View Full Version : I have a betta!

08-30-2006, 04:00 PM
Remember a while back I posted a thread about taking over my friends Guppy tank? Well, most of the Guppies (I think one or two lived) died soon after I got them :o However, I have them in a 20 gallon now and I have six Guppies, two Mollies, and one Betta. I've watched the Betta very closely and he doesn't "attack" the fish. He flares every once in a while, and I saw him charge at one twice, but other than that he's been fine. I do have another tank for him, but it's the Guppies old tank so I think it's 1 or 2 gallons. I figure he'd be happier in the 20g. My question is, is flaring etc. stressing him out, or is it kind of like stimulation for him? He seems otherwise happy, no fin rot, swims a lot and eats fine. And as I said, he only flares every once in the while (and not at all in the last two days). Do you think this is okay, or would he be happier alone?

08-30-2006, 04:10 PM
I´ve read somewhere (correct me if I´m wrong) that placing two bettas near (in separate tanks of course) would provide them with stimulation of the fins as they flare, they will exercise them and make them strong or something, and recommended a good 20 minutes or so......

I think it´s fine but i´m no expert and besides i´ve got mine all by themselves, but as you just described i see no problem

08-30-2006, 04:21 PM
If it's not constant flaring, then it's alright :) I try to flare all my guys a couple times a day.

I'd be a bit worried about housing him with the mollies and especially the guppies.. but from what you described, it sounds like it's going okay. :)

08-30-2006, 04:25 PM
I think it would be fine. =)
Like mentioned, I believe it to be positive stimulation as long as he doesn't do it constantly (like you already mentioned). I let my male bettas see eachother through their tanks quite often.

08-30-2006, 06:49 PM
If it's not constant flaring, then it's alright :) I try to flare all my guys a couple times a day.

I'd be a bit worried about housing him with the mollies and especially the guppies.. but from what you described, it sounds like it's going okay. :)

Okay, thanks guys.

I was pretty worried too, I put him in my Guppie breeding trap (which hangs in the tank water) while I was setting up the smaller tank and he seemed to be fine. The Guppies were all around him and he wasn't flaring much. I thought I'd give it a shot, and I guess it worked. I have his other tank cycling in case there is a problem though. I might also add a couple more fish, and if he doesn't get along with those I guess he'll have to go by himself. There are lots of plastic and live plants, and a few of those "fish home" type things. perhaps it works out because he(and the other fish) have lots of places to hide?

The other thing is, does he *need* to eat betta food, or is tropical fish food okay? I throw some peas in there for the Mollies and he eats those as well. Is that healthy? I'm trying to find a frozen food that isn't too gross that I can feed as well. Do you know if the Betta, guppies, and Mollies will eat blood worms?

08-30-2006, 06:54 PM
First to answer your question on bloodworms, Yes, they can eat them. Infact, all my fish that I've offered bloodworms to have enjoyed them alot, especially the bettas.
Peas are okay for him to eat, also, but not as his whole diet (of course, I knew you knew that^^!)
About the tropical fish food.. I would assume it would be okay. Though I've never done it myself, you could always compare the ingrediants of betta food and your tropical food to see how they vary.
I hope I was of some help. =)

08-30-2006, 07:24 PM
The other thing is, does he *need* to eat betta food, or is tropical fish food okay? I throw some peas in there for the Mollies and he eats those as well. Is that healthy? I'm trying to find a frozen food that isn't too gross that I can feed as well. Do you know if the Betta, guppies, and Mollies will eat blood worms?

Bettas LOOOOVE frozen bloodworms! Breeders often condition their bettas with frozen bloodworms and other frozen/live worms. I only have bettas so I don't know if guppies and mollies will take the bloodworms. :p

Bettas are carnivorous, so peas don't really benefit them other than helping with the occasional swimming problem. I've read that they act as laxitives.. imagine constantly being given laxitives. :eek: YIKES!

08-31-2006, 12:30 PM
Bettas love Bloodworms! And I'm sure the others do too. If he's not flaring too much, it's fine. Flaring is an excersize for Bettas, so it's good for them. Good luck, oh, and, where are the pictures? :p ;)