View Full Version : Hi everyone!!

05-30-2002, 07:55 PM
Hi, remember me? I had a black cat named Jazzy (still do) and lots of kitties. Well, I have been very busy taking care of all Jazzy's kittens: 5 in all> Foxy, Lilly, Tabby, Charlie, and Sabre.
They are ALL now spayed or nuetered(charlie didn't like it too much!) and we are one big happy family! I have a question: I am very worried about my cats getting the fIV because they live outside. How do I keep other feral cats away? I thought having them spayed would do it but I guess they still come around.
any suggestions? I can't bring them all inside. I only have Sabre inside, cuz she is the baby and I am afraid for her at night.

Heather Wallace
05-31-2002, 07:36 AM
Glad all of your cats are doing well. Is there not some kind of vaccination that you can get for your cats?

05-31-2002, 09:12 AM
annabale 16, I made, some years ago, a cat ladder so my outside furkids can escape by going up on the roof, in case of any nighttime dangers appearing. It is always best to keep your feline family indoors, especially at night, if that is possible. But if is not, then I suggest that you provide some way for them to hide and be alone up high, in a tree or on the roof of your house or garage, or whatever you may have. As far as keeping any feral cats away from your brood, I don't know of any way of doing this. Yet, I don't think that their catching a disease from them would pose much of a problem. Have you thought of setting a trap for them, and at the same time keeping your pets out of it. I have a few ferals that come here at night and eat up what the others left over. However, I don't mind this. There is one with long fur, a white cat with gray marking on her. I wish she would become more friendly, so I could add her to my feline family. :)
