View Full Version : Not working out...

09-03-2006, 01:27 PM
I know that it takes alot of time and patience introducing cats. However, last night was the last straw. After thinking long and hard about it, I've noticed that Coco isn't happy here. She either hides in the bathroon in her snug sack or she's up on the dishwasher sunning herself. She's very happy and purring one-on-one with me. But the minute one of the other cats, especially Moo, comes into the room, her whole demeanor changes.

Last night she went after Moo, leaving quite a few puncture marks. It's apparent that Coco needs to be an only cat, one that can interact with her human one-on-one.

A man by the name of Charles (won't reveal his last name) was inquiring about a Sphynx named Kringle, that one of my friends had in her rescue organization. This is the email he wrote her. It tugged at my heart strings. Kringle was already adopted at that point.

Please read on:

Hi, Linda. I came across your posting for Kringle this afternoon, and
I've barely been able to stop thinking about him, so I knew I'd have to
write you right away. You see, aside from the fact that my little
Osiris had one blue eye and one green eye, Kringle looks just like him. I
lost my little O to a heart murmur that led to an enlarged heart almost
a year ago. Needless to say, Osiris' end was a very difficult time for
both of us. Like Kringle, Osiris was an adoption, except that I knew
in advance of O's condition and that it would require lots of
maintenance and TLC... but still result in his untimely passing. Even though I
only had a little more than 3 short years with him, I wouldn't trade a
second or a penny I spent with him. Now, I have a feeling I'm ready to
have another little guy running around the place. I'm hopeful that'll
be Kringle.

So... why me? Well, I know just about everything a non-vet can know
about Sphynx! LOL Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but I certainly
did my best to consume every big of knowledge I could "get my brain on"
while O was around. He had special dietary needs and limitations, and I
was very careful about his skin (keeping him clean as well as out of
direct sunlight... which was easy since his favorite windows got
afternoon sun). Obviously, I came to know a good deal about heart conditions and existing complications that arise from feline over-breeding. I
guess, in the end, I knew someone needed to love and care for Osiris and I
was only too happy to be the guy.

Arranging for you to speak to my vet won't be a problem. The vet we
went to (Dr. *) is only a few blocks from here. I am a 35-year old
actor and graphic designer in New York City (in Midtown, not far from
Times Square) with an income more than adequate to handle a Sphynx's
needs, both daily/general and medical/dental. My apartment is about 850
square feet and very cat-friendly, comfortable and carpeted. If you'd
like to speak with me further, just shoot me back a response or give me a
call at *******. Hopefully we'll be able to arrange a time to
discuss things and meet up. Whatever the case, thanks so much for your
time and for all you do....


Linda put me in touch with Charles and we spoke at great length about the breed and how passionate we are about them. I told him that MooShoo is my soulmate and I believe that Coco can be his. She will be a spoiled princess. He will be taking the train to New Haven sometime over next weekend. The only problem is Amtrak doesn't allow pets onboard. He may very well have to take a bus. :(

09-03-2006, 01:30 PM
How sad that Coco isn't working out.

I thought there were other cats where she was before.

What now? Poor baby (and poor you).

09-03-2006, 01:47 PM
Oh, that is too sad. :( I am sorry. But she deserves to be happy. Can she go back to who had her to be rehomed?

09-03-2006, 01:51 PM
Try not to be so hard on yourself, you tried really hard and it just isn't working out. I admire you for realizing this and I am sure Coco will be much happier in a home where she is the only cat.

It takes a strong person to rescue cats, it takes a stronger person to realize that you cannot keep each and every rescue. Sometimes you have to do what is best for the cat(s) and not for ourselves. Don't feel bad, you gave it your best shot, and it is not you that failed. Coco needs to be Queen of her very own home.

Laura's Babies
09-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Oh Gee! This is so sad... But I understand since I am pretty much a loner myself and I just about go crazy at my sisters who loves a crowd in her house 24/7.. Would there be someoneone here who could find a place for her with a family member who is petless because they don't want to deal with the hair everywhere?

09-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Thats a shame that Coco has not worked out.
Is there a way that she can live there in a room by herself?
What will happen to her if she has to be rehomed?
We are praying for Little Coco.

09-03-2006, 01:55 PM
I edited my post. Please read. It's good news!

09-03-2006, 01:58 PM
OH my goodness! Coco was meant to come to you so Charles could find his soulmate!

This is SUCH good news!


09-03-2006, 02:33 PM
Donna, I think this is a blessing for her. She will definately be living the highlife that a Princess like her deserves. Don't feel guilty, feel confident knowing you are doing the best thing for her. You touched her life in the best way possible: you got her to the place she is meant to be.

09-03-2006, 02:44 PM
Donna, I have no doubt that you gave it sufficient time. I don't blame you one inkling of a bit for not wanting your Moo Shoo to be injured!!! It sounds like this man could provide a wonderful home for CoCo! I hope and pray it all works out!

Kim ;)

09-03-2006, 03:09 PM
Please don't feel bad, Moosmom. In no way did you fail with Coco. Just like people, sometimes kitties simply can't adapt to a particular situation. From your post, Charles sounds like the real deal. It was sad reading about his RB Osiris. I'm sure Charles will find a way to get Coco safely to NYC. He seems to know about health issues and proper cat care. Could he be in love already?
Please let us know how this all works out! You did good work for Coco!

09-03-2006, 03:10 PM
When I get this kind of "warm and fuzzy" feeling, I KNOW that's my gut instincts telling me he's the one. I can't wait to meet him and will let you know how it goes.

I love Coco Puff SOOOOO much but know that I'm doing the right thing. She deserves the best, and if Manhattan isn't, I don't know what is!!! Hell, TAKE ME PLEASE!!!!!!

09-03-2006, 03:22 PM
She is going to have a WONDERFUL home!!! Lots of windows for her to look out of and to be pampered!!!! I couldn't be happier!!

09-03-2006, 03:40 PM
It does sound perfect, and like she will be the City Princess like she deserves to be. If she's good in a carrier, maybe he could smuggle her on the train anyway!

09-03-2006, 03:57 PM
Thats great news that Coco will not only have a new home, but a Gentleman Cat Friend.
Three Cheers for YOU!!!!!!

09-03-2006, 04:00 PM
I am sorry your new friend must move on. Cats usually adjust quickly.

You are doing the right thing, finding it a new home and just the RIGHT one too!


09-03-2006, 05:19 PM
sorry things aren't working out for Cocco Puff! Do you have a pick of Moo that I can show Marissa, my daughter. She doesn't believe that there are cats that don't have hair....lol I was trying to search for some but I don't think I did it right.

Laura's Babies
09-03-2006, 06:48 PM
GREAT news! Do you think you can talk him into joining PT so we can get updates?

09-03-2006, 07:47 PM
GREAT news! Do you think you can talk him into joining PT so we can get updates?
Great idea, Laura!

09-03-2006, 11:29 PM
I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out with her:( but I'm very glad to hear that she'll have a very wonderful caring forever home.:)

09-04-2006, 09:52 PM

I'll definitely take pictures of both MooShoo and Coco. I'll have to have prints made then transfer them onto a floppy disk. I bought a card reader but still have yet to figure out how to download the stupid software.

I feel really bad for Coco. Moo WANTS to be her friend, but she's just growly and hissy. It would be so cool if they could both sleep under the covers with me at night.

I've been calling Charles all day to see when he'd like to come meet Coco. He hasn't returned my call.

*sigh* Oh well. :( 4 is a good number, right??

09-05-2006, 01:11 AM
Thank you Marissa will see there are kitties like we told her. LOL she just can't believe it. That would be awesome if they both would sleep with ya under the covers. So sorry things didn't work out. :(

09-05-2006, 08:38 AM
Charles called me this morning and it's all set. He's coming up from Manhattan on Saturday. I only wish the best for Coco as she certainly deserves a human of her own. I guess this is my cat's way of telling me that 4's the limit. I'll miss Coco. But I know she will live a very pampered life.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-05-2006, 10:15 AM
But I know she will live a very pampered life

and thats thanks to you - don't you forget it

Russian Blue
09-05-2006, 10:24 AM
I only wish the best for Coco as she certainly deserves a human of her own. I guess this is my cat's way of telling me that 4's the limit. I'll miss Coco. But I know she will live a very pampered life.

I'm sorry to hear that Coco didn't work out Donna. But as you know, the cats will certainly tell you if their living arrangements are working out or not.

It's great to see someone will come by to possibly adopt her. Fingers crossed!

09-05-2006, 07:01 PM
Charles called me this morning and it's all set. He's coming up from Manhattan on Saturday. I only wish the best for Coco as she certainly deserves a human of her own. I guess this is my cat's way of telling me that 4's the limit. I'll miss Coco. But I know she will live a very pampered life.

Well that is good news. He sounds like a nice guy! Let us know how it goes. Coco sounds like she will be spoiled by him. :D

09-05-2006, 08:28 PM

I'll definitely take pictures of both MooShoo and Coco. I'll have to have prints made then transfer them onto a floppy disk. I bought a card reader but still have yet to figure out how to download the stupid software.

*sigh* Oh well. :( 4 is a good number, right??

Unless you have a really old computer, the pictures should download from the card reader on to you hard drive into the folder of your choice.

I'm happy for Coco


09-05-2006, 09:54 PM
I am sorry to hear about Coco's departure...if only she knew what a good life she could've had with you. I hope Charles will treat her just as well as you have and would have. Smile, one cat saved, neutered/spayed, and adopted, is another cat that is just waiting for his/her turn! You did good!!

09-06-2006, 03:32 PM

Here's MooShoo


09-06-2006, 06:11 PM
I'm sorry it didn't work out Donna.I hope she's happy with this man and he gives her the attention she needs with no other pets to have to compete with.I hope he keeps in touch with you. :)

09-06-2006, 06:31 PM

Here's MooShoo


MooShoo is so cute! I told Marissa what they feel like and she said "are you serious?" LOL she said he is cute! LOL Thanks for the pic