View Full Version : Would a Non-POTC Fan please do me a huuuge favor?

08-30-2006, 08:14 PM
So they have the signed Pirates of the Caribbean Curst of the Black Pearl script up for auction on Ebay.. and I could easily afford the money, I just don't and can't have an Ebay account because I don't have a checking account or credit card. If you bid on it for me and win I promiseee I'll send you the money for shipping and everything, then you can ship it to me.. Would someone please do it for me? I'll PM you the link if you will.. just post here :).

08-30-2006, 08:28 PM
It only has 34 minutes left... so...

08-30-2006, 08:28 PM
Ahh! I wish I could... I have a ebay acounnt (well it's my parents) but they'd think i'm crazy for giving you my address and sending you something. Wish I could help :(

08-30-2006, 08:30 PM
If you also pay for my shipping to send it to you then I will do it.

08-30-2006, 08:31 PM
If you also pay for my shipping to send it to you then I will do it.
Of course ^__^ I'll PM you the link.. and thank you Sarah!

08-30-2006, 10:09 PM
:p So did you win it??

08-30-2006, 10:11 PM
Yep, I won. :)

08-30-2006, 10:32 PM
Yep, I won. :)

that is great

08-30-2006, 11:17 PM
Sweet. Way to go Sarah. :D Lucky you, Bri!

08-30-2006, 11:38 PM
I love the way we help each other out, huh, Sarah?
BTW, I would have done it for you if I hadn't missed the post..sorry.. :o

08-31-2006, 02:27 PM
I love the way we help each other out, huh, Sarah?
BTW, I would have done it for you if I hadn't missed the post..sorry.. :o
It's fine :D.

Sarah, thank youuu sooooo much. From what I've read they're only copies of autographs... but hey, it's still the script! :)

08-31-2006, 02:42 PM
You are a lucky girl. As much as I love Pet Talk, I dont' think I could have done what you asked for. :o


08-31-2006, 02:52 PM
You are a lucky girl. As much as I love Pet Talk, I dont' think I could have done what you asked for. :o

Aww, why not?

08-31-2006, 03:10 PM
i saw one on there for 75plus dollars the people selling it say it is the real autographs.

08-31-2006, 03:11 PM
i saw one on there for 75plus dollars the people selling it say it is the real autographs.
Do you have al link? ;D

08-31-2006, 03:30 PM
Whoa.. I need to stay AWAY from Ebay..
http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean-Signed-Script-X-2-w-COA_W0QQitemZ300022635072QQihZ020QQcategoryZ18833Q QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
-dies- I think mine's a photocopy, but still, XD.

08-31-2006, 03:32 PM
Whoa.. I need to stay AWAY from Ebay..
http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean-Signed-Script-X-2-w-COA_W0QQitemZ300022635072QQihZ020QQcategoryZ18833Q QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
-dies- I think mine's a photocopy, but still, XD.

that is the one i was talking about.I am not a huge fan of POTC like you are.I am a kingdom hearts lover. :)

08-31-2006, 03:34 PM
Well, this is the one I asked Sarah to bid on and she won.
Clicky (http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-Movie-Script-6X-Bloom-Depp_W0QQitemZ280023136865QQihZ018QQcategoryZ18833 QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting)
Doesn't say it's authentic or anything, but I think they should specify so in the title so people don't get their hopes up.

08-31-2006, 03:34 PM
Aww, why not?

I can't give you a good reason, but "just because". It takes a true relationship foro someone to jump out and trust another to do this for you, and we havne't built up that kind of relationship. That's all.


08-31-2006, 03:37 PM
Ohhh yeah. I trust most people from PT, and I guess I should be more protective, but I know most of the people on here pretty well.

08-31-2006, 04:46 PM
Well, this is the one I asked Sarah to bid on and she won.
Clicky (http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-Movie-Script-6X-Bloom-Depp_W0QQitemZ280023136865QQihZ018QQcategoryZ18833 QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting)
Doesn't say it's authentic or anything, but I think they should specify so in the title so people don't get their hopes up.That would be how they get your money. They con you into beliveing its real.
Do you really think theyd be selling the original sighned copy of that for $30?
Plus they have a bunch more from different movies in their ebay store.

Glad you won
Thats really nice of you Sarah for doing that.

08-31-2006, 04:49 PM
That would be how they get your money. They con you into beliveing its real.
Do you really think theyd be selling the original sighned copy of that for $30?
Plus they have a bunch more from different movies in their ebay store.

Glad you won
Thats really nice of you Sarah for doing that.

Yeah I know. I think that's stupid, but I want the script more than the autographs.. don't care if it's official or not.

