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09-09-2006, 09:27 PM
:mad: :mad: I am truly at my wits end with my grandkitty Sades. He and Mooky have never really gotten along with each other and just when I think that things are fine between them, "BAM" Sades attacks Mooky AGAIN.
This has been the third time that this has happened and I don't mean just a little spat between them either, I am talking about an all out fight like you would hear two male cats fighting outside. It scares the living daylights out of me as it comes on so sudden. No forewarning at all. Also the other cats take off like a bat out of hell as it scares them also.
And believe me when I say that it isn't Mooky that starts it as I have seen firsthand that each time it is Sades. Mooky tries to avoid him like the plague.
The first time it happened was quite a while ago, the second time was about 2 months ago and tonight was the third time. You should have seen the fur flying in the kitchen. :eek: I jumped on Sades so fast that he didn't know what hit him and threw him in the room and slammed the door. Then I had to go looking for Mooky to see if he was okay. Thank goodness each time he has been, but I did notice that he had a watery eye, so I will keep an eye on that. Then I have to search out the others to console them. The only problem is that there is no one here to console me. :(

Well, I don't give a flying leap what my son says, but for the time being, Sades is going to be confined in my sons room along with food, water and a litter box. I love my grandkitty but I've had it. I was so stressed out that I started to have an asthma attack. Thank goodness it wasn't a bad one.

Sorry people that this is so long, but I just needed to vent.

Any suggestion on what else I can do with this big bully would be greatly appreciated.

09-09-2006, 09:34 PM
I don't blame you a bit! Lock that bad boy in your son's room! Poor Mooky, of all kitties to pick on!!! :(

Laura's Babies
09-09-2006, 10:08 PM
I don't blame you either, you did what I think everyone of us would have done. I know you remember back when I first got Samantha and she kept attacking Amy.. I finally ended up shutting her up in a room by herself... It only took her 3 times of being thrown into a room all alone and she learned and stopped it. I think it will take longer with Sades...I would leave him in there a couple of days, then only let him out for a bit SUPERVISED. It wouuld take a long time for me to trust him again and he would have to EARN
my trust again....

09-09-2006, 10:11 PM
Lorraine,I'm sorry to hear this.:( This kind of reminds me of Storm's and Cirrus's battles but they happened almost every day. My other cats were also afraid of the fights and then Storm's health became affected so I had to rehome Cirrus.:(

I think that you need to talk to your son about Sades and keep him confined in your sons room for now. Will your son be living with you much longer? If not then this will be a good solution until your son moves out. How attached is your son to Sades? Would he ever consider rehoming him? These are things that you need to think about. I hope that everything will work out for the best. Please continue to keep us updated.

09-09-2006, 10:15 PM
Yikes! Want me to send you some of Pouncer's valium? Its will really mellow those two boys out! ;) Seriously, I'm sorry this happened - it sounded so scary! Blame it on the full moon and kleep a close eye on everyone.

09-09-2006, 10:21 PM
Poor Mooky is right Kim. He has turned into a real love bug since he's matured and gets along well with the other boys.

Yes Laura, I do remember poor Amy getting picked on. Sades has been locked in the room when this happened before for about 3 days though. This time is will be L-O-N-G-E-R.

KAK, God knows when my son will be moving out. All in good time I guess.
No, he would never go for re-homing Sades as they have a close bond together. Gosh if this did happen everyday, I would go out of my mind.
I'm telling you though, this better be the last time this ever happens.

09-09-2006, 10:23 PM
LOL!!! Yes Kim, send some of that please. Yes it was scary. The others couldn't get enough traction on the bare floors to get away fast enough.

09-10-2006, 08:22 AM
Boomer has gone after several of mine and YES that sound of the sudden fight is something I cringe to even remember :eek: One fight with Lizzie still ringss in my ears as she is a screamer. The worst fight was when he went after Dylan - because Dylan is so sweet and gentle that it made me cry to have him attacked.

I think you are absolutely right about confining Sades to the bedroom.

I hope your house stays nice and peaceful now.

09-10-2006, 10:04 AM
Don't blame you one little bit! Do what you have to do to keep peace in the house.


09-10-2006, 12:59 PM
I dont blame you as you after all have to be a peace keeper.
Maybe given time Alpha Sades will calm down, but as they say in schools, its time out time.

09-10-2006, 02:01 PM
Poor Mooky! Apparently there are problems here and you do have to watch out for Mooky and the rest of your furkids. Separating them seems like the only thing you can do. Have you discussed the problem with your son?

09-10-2006, 02:10 PM
I'm so sorry to hear things haven't gotten better between them. I don't blame you for confining Sades. I wish I knew something to fix it. I'm dealing with it to a lesser degree with Jazz and Scout and even R&R and Scout. They all pick on poor little Scout. Last night Jazz jumped her and pulled out two wads of Scouts hair. Luckily Richard was there to stop it but the worse part is Rocky and Rumor heard the fight and came in like hyenas to join in. It doesn't happend too often but the attacks are on the increase and I'm afraid Scout is going to get hurt. :( I thought Rocky was going to be her one buddy but I guess she's shunned him enough that he's joined the dark side.

If you do find something to help please let me know.

09-10-2006, 08:41 PM
Poor Mooky!
Maybe Feliway spray or rescue remedy for Sades would make him less aggressive.
Doesn’t he cry when you shut him in your son’s room?
You might need to get some valium for Sades and yourself.
I’m glad that Mooky didn’t get hurt.

09-11-2006, 08:49 AM
Poor Mooky (and you). I understand what you are going through Oliver will continuely attack Miss Bear (who is 15 yo). I have taken to putting Miss Bear in my home office during the day, then taking her out at night to sleep with me. Then I put Oliver in the office during the night. This keeps them separated, but I didn't know what else to do either.

Russian Blue
09-11-2006, 10:16 AM
I'm sorry this happened as well. :(

I've never had this experience until this weekend when I let Nakita and Phoenix meet face to face. :rolleyes: I've never had to deal with a multi-cat household so I'm in a totally new environment here!