View Full Version : My pretty Bo Bo (Bocelli)

08-29-2006, 05:49 PM
I just bought a nice new camera, and occasionally figure out how to use it! :p


08-29-2006, 05:52 PM
You have such gorgeous cats, Kim. And he sure does know how to pose.

Prairie Purrs
08-29-2006, 06:33 PM
Such a lovely photo! And what a sweet expression on Bo Bo's handsome face. :D

08-29-2006, 07:03 PM
There was no warning attached to this thread --- I melted from all the handsomeness! :eek:

Laura's Babies
08-29-2006, 07:07 PM
Did you hear me gasp?? BEAUTIFUL!!! (Looks to me like you have that camera figured out....)

08-29-2006, 08:24 PM
Your BoBo looks almost like Chowder!
And Mr Scrappy Angel , Zipper Angel and Scrappy 2, all Terrific Tuxedoes!!
What a Wonderful Face!

08-29-2006, 08:51 PM
Aw!!!!!!!!!! I just love BoBo - such a pretty baby. His face is purrfect :)

08-29-2006, 09:31 PM
What kind of camera did you get? Excellent detail in the fur and whiskers!

Hi Bo! *smooch*

08-29-2006, 09:35 PM
Thank you everyone for such nice comments!

Karen, I got a Canon Powershot S2 IS .... per the recommendation of Catnapper! ;) When I manage to do it right, it takes remarkable pictures, but I still have lots to learn. I hate reading manuals! :rolleyes:

08-29-2006, 10:06 PM
He looks like my Clover!!!

Such a pretty kitty, he is! Give him huggles and kisses for me! ^_^

08-29-2006, 10:26 PM
Thank you everyone for such nice comments!

Karen, I got a Canon Powershot S2 IS .... per the recommendation of Catnapper! ;) When I manage to do it right, it takes remarkable pictures, but I still have lots to learn. I hate reading manuals! :rolleyes:

That's the camera my brother got this spring - I mean got for his wife, Lady's Other Human. Now he's home from a month away, maybe she'll get to use it!

08-29-2006, 11:33 PM
I love the long white ear wisps. His fur looks so very soft that I felt as though I wanted to sink my face into it.

I have the same camera and also hate reading manuals. I discovered zoom by accidentally putting my finger on the button!

08-30-2006, 12:14 AM
I have the same camera and also hate reading manuals. I discovered zoom by accidentally putting my finger on the button!

*clears throat* Then why don't we get to see YOUR babies???? :eek: ;)

Killearn Kitties
08-30-2006, 01:56 AM
There you are Bo Bo! It is just FOREVER since we have seen your handsome face!
Beautiful picture and from the sound of this thread, we should be getting some great pictures soon from a number of people! ;)