Microsoft term for a computer built around a form factor which is smaller than any standard notebook PC or laptop (it is sometimes referred to as a Palmtop).

PDA: Personal Digital Assistant - any small digital device that can combine computing, networking, data storage and/or cell phone (and sometimes other uses too.). Originally just personal organizers, the lines have blurred a little bit with more technology whereby they have started including cell phone, camera, and other technologies.

SmartPhone: A smartphone combines the functionality of a Phone and PDA. Originally started as a phone, with the increase in technologies they have become much more than just that and now include cameras, data storage, email, messaging, and many other options.

Now, from the rest of your list, those are all brands or models -- i have put together a quick PDF sheet roughly outlining what each one seems to have (i don't have any of these, so I can't make a judgement on the usability etc.).

The sheet covers:
- A quick comparison chart outlining features, etc.
- An image and web links to each of the products you've listed, that way you can get an idea of the look and feel for the model.

I'd advise going to Best Buy, Circuit City, Future Shop, the mall (etc. etc.) to get a feel for these things -- pick them up, play with them. Decide what featuures you want, and what you can afford. Talk to people who have these devices, and see what they have to say about them. Use google to look at the forums for these devices, and see what problems / good points they have (its a pretty big expenditure of money, so you want to be sure what you're getting!) :)

Hopefully this is useful for you :D

09-14-2006, 05:10 PM
Brighthand.com has the most comprehensive forums I've seen. When I have problems with my Palm or want to see what new, fun things other users have discovered, I go there for answers. It's another fun, very nice community of geek-minded people.

09-14-2006, 05:18 PM
Wow, Redhedd, I am impressed! You are quite "techy" aren't you? :eek: ;)

09-14-2006, 05:38 PM
The came the iPOD - the first portable MP3 player - all they do is play music that you download from the Internet; wireless devices are coming this Xmas
Actually they're not just an mp3 player, they do more than play music. The music you play on your iPOD can be from a CD that you bought in the store or music you got online. They play music files other than just mp3 too. An iPOD can also be used to transfer files from one computer to another. You can download and watch music videos and TV shows on the newer iPODs.

09-14-2006, 05:39 PM
Wow, Redhedd, I am impressed! You are quite "techy" aren't you? :eek: ;) :D my unofficial job title is "tech goddess" :cool:

P.S. Blue Frog - That's a great chart! Thanks!!

09-14-2006, 06:34 PM
I was going to settle on getting an Ipod, but not right now - too much $.

09-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Here's the Sidekick 2:
That's what I have now. It's got a complete internet browser (like being on dialup) No popups though because the javascript isn't that advanced, thank goodness. You still get popups for pms, though. The Sidekick 3 is out and it's a lot better. I plan on getting that one soon. It's got the capability of Blue Tooth (hooking up to your computer without any wires) MP3s and now be uploaded and played. There is also the addition of MSN Messenger which wasn't on there before. I've also heard it's a lot faster. I hope they have better ringtones, too.

09-14-2006, 06:59 PM
Actually they're not just an mp3 player, they do more than play music. The music you play on your iPOD can be from a CD that you bought in the store or music you got online. They play music files other than just mp3 too. An iPOD can also be used to transfer files from one computer to another. You can download and watch music videos and TV shows on the newer iPODs.

You can also watch movies if you buy them off intunes. Its a new feature :D

09-14-2006, 07:32 PM
The came the iPOD - the first portable MP3 player - all they do is play music that you download from the Internet; wireless devices are coming this Xmas.

Are you sure? My brother was the owner of a rather unattractive MP3 player MANY years before Apple came out with the iPod. I believe the reason iPods have been so popular, however, is the fact that they're so user-friendly and deliciously colorful and sleek looking.

09-14-2006, 08:29 PM
Are you sure? My brother was the owner of a rather unattractive MP3 player MANY years before Apple came out with the iPod. I believe the reason iPods have been so popular, however, is the fact that they're so user-friendly and deliciously colorful and sleek looking.No, not sure - I'm not an Apple person.

You all who are using your phones and sidekicks to surf the net - what are your wireless bills like? YIKES! :eek: Don't they charge per mb transferred? That would hurt me big time.

09-14-2006, 10:09 PM
No, not sure - I'm not an Apple person.

You all who are using your phones and sidekicks to surf the net - what are your wireless bills like? YIKES! :eek: Don't they charge per mb transferred? That would hurt me big time.
I can answer that! A friend of mine owns a Sidekick 3 via T-Mobile and I'm pretty sure her monthly bills hit around 80$. What people will do for electronics :p

09-14-2006, 11:27 PM
No, not sure - I'm not an Apple person.

You all who are using your phones and sidekicks to surf the net - what are your wireless bills like? YIKES! :eek: Don't they charge per mb transferred? That would hurt me big time.
I pay $20 a month for unlimited internet. I get 600 anytime minutes and my bill is around $77 a month. Not to shabby at all for all you get. Can't wait to get the Sidekick 3!

09-14-2006, 11:50 PM
Ouch! $70 - $80 for your cell phone? Yikes! That would hurt! For me, my phone is just that - a phone. If I want Internet I use a PC. I know, I'm old fashioned and CHEAP or is that frugal?

09-15-2006, 12:11 AM
the one thing I noticed that wasn't on your list Debbie was a RAZR phone - you must be one step above my parents. They went to their Verizon store and were completely BAFFLED as to when Verizon started selling razors! :)
I was laughing so hard I could barely explain.

09-15-2006, 11:58 AM
Thank you guys!!! I have printed up this thread for hubby to read as we have both been rather baffled when hearing about the newest gadgets. I really appreciate what everyone has contributed.

I wasn't trying to get info with the thought of buying anything - just trying to sort out the different products so I will know more about what folks are talking about.

RAZR, one step above your parents :p - hehe Staci. I should have put that on my list - I have seen commercials for that!!

I have a basic cellphone from t-mobile to-go. Love it!! For now, this is all we need for quick calls home and to have on the road for emergencies. It also allows minimal internet access to news sites, weather, etc. I can send and receive short e-mail and can use aol and msn messenger. I turned it on the other day to find a pm from Lut in Belgium.

I loved reading about all these available technologies - THANKS!! :D

Anyone else want to chime in with info about which electronic you have and why you love it and how you use it? How much does it cost? What your next upgrade will be?

09-15-2006, 12:20 PM
My Palm Tungsten E2 contains my LIFE! All my address book/contact info and my personal calendar. I quickly got hooked on E-books - it's so nice to have a book constantly with me and not have to lug one around. And the games! Nothing better than a game of solitaire or dominoes for killing time while waiting in doctor's offices, etc.

Shopping lists! HandyShopper is the BEST software ever and it's FREE. When I think of something I want to pick up on my weekly shopping trip, when I run out, there's an event coming up to get a gift for, I immediately put it on the list and it's there for me when I go shopping. This software will even keep track of prices and coupons.

Vindigo - syncs with the Internet so I have the latest info on restaurants, movie times, musical shows, shopping, even where public restrooms are located. It also gives me travel directions and weather reports.

The best part is everything syncs up to my computer so I have all the info on my PC at home too.