View Full Version : Some... Lady... (vent)

09-04-2006, 01:37 PM
Sarah (Warahgirl1995) and I were walking Rupert & Georgia around and we passed this house that had junk in the driveway. This lady has 7-8 dogs a GSD (big sorta fluffy dog), Beagle, Chow Chow, Lab looking dog, 2 Chow/Lab looking dogs, Shar Pei mix looking dog, and that's all I saw. But I think they had more... and her HUGE and I mean really big German Shepherd attacked Max before. So she says "Walk your dogs somewhere else or I'll let them out and they're hurt your dogs", so I said, "This is a public road & we've got our dogs completely under control", Sarah said "They're on leashes" then she said, "Fine I'll let them out", and this is a grown women, no teenager or kid, an ADULT. "That's illegal so good luck with that" I said. Then she said "And don't let those two vicious pit bulls attack my dogs. And if mine attack yours I'll blame those pit bulls. And they'll get taken away!", "THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Sarah screamed at her. "Actually, pit bulls are some of the sweetest dogs in the world" I said and then she said "We had a pit bull in this neighborhood kill a dog and a cat before". "Well that's the owner's fault" I said and then she screamed at me (YES STILL AN ADULT!) "Shut up!". Sarah (VERY UPSET BY THE WAY) said "WHY DON'T YOU!". I was steaming... Sarah was crying. My mom was talking to their neighbor (a police women) and I'm not sure if she talked to that... idiotic lady, too. UGGGGGGGH! Why do people have to blame pit bulls? This whole thing was about pit bulls and how she thought they were scared of them.

I hope you don't mind me venting like that... I just HAD to! :mad:

09-04-2006, 01:40 PM
some people! :rolleyes: I'd report that lady, seriously. what a jerk! :mad:

09-04-2006, 01:47 PM
That was so horrible. :( When She said that she might aswell have stabbed me, because it hurt the same amount. I am so proud of my dogs and love them sooooo much no matter what the hell she said. And what really pisses me off is that my mom wanted me to just forget about it... and she barely even did anything. She looked really pshycotic too... her eyes were all crossed eyed and stuff. Maybe she was mentally challenged... sure acted like it. UGH I was screaming I hate her for at least 10 minutes after I got home. Poor little Rupie was sitting there wondering what was wrong. GOD DO I FEEL LIKE SUEING HER! :mad: :mad:

Tell me... do they look vicious to you? Sure don't to me

Pretty girlie girl Georgia...

And little momma's boy Rupert...

09-04-2006, 01:49 PM
some people! :rolleyes: I'd report that lady, seriously. what a jerk! :mad:
Yeah I really wanna report her... but report her to who? She didn't actually let her dogs out but she did threaten to....

09-04-2006, 01:59 PM
I don't think there's much the police would do.

I would suggest staying away from the woman.. she sounds like a whacko.

09-04-2006, 02:00 PM
I don't think there's much the police would do.

I would suggest staying away from the woman.. she sounds like a whacko.

Yeah we are... she's... just... WOW!

09-04-2006, 02:06 PM
A grown woman. C'mon, she's so immature. "I'll let my dogs out and they'll attack yours" what a jerk. If she has 7 dogs wouldn't she be over the limit? I live in complete wilderness and there is a law that says you can't have more than 3 dogs or 3 cats. ( :eek: :mad: :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

09-04-2006, 02:11 PM
A grown woman. C'mon, she's so immature. "I'll let my dogs out and they'll attack yours" what a jerk. If she has 7 dogs wouldn't she be over the limit? I live in complete wilderness and there is a law that says you can't have more than 3 dogs or 3 cats. ( :eek: :mad: :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Agreed. She's at least in her late 30s and she's telling us teenagers to shut up... I mean WOW :eek: .

Not sure what the limit is here but I'm absoulutly positive she's WAAAAAAAAYYY over it... I think she's breeding dogs... she has males & females and they are all mixes. I don't know how to find anything else out but I'm really cautious about this women...

09-04-2006, 02:13 PM
I mean if it happens again. even though she threatens to let her dogs out..just stay away from that lady. walk a different way and no, they don't look vicious to me. :) I just love Rupert.

Miss Z
09-04-2006, 03:19 PM
So she says "Walk your dogs somewhere else or I'll let them out and they're hurt your dogs"

Then she said "And don't let those two vicious pit bulls attack my dogs. And if mine attack yours I'll blame those pit bulls. And they'll get taken away!",

then she screamed at me (YES STILL AN ADULT!) "Shut up!".

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Sounds like some kind of two-year-old in a thirtyish-year-old's body!!!

Suki Wingy
09-04-2006, 03:47 PM
wait, you don't even have two pit bulls? :confused:

09-04-2006, 03:49 PM
wait, you don't even have two pit bulls? :confused:

that's what I was thinking. Georgia is a boxer and Rupert is a chocolate lab. Rupert looks like he has a little if any pit bull in him, but I'd say he's mostly chocolate lab. :)

09-04-2006, 11:21 PM
wait, you don't even have two pit bulls? :confused:

I know she doesn't even know her breeds correctly and is calling our "pit bulls" vicious, when they aren't even pit bulls and I would be proud if they were pit bulls because pits are such awesome dogs. Oh but by the way Rupert is a Pit mix...

09-04-2006, 11:43 PM
yikes! Well, well, all us smarties know that those dummies are always going to blame a pit, regardless how sweet. *Sigh*. You can't win. Just walk another way and keep out of her sight. Really, it's not worth it. Regardless of the fact she's an adult (?), she acts like child. By yelling back, you're only going to aggravate her, and she sounds mentally unstable as it is. I'll bet she'll be the one who gets in trouble one day. Is she able to support and control all those dogs?
You're dogs are way too polite and elegant to walk her way anyway ;)