Yep, I know.. and thank you again, Sarah! :D

08-31-2006, 05:14 PM
*pouts* Grr to you Bri! I bloody wanted it! *mumbles words of jealousy* Only joking mate... but now I can be the first one to get a Jack Sparrow T-shirt! mwahaha! *ahem*

08-31-2006, 05:20 PM
*pouts* Grr to you Bri! I bloody wanted it! *mumbles words of jealousy* Only joking mate... but now I can be the first one to get a Jack Sparrow T-shirt! mwahaha! *ahem*
Haha. Well, I'm getting a script. -sticks out tongue-

-cough- get on yahoo -end cough-

08-31-2006, 05:30 PM
*pouts* Grr to you Bri! I bloody wanted it! *mumbles words of jealousy* Only joking mate... but now I can be the first one to get a Jack Sparrow T-shirt! mwahaha! *ahem*

Alyssa has one Monica! ;) You'll be the 2nd.

08-31-2006, 05:31 PM
Alyssa has one Monica! ;) You'll be the 2nd.

Aww poo :p Well I think I'm the first one to get pirate curtains! lol! sorry bri for hijacking your thread.

08-31-2006, 05:33 PM
Maybe we should turn it into the let's talk about Pirates thread ;)

08-31-2006, 05:38 PM
I would LOVE that Bri. Fellow Pirate obsessors can come and chat all ye want, sharing pictures of actors or poparazzi (i know i spelled that wrong) pictures of the upcoming movie. I think Ted and/or Terry comfirmed it is going to be At Worlds End! Finally have a title!

08-31-2006, 05:41 PM
I would LOVE that Bri. Fellow Pirate obsessors can come and chat all ye want, sharing pictures of actors or poparazzi (i know i spelled that wrong) pictures of the upcoming movie. I think Ted and/or Terry comfirmed it is going to be At Worlds End! Finally have a title!
Haha, yay. Well, then the pirate discussion thread it is ;). But I'll wait until I get my script to change the title, lol.

08-31-2006, 05:44 PM
Haha, yay. Well, then the pirate discussion thread it is ;). But I'll wait until I get my script to change the title, lol.

Yay! A pirate thread! My two favorite things have finally become one...sorta. Dogs and Pirates! lol

Bri, do you want me to share my yahoo avvy picture? the FULL one?

08-31-2006, 05:46 PM
Yay! A pirate thread! My two favorite things have finally become one...sorta. Dogs and Pirates! lol

Bri, do you want me to share my yahoo avvy picture? the FULL one?
LOL.. Is it appropriate? ;D

08-31-2006, 06:44 PM
Waiiiiiiiit...I'm confused by the title! :o Why did you want help from a "Non-POTC fan"?? I'm just curious, lol!

08-31-2006, 06:52 PM
Waiiiiiiiit...I'm confused by the title! :o Why did you want help from a "Non-POTC fan"?? I'm just curious, lol!
Cuz a POTC fan might've bid on it first? :o LOL.. I was really intent on getting it.. hence why I also didn't post the link! :o I'm selfish, I know -shifty-

08-31-2006, 07:13 PM
Great thread! ;)

Yeah, I think I'm lucky to have a shirt, I'm not allowed to get anything else. Well, I haven't asked but I know I'm not getting POTC curtains lmao. :p My mom says I'm to obsessed. Congratulations bri on winning it! :D

08-31-2006, 07:15 PM
Great thread! ;)

Yeah, I think I'm lucky to have a shirt, I'm not allowed to get anything else. Well, I haven't asked but I know I'm not getting POTC curtains lmao. :p My mom says I'm to obsessed. Congratulations bri on winning it! :D
LOLOL. I'm doing my room in pink and black with possible pirate curtains, hahaha. I want a piratefied room XD.

08-31-2006, 07:34 PM
LOLOL. I'm doing my room in pink and black with possible pirate curtains, hahaha. I want a piratefied room XD.

I just got my room painted 2 years ago, and I want another color. I even offered to paint it myself, but its still a no. :rolleyes:

I might get a poster and of course the second movie when it comes out, but thats all. I cannot wait until March 25th, 2007!!! :D :D I'll probably see it the next day POTC 3 comes out. :)

08-31-2006, 07:39 PM
AHhhh....okay ;)

08-31-2006, 08:34 PM
I've seen the first movie and I'm a fan, I'm just not a fanatic ;) It really wasn't a big deal to get it though. It might be interesting to skim through to see how a script is set up. Plus I already have Bri's address so I wasn't worried about trust issues :p

08-31-2006, 08:37 PM
I've seen the first movie and I'm a fan, I'm just not a fanatic ;) It really wasn't a big deal to get it though. It might be interesting to skim through to see how a script is set up. Plus I already have Bri's address so I wasn't worried about trust issues :p
Haha. I'm a little overly obsessed XD. It better be worth $20.50.. It's only a screen copy anyways.. :/. You have my address? O: I don't remember when I gave it to you, lol

08-31-2006, 09:05 PM
Haha. I'm a little overly obsessed XD. It better be worth $20.50.. It's only a screen copy anyways.. :/. You have my address? O: I don't remember when I gave it to you, lol
You gave it to me a few months ago, I forgot why. lol

09-01-2006, 09:09 AM
I've seen both movies -- and both were fun :)

Heres a link i ran across - it has a lot of stuff on it about POTC, Pirates in general, Pirate merchandise (yar matey im buying me an eyepatch!) - you might have seen it before Bri, but if not ...


