View Full Version : Has anyone heard from king2005?

09-07-2006, 09:09 AM
I haven't heard from her for a while, and she hasn't posted since 8-17. I'm getting pretty worried! Jess, if you happen to read this, please check in and let us know you are ok!

09-07-2006, 10:48 AM
She just talked to me last night on msn, so no worries! She even found a wolf spider last night ;)

09-07-2006, 10:49 AM
Oh thank goodness! Thank you for letting me know, I have been trying to reach her and have not been able to. Thank you so much!

09-07-2006, 02:39 PM
ooh! a wolf spider! I saw one a couple of weeks ago after two cats told me! ask if wasn't it one pretty fuzzy friend??

glad to hear you're still around, jess. I know I've not been around lately either but have noticed you've not been around too. must be busy with all of those new ratties?

hope all is well for you! :)

09-07-2006, 03:25 PM
must be busy with all of those new ratties?Or new boy;) :p :D

09-09-2006, 03:05 AM
I'm still alive, kinda...

Times are not good & PT is at the bottom of my todo list. I have no time to even read PMs or do much of anything.

Yes there is a guy, a great guy by the way :D No time to go into details, but hes litterly my twin.. its scary as hell, & we get along so well, as we like & disslike pretty much the same as the other.. So communication is freaken awesome!! I'm talking about 6+hours/night on the phone + the computer (we chat & work onthe computers at the sametime) hehe

I don't want to go into to many details, as its a huge kick to my ego or whatever its called & my family doesn't know (I've been lying to them & many other people)... I am poorer then dirt its self... My meals are far & few inbetween most days... I'm just getting over a month long illness as I couldn't afford any medication to help... It started in my throat, then my toncils (sp) swelled up & I could hardly swallow anything.. then it went back into my throat & into my lungs.. that wasn't fun at all... My lungs are almost cleared up now, & my body is tired as hell...

Thats all I have time to type & I more then likely wont have much or any time to reply anytime soon... I will try, but its unlikely... I mostly want to be left alone & try to enjoy what little time I have to myself, & with the critters.

In about 2 more Aug. I know for sure things will get better. As I plan to go back to school & I'll have help surviving.. but for now I need to work on my future career, as work tried to hire me for a MUCH better spot (my dream job), but I'm no wheres close to being ready yet. But my boss wants me to work on it, cause if a Jr. spot pops up, He'll come to me again... I'm working my butt off at work, as I need a good name, so I can move up & get approved becasue I'm well known & liked (personality is a big thing in the company, along with skills)...

oh boy, its 4am, I have to get up for 8am I'm gone for now...

Flatcoatluver, whats your MSN username? I really don't remember our chat on MSN.. I'm so bad with msn names.. sorry :( Just send me an MSN message & I'll rename it so I can remember.

09-09-2006, 08:04 AM
Jess ((((hugs)))) I had gotten pretty worried, so glad to hear that you are ok! I am so sorry that things are going rough for you, if you need anything or just to talk ever just let me know. My msn name is [email protected], name is Jen, so if you want to chat there let me know. I understand that things are hectic and PT isn't on the top of your list, so just take your time and come back to us whenever you get the chance. Like I said, if you need ANYTHING just let me know!