View Full Version : The "I give up" approach to finance

Pawsitive Thinking
08-31-2006, 09:01 AM
I have worked really hard to get my finances in order but every time I think I've got it under control something else comes along! This is causing me no end of distress so I am now going to try the "oh well" approach...........does this work for anyone else?

08-31-2006, 09:06 AM
NO!!!!! It does not work! We all need to figure out a plan, even if it means eating rice and beans. Those incidental things are just going to come up and they have to be part of our budgets. Maybe concentrating on an emergency fund, first, say $1000, would help, and only tap into it in an emergency. Try to build it and pay off everything else. It is so hard, though, so I completely understand your frustration.


08-31-2006, 09:09 AM
I'm not sure. I agree with the "Oh well, that's life" idea that unforseen stuff is going to happen that strain your finances. But, I also subscribe to having at least 3 months worth of expenses in the bank so that when "life" does happen, it doesn't feel like an emergency.

I also believe that household appliances and vehicles are listening to our conversations. :p One time I was loading the washing machine and telling my husband that I had just received a $1,800 bonus at work. As soon as I got the words out of my mouth, the washing machine died. Guess what I spend most of my bonus on? :rolleyes:

08-31-2006, 08:23 PM
never discuss bonus money in a car either :D. go outside, around the block to discuss it, far away from any mechanical thing you own(or think you do)

09-01-2006, 08:10 AM
Denise, boy do I know how you feel! Sometimes I take a somewhat 'oh well' approach - just tell myself to stop stressing over finances. Sometimes it works a little, although it doesn't mean that I slack off from paying bills or anything like that, just stop stressing.

My husband and I get paid every other Thursday, both on the same day. So every year, there are two months that we each get an extra paycheck. So, we think we'll be ahead then, right? NOPE! I swear, every time we get an extra paycheck, something happens...case in point - this month is extra paycheck month and guess what? Our refrigerator pretty much quite on us! Of course! So guess what that extra pay is getting us this time? ARG!

09-01-2006, 11:10 AM
never discuss bonus money in a car either :D. go outside, around the block to discuss it, far away from any mechanical thing you own(or think you do)

LOL how right you are! I swear they are listening....

09-01-2006, 12:22 PM
I did that for years until it got to the point where I had to ask for help and am now in a debt management program. Stop now before it gets bad. I had to decide if I wanted to file for bankruptcy or try to take some responsibility. It's not easy, but I am paying my debts down. In four years I'll be debt free.

09-02-2006, 05:45 AM
I did that for years until it got to the point where I had to ask for help and am now in a debt management program. Stop now before it gets bad. I had to decide if I wanted to file for bankruptcy or try to take some responsibility. It's not easy, but I am paying my debts down. In four years I'll be debt free.
Same here except I have around 3 years before I'm totally debt free. Odd thing is I can manage better now and sometimes even have money left over (so far that is, I so hope I'm not tempting fate.)