View Full Version : Finally got Bucky!

Sweet Sixy
09-08-2006, 09:23 PM
Well, in case anyone hasn't heard, the finally caught Ralph "Bucky" Philips. I live very close to Horseheads where he was first pulled over and shot the first officer. I am thrilled that they finally caught him and only can hope he gets what he deserves!

09-08-2006, 11:30 PM
Well, hello neighbor! I live near Bath, north of you. I hadn't heard that yet about Bucky Phillips. He won't be back in the woods for a long time.

Sweet Sixy
09-09-2006, 07:10 AM
I didn't realize I had such close PT neighbors! I actually am very familiar with Bath for two reasons, 1) my grandfather was at the VA center there for quite some time, 2)I work with Hillside Children's Center and with Snell Farm for my job :-)
And yes, no more hiding out and stealing stuff for him! It's gonna be on Ameria's most wanted tonight too.

09-09-2006, 11:54 AM
and I am in bath as well! ;) well, for now.

I didn't know anything about bucky until I saw newspapers this morning ... he got at least five months of life! grr.. does anybody knows how did he escaped the prison?

Sweet Sixy
09-09-2006, 01:50 PM
He pryed open a vent in the kitchen with a can opener. I can't believe that they sent him back to the same prision that he escaped from! We don't sent our kids back to the facilities that they AWOL from, you've gotta be kidding me! It makes me so mad that this freak shot at however many cops, possibly killed on and committed several petty crimes along the way and he isn't gonna get squat! :mad:

critter crazy
09-09-2006, 01:54 PM
Well, in case anyone hasn't heard, the finally caught Ralph "Bucky" Philips. I live very close to Horseheads where he was first pulled over and shot the first officer. I am thrilled that they finally caught him and only can hope he gets what he deserves!

Well it is about time!!! I live in Harpursville, and he was hiding out here for a while, in the woods, was quite scary!! They shut down all outdoor activities at my son's school just before they were gone for summer break! I am so glad he has been caught!!!*sigh of relief!!*

Lady's Human
09-09-2006, 02:45 PM
I was wondering why there were NO troopers on 88 when I headed to Massachusetts yesterday morning. I heard what they were up to on the news and figured it out.

What I can't figure is that there are local idiots who turned a cop killer into a folk hero (Or were trying to, anyway)

I loved the quote from a NYSP lieutenant, in an interview the good LT stated that "If Ralph wants to surrender peacefully, we'll let him. If he wants to shoot it out, we'll oblige him"