View Full Version : A tale of a Tiny Kitten...

09-13-2006, 12:31 AM
My moms dog found an interesting little suprise in the garden today...

A kitten, no more than a few days old it seems (its eyes are still closed) was abandoned in my parents back yard garden! There was only one, and it looks to be fairly well taken care of. Mom saw the momcat a couple of times today on the back fence but the dogs kept driving her off. Mom called me when she heard the little one making quite a ruckus. When we got there, the momcat was near the kitten but as soon as we stepped outside she ran off again. Thanks to you guys I know quite a bit about caring for a tiny one (been looking up all the old threads on kittens) so guess who is taking care of the little girl (we THINK she is a girl...is there any positve way to tell at such a young age?)

Ive gotten some KMR and she has eaten a little bit...no poo yet though. Im not entirely sure, but what is the best way to stimulate that and how often do I need to do it? The thing with the KMR said I should do it at each feeding and use a warm rag. I've only fed her once (mom called about 3 hours ago) Mom called the shelter earlier today to see if they can catch the momcat although it looks like she belongs to someone, judging from her condtion. Mom just thought it was the adult running around the shed, since she's seen the cat several times going in and out over the past couple of months but she didn't act like she was pregnant at all. She didn't seem all too interested in taking care of the little girl, or maybe the dogs finaly ran her off (the dogs aren't too cat friendly) She is Mary Jane for now ;) More than likely she will be # 4...

Gotta make a vet appointment in the morning...

Laura's Babies
09-13-2006, 06:48 AM
Sounds like the dogs are what was keeping the Momma cat away. I hope the baby does alright. They are so sweet when they are that tiny and require around the clock care, is someone going to be able to give it the care it needs?

09-13-2006, 09:56 AM
Can you make a shelter where the Momma Cat can get to her Kitten.
Or set a trap so you can catch her, and have a Mommy and Kitten reunion?
The way to get a Kitten to void is a warm wet wash cloth applied to the bottom.
Good Luck with the Momma and Kitten.
She must be frantic with worry over her Little One.

09-13-2006, 05:06 PM
Mom said today that as of now, the momcat is nowhere to be found. The shelter (its right down the street from my parents) has been looking around the neighborhood and hasn't seen hide nor hair of the mom :( Hope one of the coyotes or the stupid morons that speed down the street didn't get her.

I've been catching naps when the ktten naps, feeding her regularly and wiping the bum every time I do. I was worried that she wouldnt eat, last night she refused the bottle but today she got the hint with a vengence! I've fed her twice so far today, once at 8 am and just now at 2:30 pm. 6ml of KMR at each feeding. I've been letting her kind of tell me when she has had enough.

I feel for you mothers who've had infants. This is hard work! I haven't slept much, mostly because I've been watching the little kit, making sure she is ok, even when she is asleep :rolleyes: John is taking her when I go to work later, as he will be home to supervise. The other three keep looking at me as if to say "Why did you bring THAT here?!?" lol. They are being kept far away of course!

Soon, I hope I can get a picture, maybe when her eyes open up. I don't want to scare her by jossling her around.

09-13-2006, 05:25 PM
I thought kittens that young had to be fed every couple of hours around the clock. This has come up in some of the threads on very young kittens. Is the kitten producing anything - pee or poop - when you stimulate with a warm rag?

09-13-2006, 05:29 PM
According to what Ive read, its pretty much a case of feed on the kittens schedule. She seems almost ready to open her eyes and is proving herself to be mobile! She has peed, but no poop as of yet. I'll keep doing what Im doing as it seems to be working! She is a lot more active today...a lot more willing to Explore!

09-13-2006, 06:16 PM
Hooray!!! She just had her first poopie! (only on PT would this be a celebrated thing) :D

Everything seems A-ok so far.

