View Full Version : Corprophagia (not for the weak of stomach)

05-29-2002, 11:39 AM
Just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience with a coprophagic pup. For those who don't know, corprophagia refers to a dog/puppy eating their own feces (yuck).

When my GSD was about 15 weeks old she picked up the habit of eating her own feces. Needless to say, this was extremely revolting to my wife and I. We tried everything. We fed her garlic, punished her when we caught her, rewarded her for ignoring her feces, put tabasco on the feces, cleaned the yard very regularly, etc. and nothing worked. We used Deter to make her feces taste "worse" but found that shortly after going off the Deter, the puppy went right back to feasting. Our vet told us there wasn't a whole lot we could do, esp. since it didn't appear to be boredom related (she would stop right in the middle of a game of ball if she found a "snack").

Finally, at about 9-10 months of age, the puppy just quit. To my knowledge, she hasn't engaged in this behavior for about 2-3 months and needless to say, I'm quite pleased. She even completely ignores her droppings where as in the past they were in her mouth almost before they hit the ground.

I hope I didn't gross out too many people, but has anyone else had a similar experience, or have any other solutions that they have found successful? From what I have read (and obviously from my own experience) it appears that sometimes you just have to wait it out. So if anyone else has a pup with this nasty habit, don't give up!!

05-29-2002, 09:03 PM
here is a link to a previous post on this subject. Hope it helps!

corprophagia (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9795)

05-30-2002, 08:37 AM
Thanks much! I'm so glad our dog seems to have outgrown this habit.

05-30-2002, 09:41 AM
Hi there! I wrote the post that Cincy'sMom gave you the link to. We were having the same problem. Our 1 1/2 yr. old golden would "snack" on her poop. We gave her Deter and picked up every time she went and she did eventually stop eating it. From the info I could find, it's not an uncommom problem and many dogs do grow out of it, thank goodness.


05-30-2002, 09:54 AM
The Deter worked well for us when she was on it, but she would go right back to munching when she got off the pills. They are too expensive to keep the dog on long-term (esp. when you have to give her 5-8 tablets/day) so we were extremely happy when after the latest round she seemed to grow out of it.

05-30-2002, 10:36 AM
My parents' Great Dane has had this problem off and on for about 6 years! From what they've been told, it seems most vets are stumped as to why it starts, why it stops, and what exactly the dog gets out of the behavior. There's lots of theories and speculations, but that's it. I'm just glad I've never had a dog that does it! (Kobie and Eli love to snack on "kitty crunchies" but that doesn't count, right? ;) )

06-01-2002, 06:17 PM
I thought of this post right away when I saw this stuff advertised in the Jeffers Pet Catalog 1-800-JEFFERS (533-3377) or their website at www.jefferspet.com and they sell 2 products for it. There is the Deter which I see was mentioned and then there is Forbid which you sprinkle on their food.

What is it with Danes...Daisy does that too!!

06-02-2002, 01:46 PM
That is strange, Mugsy, that Daisy does this too. My parents did try Forbid--it had no effect at all!

BTW, how is Daisy lately? Keeping the leashes out of her reach? ;)

06-02-2002, 01:50 PM
She's doing great, thanks!! Since she had her surgery she doesn't do it...strange eh??

Dog Days
06-04-2002, 03:46 PM
My dog is on the B.A.R.F. diet (Bones and Raw Food) and from all the stuff I have read, dogs on the raw food diet rarely if ever eat their own feces. My dog never has, so maybe it is all ligit?!

I have been told by our vet (homeopathic medicine & convential) and what I have read in books point to the diet lacking in something they are missing (vitamins/minerals) and the dogs eat feces because of it. Also systems of dogs that are NOT on a raw diet are never satisfied with the lack of nutrients they are getting in kibble, canned or cooked food.

Just something to look into. The other good thing about a raw diet is that your dog in all likelyhood will not get fat. Plenty of exercise and feeding a raw diet, the dog will regulate it's own nutritional intake if you are feeding it properly (balanced diet of 75% meat and 25% veggies) I could go on forever but your best bet if it has peaked your interest is to investigate, read, ask, explore. A good book is 'Reigning Cats and Dogs' and 'The B.A.R.F. Diet'

Good luck and I'm glad your pooch is not eating it anymore. :)