Pawsitive Thinking
09-01-2006, 09:22 AM
Do non-POTC fans exist? I've never met one!

09-01-2006, 09:26 AM
Do non-POTC fans exist? I've never met one!

*Points To-Self!* :p

09-01-2006, 09:29 AM
Yeah, i enjoyed the POTC movies, but I'm not sure that I'd classify myself as a fan'atic' (no copy of the movie, posters, bedsheets etc.) -- i'm not sure that I've ever been that into a movie before (well, except maybe Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but i was young and it was just a phase ... really!)

09-01-2006, 09:52 AM
Yeah, i enjoyed the POTC movies, but I'm not sure that I'd classify myself as a fan'atic' (no copy of the movie, posters, bedsheets etc.) -- i'm not sure that I've ever been that into a movie before (well, except maybe Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but i was young and it was just a phase ... really!)

Wow Jenna, you scare me. :eek:

LOL, I'm not that into it. I swear all I have in my room that is POTC related is the DVD and my shirt. :o I'm not kidding. I'm not changing my whole room to POTC cause I wouldn't like that, and my friends would make fun of me till no end. I just like it ALOT and I watch the first movie very often and I cannot wait for the 3rd one. I talk about it alot though lol, but that doesn't count. :D

09-01-2006, 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Blue_Frog
Yeah, i enjoyed the POTC movies, but I'm not sure that I'd classify myself as a fan'atic' (no copy of the movie, posters, bedsheets etc.) -- i'm not sure that I've ever been that into a movie before (well, except maybe Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but i was young and it was just a phase ... really!)

Wow Jenna, you scare me. :eek:


Yeah, I figured that POTC bedsheets would go along with all the comments on Page #1 about curtains, etc. :D It could be like one of those Home Makeovers -- "While you were out - POTC Edition"

Like I said, I think the only memorabilia i ever had from a movie was from 'Bill and Ted' (keanu was pretty cute in '89), and even then i think it was just a poster and the movie on VHS :)

09-01-2006, 10:49 AM

Yeah, I figured that POTC bedsheets would go along with all the comments on Page #1 about curtains, etc. :D It could be like one of those Home Makeovers -- "While you were out - POTC Edition"

Like I said, I think the only memorabilia i ever had from a movie was from 'Bill and Ted' (keanu was pretty cute in '89), and even then i think it was just a poster and the movie on VHS :)

lol not you, I_luv_rusty is Jenna. To tell you the truth if I was on that show, I would ask for POTC and dog room. :p :p

09-01-2006, 11:11 AM
lol not you, I_luv_rusty is Jenna. To tell you the truth if I was on that show, I would ask for POTC and dog room.

Ahh... gotcha --- easily confused over here :)

If i was on that show, I'd hope they wouldn't do anything terrible that made me cry! *lol* I'd love to have one of those shows come in and refinish my basement for me, and build a ferret playroom! :D

09-01-2006, 12:08 PM
*Points To-Self!* :pCount me in too lol

09-01-2006, 02:39 PM
Well, I'm only majorly obsessed over 2 things.. POTC being one of those. I've liked Johnny Depp since.. umm.. FOREVER? lol But that's not the point ;D. I'm not doing my room in a total POTC theme, just planning on a pirate-y pink and blackish theme.

Lori Jordan
09-01-2006, 03:59 PM
Point at me also,i can never get into those movies,Mind you my daughter loves them so i find stuff to do elsewhere.But that is why this is a free world we can all like what we like.

09-01-2006, 04:24 PM
*whistles* I'm not obsessed, I promise! *looks at avvy and siggy* Ok... maybe a little obsessed... bleh, who am i kidding? I'm really obsessed! I am saving me money to re-do my room to resemble a room in a boat...err ship. The walls are going to be brownish, looking like wood and all... *ahem* sorry. Right now I have a good amount of PotC stuff... notebooks, folders, regular books, curtains, purses, and two posters. I'm looking into a t-shirt though and some stuffs from master replicas... :p

My friend doesn't like the movies at all! *pouts* We tried to make her watch the first one, but she got bored like 15 minutes in! ha... I guess she should stick to musicals and whatnot since that's what she likes.