View Full Version : I took a lost dog home,but this story gets funny, must read.

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 12:04 PM
LOL, you will not believe what happened to me last night. I was driving home and I saw a Rott in the street. It was a pretty busy street and he was jumping all over the road. I stopped and called him and he came up to me. He was super nice.

Well, after looking around I realized no one was outside and I wasn't going to leave him in the dark on a busy street, so I tried to get him in my car. As I was doing so someone pulls up and parks. She was walking past me and I asked, "Do you know this dog?" She said no, then looked again and said yes. She said his name was a stadium name. I said Wrigley? (Live 10 miles from Chicago) She said yes and she said she knew where he lived but she was afraid of dogs. I went with her to take him home. We walked up to the house which had the gate opened and a barking large GSD inside. So I ask her again are you sure this is Wrigley’s house? She says yes. I didn't want to put him in the yard with the other dog if they didn't know each other. As I close the gate the owners come out. I tell them that Wrigley was out and they thanked me.

OK here's where it gets a little weird. The girl walks me back to my car and then starts telling me how pretty I am. Then she tried to hug and kiss me! I was like, uh, I have a boyfriend, but she kept insisting, so I got in the car and got out of there. It was pretty weird. I get home and I tell my mom what just happened, still a little in shock, and you know what my mom says? She says that I should be careful around strange dogs! LOL, I couldn't help but laugh. No advice for the person that tried to kiss me, mom? LOL.

09-14-2006, 12:21 PM
Talk about being grateful!! ;) :D

09-14-2006, 12:34 PM
Maybe she knew this dog because she is a regular "walker" on this street herself! :eek: YIKES! I'm glad Wrigley and YOU got home safely! ;)

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 12:44 PM
Talk about being grateful!! ;) :D

Yeah maybe, but it wasn't even her dog! :rolleyes: :D

09-14-2006, 12:53 PM
wow! that would have been very weird! i'm glad you helped get the dog back to his owners! :D

09-14-2006, 01:25 PM
How funny!! She didn't even care about the girl that tried kissing you!!!
Congrats on finding the pups home!

09-14-2006, 02:25 PM
maybe she let the dog out on purpose so someone would stop and she could try to catch her dates that way lol

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 02:33 PM
maybe she let the dog out on purpose so someone would stop and she could try to catch her dates that way lol

That's what I thought too, but it wasn't her dog. I
d be pretty mad if I was that dogs owner and someone was doing that!

09-14-2006, 02:33 PM
Woah.. I would report her or something..

If anyone touched me like that, I would kick their butt into next week!!

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 02:41 PM
Woah.. I would report her or something..

If anyone touched me like that, I would kick their butt into next week!!

I was thinking about that too, but she did help with the dog. Plus, she didn't touch me in an inappropriate way, even though it was only because I didn't let her. It was definitely a weird experience.

09-14-2006, 02:51 PM
LOL! My mom wouldn't give me any advice on that either. You should be pleased, think about how gorgeous you must be if a girl hits on you! :D

09-14-2006, 02:52 PM
:o Now that's odd.
Ya done good, taking Wrigley home. Hope his people appreciated it and will make the yard more secure.

09-14-2006, 02:55 PM
Good thing you had a car to jump into and skedaddle right out of there! Funny story. Good job on getting the dog home!

09-14-2006, 03:41 PM
Well, the fact that you are attractive has nothing to do with who finds you attractive. I guess it would have been just as creepy if the person trying to kiss you was a guy. In fact, I would be more afraid of a guy than a girl. Same sex kissing is not something I participate in, but some folks do, just like heterosexuals do....... I would have been taken by surprise no matter which sex had approached me!

Good that you saved the pooch from living on the streets and too bad the person helping you didn't keep her/his affections to herself.......

Maybe you are just toooooo pretty.....

Thanks for saving the pup! :)

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 04:11 PM
I almost forgot! I told my brother the story and he was laughing. He said he got hit on by girls last night and he's gay! There were some confused people out last night. :D :rolleyes:

09-14-2006, 06:05 PM
Your mom's warning to you is priceless. :D Did your mouth drop open?

Glad the dog was returned to the right house. About the pass, just consider
it a compliment of sorts. :D

My Peanuts
09-14-2006, 06:28 PM
Your mom's warning to you is priceless. :D Did your mouth drop open?

It did! But just to clarify she is your typical overprotective Italian mom. For those of you that have them you know exactly what I’m talking about. After I questioned her in disbelief she told me to be careful. She thought it might have been a set up. I was just amazed that the first thing she thought of was the dog! :rolleyes: :p

09-15-2006, 01:00 AM
I swear, I can hear my mother saying the same thing! :rolleyes: