View Full Version : Kong Toy

05-30-2002, 10:47 AM
I wanted to share that the Kong dog toy was a huge hit with Bella, the 100 pound pit bull terrior. With her jaw, I figured it would last five minutes - but I was wrong. For those of you who don't know what the Kong toy is - it looks like a black Michelan tire man with a hole in the bottom to hide treats. It is very sturdy, but Bella quickly discovered that if she held the smaller end in her mouth and dropped it, the treat would bounce out. So we had to get some larger bisquits that get "stuck".

My niece goes home everyday for lunch and to check on Bella - when she leaves now, she gives her the Kong with a bisquit inside and Bella is happily trying to figure out how to get it out when she leaves. The toy comes in two sizes - one for super jaws and one for smaller dogs. They keep the dogs occupied for quite a while and I recommend them. (no, I don't own stock in the company :) :) )

05-30-2002, 10:50 AM
Yup, kongs are a life saver!!! I've seen them come in numerous different sizes. The black ones seem to be sturdier than the red ones. I love watching dogs play with kongs. Mine don't care for them much unless there's peanut butter involved.

05-30-2002, 11:02 AM
The shelter where I volunteer once a week, gives the doggies a peanut butter filled Kong each night. They also put a biscuit in it too. The dogs just love it!

05-30-2002, 12:41 PM
Presley Loves her kongs. She has a tiny red one that she used when she was a baby.. Now she has a xlarge black one.. When i fill it for her she takes to to the top of the stairs and drops it... sometimes she will laydown and enjoy it and not make too much of a mess. :D
She also has a bisquit ball too that she just loves...
i think she is rather spoilt!

05-30-2002, 12:47 PM
We don't have any kongs since they're so darn expensive and we can't afford 14 of them! lol I did contact the kong company though and we're now on their list for testing new products!!

05-30-2002, 07:45 PM
I had to post since the medium red kong and the same size *anniversary kong* (red, white and blue swirls) are Hannah's favorites. She is very proficient and tipping it until the milkbone comes out.