09-13-2006, 06:19 PM
Bless you for helping this tiny little baby by giving her a chance at a happy, healthy life. It does seem like it was the dogs kept mommycat from her baby, I pray that mommycat is okay and will find her way back to you and her infant kitten. Sounds like you're doing a marvelous job, she's eating for you and is going to the vet for a good going over... an excellent start for the little one. Please keep us updated on how the baby is doing and we'd love to see pictures of her when the time is right.

Hi! I saw your post while Meowmie was looking at it. You certainly are a real hero to kitties everywhere for caring enough to take this baby in so she will be safe from the dangerous outdoors, be well fed with good kitten formula, get a complete checkup from the whitecoat, and most important of all know the very special kind of love we lucky PT kitties know from our hoomin companions. I hope you will accept the purrs, headbumpies, kitty hugs and kitty kisses I'm sending to thank you for helping this little baby! :) !
Your friend,

09-13-2006, 09:32 PM

No sign of the momcat still :( the good news is that she is eating and elimating normally and she LOVES attention. It does seem as if I am now her meowme and Ive been doing things just like a momma cat would. She eats then I get her to elimate then I let her nuzzle my hand as if it were the momma cat and it seems to be helping her adjust a lot easier.

She peeped open an eye earlier...not for long but its progress!

Thanks Momcat and Groucho! Ive been getting a lot of flack for even concidering taking care of this wee one. The fosters around here are all full and since she is the only one out of the litter and was born late in the season, she more than likely would have been put down as no momma cats with litters would have taken her in. I was pretty much told today that If I didnt take care of her no one would have :(

09-13-2006, 09:36 PM
Thank you so much for being the stand-in cat mommie! You and all those who bottle feed infant kittens are my heroes and heroines!

Yea for her first poopie!!!

09-14-2006, 12:08 AM
I'm so glad that your mom found her and that you're now able to care for her.:) It sounds like you're doing everthing right. Please continue to keep us updated. Good luck.:)

09-14-2006, 12:56 AM
I think I'm being condtioned by the tiny meows...

I catch myself getting up to check on her about every 15-20 minutes. She is eating a healthy ammount. How long should I be giving her the KMR? I have the 2nd stage formula too so I can switch her when necicary. I think she gained a bit of wieght too, I have a postal scale so I'll check against my readings from last night. I read somewhere that kittens of that age should gain a litte every day...is that true?

09-14-2006, 01:28 AM
If it helps at all, a kitten should gain a pound a month. You should have gram scale, it has ounces on it. Make sure she is not gaining too much. Her urine should be light yellow and her poop brownish. If it is green, she is eating to much. Don't switch to stage two untill she is about four weeks. Also try introducing her (a little at a time) to baby food (gerber lamb) at about four to five weeks old. You sound like you are doing great. Please keep us posted and keep up the good work! :D

09-17-2006, 04:05 PM
Hi! Just wondering how the baby is doing. Have you been to the vet yet? Any sign of mommycat? You're being a wonderful Meowmie and doing a teriffic job!

09-17-2006, 04:10 PM
My friend Helen has told me that after two days if there are no other Kittens, her milk will dry up.
So that Kitten is yours and will really have a much deeper bond with you as you are lierally her Meowmie.
Good Luck with that Baby.

09-17-2006, 04:11 PM
Hi! Just wondering how the baby is doing. Have you been to the vet yet? Any sign of mommycat? You're being a wonderful Meowmie and doing a teriffic job!
I've also been thinking about the wee little kitten and was also wondering how he or she is doing. Please update us when you get the chance.:)

09-17-2006, 09:56 PM
Sorry for not updating you all sooner...I've been so busy! She has seen the vet and got an A-ok. She is healty, growing and eating...a lot! Everything is working and soon I hope her eyes will open. Hopefully I can get ahold of my moms camera tomorow and get some pix...and maybe get some name suggestions!

That is interesting Catmandu. I didn't know that! I'm glad I got to her when I did then!

I beleive she is a she...is there any concrete way to tell at her age?

09-18-2006, 10:39 AM
Telling the sex of kittens: look at them from behind/underneath. Two openings close together means female. Two openings further apart with a bulge in between means male.