View Full Version : Introducing Anvik...picture heavy.

09-11-2006, 08:07 PM
This happy, goofball arrived here on August 31. I posted about him a while back as potential foster. He was getting quite depressed in the shelter so he came here.
He's settling in quite nicely. He's a little hard to contain. He has some seperation anxiety. He's gone under the fence twice and over a six foot section once. He never goes far. I think he's looking for a way to get to me. He doesn't seem to want to run, he just wants closer to the house.
He desperately wants to be a house dog and to say he's attached to me is an understatement! Unfortunately, his cat manners are atrocious. We are working very hard on that so Anvik can be the house dog he so wants to be. Right now he's sleeping by my feet in the cat-free computer room. (Ivy is choked that she can't sleep on the monitor right now)
He's met pretty much all the dogs, except Kayleigh who he won't ever meet! He's a little overwhelmed in the big yard, but no major problems yet.
He has decided the freezer makes a pretty comfy bed. He's a wee bit goofy!
He was dead silent in the shelter. Never made a sound in his kennel, but it was all a trick. He's a talker. Heaven forbid he is outside at night. One of my neighbors called one night to ask what was wrong with that dog! He sleeps in the arctic entry on the freezer and is quiet in there. I'm seriously thinking of getting him a crate. I don't usually use them, but I think he'd like one and it would let him spend more time inside safely.
He's a trained sled dog and has run with us a couple times already. He was very happy to pull again.

Someone was supposed to come meet him on Saturday, but they never showed up. He's welcome to stay here anyway.

09-11-2006, 08:10 PM
What a sweet face he has! Is he a wolf-hybrid .... what is he?

09-11-2006, 08:13 PM
Is he a wolf-hybrid .... what is he?

No, no wolf. He's an Alaskan Husky. He comes from a long line of sled dogs. He was dumped by a musher who runs a tour company.

Toby's my baby
09-11-2006, 08:14 PM
He is beautiful!! Looks like he fits right in! ;) :D

09-11-2006, 08:23 PM
He is completely gorgeous - but you knew that! I am glad he is with you, and you are working on his "issues." Aww, give him an extra hug just for me, okay? Tell him I understand his kitty problem, as my very first, best dog in the whole wide world bar none, dog Sheba thought all kitties (and anything else non-canine and non-human) belonged either in trees or dead. All the cats in our neighborhood knew where the closest tree was from any given spot.

Awww, Anvik! Dunno how anyone could dump you, but if you had to be dumped, at least you ended up at Glacier's house, where people understand huskies can be indoor doggies, too!

09-11-2006, 08:26 PM
Another handsome addition to your team! He looks v-e-r-y tall. I love the picture of him with you - he looks so happy, big smile for the camera, I love how he's looking right into the lens! Hope things will continue smoothly and Anvik will someday have his little dream come true and be a housedog!

( :) If you don't have a dream...how you gonna have a dream come true?)

09-11-2006, 08:33 PM
oh boy another sled star. What a handsome boy!!!!

Ginger's Mom
09-11-2006, 09:17 PM
Aww, welcome to Wandering Spirits, Anvik. :) I love the picture of the two of you together. And I agree with Pat, he looks very long-legged (looks like he could give [who is it Ozzy?] a run for his money).

09-11-2006, 09:21 PM
Wow!! Now we know what you've been up to - he is gorgeous :D Congratulations Anvik - you've scored big time buddy.

:D :D

09-11-2006, 09:23 PM
Oohh.. a definite beauty!! :D I think you should keep him. ;)

09-11-2006, 09:41 PM
Aren't Alaskan Huskies mixed with Greyhounds? No wonder he's such a long-legged beauty!! :D

09-11-2006, 09:47 PM
Aren't Alaskan Huskies mixed with Greyhounds? No wonder he's such a long-legged beauty!! :D

Alaskan Huskies can be any mix of breeds. The only requirement to be called an Alaskan is that they must have been bred to pull a sled. Many of them have very little Siberian Husky in their mix. Currently, greyhound, coonhound and german short haired pointers are the most popular mixes. A few years ago it was border collies(like Pingo and Sundin). The hound mixes are extremely fast, but hard to keep in true sled dog climates. They need as much clothing as their mushers at -30C! Anvik is double coated like a husky, long legged like a hound and has the facial shape of a collie!

We had a purebred greyhound stay with us one night last week. She was on her way from Fairbanks, Alaska to Calgary, Alberta. Can't do that trip in one day. She was delightful! If we were properly set up for that kind of dog, she would have gone no farther! Stuart and Anvik both fell in love at first sight! I'd never spent time with a greyhound before, but I can see how easy it would be to fall for the breed!

09-11-2006, 09:48 PM
What a sweetie! He reminds me of my Vallis, (a failed foster ;) ) who is also very clingy. They even look a bit alike! Anvik is adorable. :)

09-11-2006, 10:13 PM

09-12-2006, 12:49 AM
he's beautiful! :)
I think the closest thing to doggie heaven up north is YOUR HOUSE! I mean you can't get much closer to heaven right? :p ;)

09-12-2006, 06:11 AM
I think he is gorgeous! I have to admit that I hope this boy doesn't go anywhere ;). He has already stolen a piece of my heart and I hope I get to see lots more of him.

09-12-2006, 06:31 AM
Aww what a beautiful boy. Heres to a promising happy future. Definitely doggie heaven :D.

finn's mom
09-12-2006, 08:34 AM
Oh my gosh, he's wonderful. What a smile! And, he actually looks appreciative, like he seems to know he's being given a second chance! What a lucky dog.

Queen of Poop
09-12-2006, 08:34 AM
You go from Sundin who won't get near you to Anvik who looks like he'd like to share your skin. He is such a sweetie pie. I too hope he gets to stay with you, you both look made for each other in that photo!! Welcome Anvik, you've stolen my heart too.

09-12-2006, 09:35 AM
Anvik is a beauty! I love his smile and soulful eyes. I don't mind that he's goofy. :D