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View Full Version : Introducing dogs to a cat that hates everything...

09-06-2006, 12:55 PM
Hi all.

Awhile back I posted about my boyfriend's cat Beatle. She was being very territorial and attacking me at every chance. Well I took everyone's advice and bribed her with treats and toys. Now we have a fragile love hate relationship going on. She lets me pet her when she wants, she cuddles up to me in bed when she wants, and she almost always swats me with claws in. :) I'm okay with that, and can live with that.

Well my boyfriend and I are getting a place together. And Beatle is going to be meeting her new sheltie step-siblings at the end of the month. I'm really worried about that. I have come here to ask for any tips to make this transition as easy as possible. The shelties can't go to his place so that they can meet before hand, and I didn't think that was a good idea anyways, since they would be intruding on her territory. I did bring a blanket of theirs over and put it on her favorite chair. She has now taken over that blanket, but hopefully she is used to their smell a little.

She will have her own room at the new place. It will be blocked off with a baby gate so that my dogs can't get in. Her litterbox and food dishes will be in there. I will probably keep Emily on a leash in the house for the first few days. She is good with cats unless they hiss at her. They can growl, meow, swat at her and she doesn't care. One hiss though and she's up in arms. And Beatle is quick to hiss first ask questions later.

My dogs will always be locked up if we have to leave, so that the three will not be left alone together.

If anyone has any suggestions in making this transition as smooth as possible, I'd really really appreciate hearing them.

**Edited to add pic**


09-06-2006, 05:39 PM
Sheltie are fairly gentle Dogs, and I pray that they can find a way to get along.
You may to to keep them seperated before they eventually reach a detente.
Good Luck!!

09-06-2006, 08:19 PM
The Petco web site has a PDF on introducing cats and dogs that may be of help:


Click on the "Introducing Cats and Dogs" link under Dog.

I wish you and your kitties the best of luck!

09-06-2006, 11:00 PM
I don't have any useful advice to share however, would like to wish you the best of luck with your new combined fur family. Kitties can be pretty tough to deal with at times and it may take time and patience for all to transition into this new arrangement.

Good luck and keep us posted.


09-07-2006, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the comments.
I just read the Petco care sheet and it had some good tips.

I wonder if it would be wise to move Beatle in first so that she can settle into the new place and won't have to deal with the stress of the move and meeting the dogs all in the same day.