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09-03-2006, 05:47 PM
I have two black gaming chairs sitting in my bedroom right now. They are made of some sort of faux leather. I got these at a garage sale where the woman said her son used them to play video games in.

We don't need them any more nor do we have the space.

Soooo... I posted them on Freecycle and got about ten responses in about five minutes. It was crazy!

I *can* split them up, I don't care, soo I am going to try and give one to a lady with a nine year old boy and the other to a woman who lives on the air force base with her husband (it'd be for him :p ).

CRAZINESS, I tell you.

09-03-2006, 05:55 PM
Ayup! I once got rid of several old computers that had not even been used in literally 5-10 years - all within 3 hours of posting! :)

09-03-2006, 06:36 PM
Same here. I had a war over my black art portfolio last week. I must have gotten two dozen requests for it within a few hours. I gave it to a college kid.

Then I had a microwave that took 3 people to actually come pick it up. Go figure.

Today someone was looking for a large jewelry armoire. Since mine is now in the basement thanks to not wanting it after the robbery I wanted to offer it to her this morning but hubby insists we ask family members first. NOBODY wants this ting *I* didn't want it from the first day, and now that it made things easy for the theives, I definately don't want it. So it still remains in the basement :rolleyes:

09-04-2006, 02:16 AM
I love Freecycle, I got rid of all my old computer stuff on there, some of it wasn't even working that well but people still wanted it for parts and such. We just got a really nice storm door off of there today. But I do hate trying to figure out who to give my items too. Sometimes it's really difficult. :)

09-04-2006, 08:24 AM
I HATE freecycle, yet, once again, I signed up, and got rid of some stuff yesterday. I had about 5 responses, and the one person was so freaking wishy washy about making a commitment to get it. UGH. I finally said I was giving it to someone else, and like magic, her schedule cleared right up. Two hours later, it was gone.

Miss Z
09-04-2006, 08:37 AM
Soooo... I posted them on Freecycle and got about ten responses in about five minutes. It was crazy!

WOW! :eek: I find it amazing that people are on websites like freecycle lurking to pounce on your goods as soon as you put them up :p LOL

09-04-2006, 09:37 PM
Heh, yeah. Freecycly is driving me nuts.

I can't figure out who to give it to, and then when I email them, they don't email me back, or whatever! :) I just want to put them out on the lawn next to a sign that says "FREE, just take them please!". :D

Laura's Babies
09-04-2006, 10:52 PM
"FREE, just take them please!".

Wenisrubber, that don't work either. I had a friend that had a yard sale, he had a pile of stuff that was marked plainly "FREE, Take what you want!"... Nobody took any of it so he put a price on it and sold it all.... Go figure! :rolleyes:

09-04-2006, 11:30 PM
I always have the policy, regarding Freecycle, of the first person who responds, gets it. If that person won't commit to when they can come get it, then the next person gets it. And I have never had a problem.

09-05-2006, 09:13 AM
That's the way we have chosen to handle it, too, Karen, although sometimes a response comes along that makes you wish you had more to give away! When Scott and I advertised a set of bunk beds that we weren't using anymore, I had like 30 responses, all very quickly. The first people to respond were a couple with six children. They were very nice and we were happy they had them, but I wished for 29 more sets as each story was so touching. :(

09-05-2006, 09:22 AM
I basically havea type of person in mind for when I give the stuff away. Like the art portfolio.... I really wanted ti to go to a college kid. I had toehrs request it, but I wanted a college kid to have it.

Same with the microwave, and we had some baby items we wanted to go to a young pregnant girl like Ashley. I sorely wised we had more for the one girl who took some stuff. She looked so sweet and desperate.

09-05-2006, 11:17 AM
That's the way we have chosen to handle it, too, Karen, although sometimes a response comes along that makes you wish you had more to give away! When Scott and I advertised a set of bunk beds that we weren't using anymore, I had like 30 responses, all very quickly. The first people to respond were a couple with six children. They were very nice and we were happy they had them, but I wished for 29 more sets as each story was so touching. :(

Logan, I realize we come from different personality backgrounds: you are nice, and a believer, I am not nice, and a sceptic, so, consider this when you read my next thought.

I nearly got booted from our local freecycle when I responded, "some of you should take up fictional writing as your next career". :eek:

While I am sure there are some hard luck cases out there, I get the feeling alot of them are made up stories. I know, that is on them....I am just giving stuff away, but, sheesh. Just tell me, "hey, I want that item", and spare me the drama.

Sorry. Just my take. :(

09-05-2006, 11:37 AM
Hey, Johanna, I tend to agree with you.

This past summer, someone was giving away kittens. I wrote her to alert her ot the fact that a local guy preyed upon free kitten advertisements so he could feed the kittens ot his pet snake. Wow, her response was EVIL. She told me that her husband was a vet (oh really, then why wasn't the mama spayed? and why giving them away free instead of adopting them out to clients?) and she just lashed out to me telling me her husband's practice was thriving and he didn't have time to spay his own cats or adopt kittens to his clients. I was trying to help her keep an eye out for the jerk!

Anyway, a days later, she posted on Freecycle that her poor 22 month old daughter needed a window AC unit. They were too broke to afford a new one. Anything anyone was willing to give them would be appreciated (over a certain # of BTUs please) :rolleyes: So the vet with his own "thriving" practice can't even afford a new AC unit? Puh-leeze!

09-06-2006, 04:52 AM
Yah, I agree some people just make up sob stories to get free stuff. I try to weed them out. Most people on the Freecycle here seem to be more of the type who really just want to keep it out of the land fills and let the items bless someone else. It's my new policy to ask for any items I might be wanting but not in need of on freecycle so that whenever possible I can avoid buying new and keep stuff out of the land fill. I'm honest about it though and tell people exactly why I want an item. I try to not always give to the first responder so that other people have a chance to see the post too but then it makes it harder for me. Ooh and I hate it when people no show, if I say I'm going to pick it up I always do.

09-06-2006, 02:11 PM
Yep, I'm with everyone.

I have gotten some responses and then when I respond back, I don't hear anything and it gets aggravating.

Laura, that is ironic! Maybe I should put some signs that say "Chairs, cozy and neat, fifty bucks apiece!"

09-06-2006, 02:20 PM
Logan, I realize we come from different personality backgrounds: you are nice, and a believer, I am not nice, and a sceptic, so, consider this when you read my next thought.

I nearly got booted from our local freecycle when I responded, "some of you should take up fictional writing as your next career". :eek:

While I am sure there are some hard luck cases out there, I get the feeling alot of them are made up stories. I know, that is on them....I am just giving stuff away, but, sheesh. Just tell me, "hey, I want that item", and spare me the drama.

Sorry. Just my take. :(

No offense taken. I have had a similar reaction at times. I'm sure some of those people were pulling my leg, and I know that the family that ended up taking the bunk beds probably could have afforded to buy a set, themselves. They weren't a "hard luck" case, just a family that could use them and of course, "free" is better than buying, anytime! They drove up to our house in two vehicles, a van, and a limosine! They had bought a used limosine for safety reasons in transporting their big family! It was actually pretty cool and has been a neat freecycle story to tell! And yes, we met all six of the children!!!! :)

09-20-2006, 05:09 PM
I've been cleaning again today and posted some of hubby's old shirts on freecycle today... man you'd think I was offering bricks of gold!

Its actually a lot of fun - I want this stuff out of my house and I want it to go to someone who could really use it. But oy, the sob stories I'm hearing! :rolleyes: