View Full Version : [Pictures of the pets [Salamanders, Gecko, Fish]]

09-02-2006, 05:34 PM
Took some pictures of some of my pets today... Enjoy! :)

Montana hanging out by her water

Walking around her tank


Presario - my fav. goldfish


More coming

09-02-2006, 05:36 PM
This is One Eye - one of my favorite fish out of all my fishies. He got his eye popped out years ago in a different tank, but still lived! :D

Montana - sorry about the quality, the camera makes her tank look all scratchy

Nick & Flow

Thats all!

09-02-2006, 05:58 PM
:) Cute gecko and pretty fishys.my cousin has a leopard gecko named Spots

09-02-2006, 07:07 PM
Beautiful! =D
I was SO tempted to get a salamander while I was at the petstore getting some live plants, but I didn't^^.
May I ask what size tank your goldfish are in? I'm just curious.

09-02-2006, 09:50 PM
Beautiful! =D
I was SO tempted to get a salamander while I was at the petstore getting some live plants, but I didn't^^.
May I ask what size tank your goldfish are in? I'm just curious.

Salamanders are such great pets! I love them! You should really re-consider getting one :D
The goldies are in a tank that's about.... 5-6 gallons.

09-02-2006, 10:13 PM
Salamanders are such great pets! I love them! You should really re-consider getting one :D
The goldies are in a tank that's about.... 5-6 gallons.
Wow you need a lot bigger tank for the goldfish. That very over crowded! One goldfish should not even live in one that small.

09-03-2006, 10:26 AM
What do you need to take care of those Salamanders.?

I have always wanted a pair.

09-03-2006, 12:24 PM
What do you need to take care of those Salamanders.?

I have always wanted a pair.

Salamanders are awesome pets! And they are rather easy to care for. When choosing a salamander, make sure the tank is all ready to go before. Choose on that is not too skinny and not too plump. The color should be black or dark grey. Make sure he does not have any visible lumps or bulges on his body. A salamander’s tank must be at least 10 gallons, preferably more. The bigger the tank, the more salamanders you can have. 3 or 4 salamanders is the most you should have in a 10 gallon, but 7 or 8 can live well in a 20 gallon. Every 10 gallons you can have 4 salamanders more. A filter is essential, they are not an animal that can have a hand cleaned tank, although the tank should be cleaned at least twice a month. They need rocks at the bottom of their tank, not small enough for them to swallow, because they will literally eat anything they can. They also need multiple places to hide and sleep… a large thing you can buy from your pet store will work, if it is large enough, it can separate the water from the dry land. If you do not want to buy a $20 thing to separate the water from the rocks, you can just use the rocks to separate it. The rocks can be low where you put the water, and then get higher, they’ll get higher than the water’s level and that will be the dry land. Or, you can even have a tank all water, if you buy floating things and stuff. If the water level is high enough, you can insert plants in the gravel, live plants will help circulate the filtering and is good for the water. Buy some things they can hide under and in. Feeding is easy. Pinhead or small crickets can be put on the dry land, salamanders love crickets. Frozen bloodworms are the most popular food fed to salamanders, and it is healthy for them, too. 4-5 salamanders should only have 1/4 or 1/2 of a block every couple days, I feed my 8 a whole block every five days. 3 more salamanders can have 1/2 more of a block. They should not be held because your germs hurt their skin and their germs can give you a disease called Salmonella. Good luck and I hope you enjoy owning a (or a few) salamander/s (if you choose to, of course).

Sorry, got a little carried away there :D If you want any further info, there is much more! Please PM me.

Wow you need a lot bigger tank for the goldfish. That very over crowded! One goldfish should not even live in one that small.

They're comets, and once they get a wee bit bigger we're putting them in the pond. And there's only two...

09-03-2006, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the info. :)