View Full Version : Neutering the dog

Goochina & Goochissimo
05-28-2002, 02:00 PM
As you may know, my Odie impregnated the neighbor's dog and had one pup. Moral of the story is, we want to get him fixed ASAP.

We also have a pup who is 5 months. How old should they be before neutering?

And lastly, if we have Odie neutered, couldn't it be a problem with the puppy being too rough and playful? It's almost impossible to separate them!

Suggestions? Thanks!

Dixieland Dancer
05-28-2002, 02:10 PM
A safe age to have them neutered is around 6 months. You want to do it before they come into sexual maturity. Actually, when they are operated on, they are laid back for a day or two. As long as they don't play too rough they will be fine. Just don't let them get too rough for a few days. Your vet will perhaps more suggestions.

05-28-2002, 03:37 PM
:eek: that is what my dogs face looked like when he (checkers) found out he was balls less!!! THe doctor said he will be a little drowsy (ha ha yea right he jump all over me like a hot tomallia)!!!!
You will have he keep the dog in side for about 2 days because you dont want the stiches to come out or get infected!! yuck!
And keep the dog away from licking the stiches that will be hard!! thats all i know Good luck!!

05-28-2002, 09:36 PM
Dogs only need to be 5 pounds for it to be safely done. We do it routinely at that age at work and have never had any problems. They bounce back faster the younger they are. There are certain clinics though who won't do it until 6 months.

We have litters of puppies fixed at the same time and they are romping around playing together the next day. We just keep an eye on their sutures and make sure their play doesn't get TOO rough.