View Full Version : I've been feeling strange.

08-28-2006, 08:15 PM
Im not looking for sympathy or attention if thats what this looks like then its truely not about that I just want some advice.

I've been feeling really weird lately, Like I cant be bothered to put effort into anything anymore, its like I've lost alot of confidence in myself and I dont have the ability to snap out of it, I know its affecting my relationship with my boyfriend and it really breaks me because I love him so much and I'm pushing him away from everything and I really dont want to, I've snapped at him so many time lately and I really dont mean to.. I dont know if its because hes one of the only people who I can really be open with or if its because In a way I'm scared of losing him because I've never been as close to someone before without being scared to open up and knowing he wont judge me for anything.
I really dont know whats triggered this off, Its like I could be happy one minute then fighting back tears the next and I dont know why :(

08-28-2006, 08:26 PM
Search Your Soul!!!! Something, triggered this emotion!!!!

Stress can rear its ugly face? We , as humans, often question our abilities!!!

No, you are not at all asking for sympathy, nor, Attention!!!

You are leaning on "Pet Talk"!!!!! ;)

Let's Talk!!!!! (beyond pets :eek: ) What is the core issue here?

Pin it down.

08-28-2006, 08:29 PM
It sounds like maybe clinical depression or bi polar syndrome, maybe you should talk to a doctor about this? Especially if you have been feeling this way for over a week. There are online tests that can give you an idea if it's something like that, http://psychcentral.com/quizzes.htm. I'm sorry you have to go through this...I hope it gets better.

08-28-2006, 08:39 PM
hey there, long time. remember our fun PMs? :)

I'm awfully sorry you're feeling this miserable. worst climax of your life, I think. :(

the link areias gave you looks good, you also could try this one, is it really depression (www.isitreallydepression.com)? remember any other sites don't always accurate your concern(s), talk with someone experienced or a doctor you're comfortable with.

thinking of you, hope it goes 'up' somehow after this! please don't think you'll bother me if you want to talk.

((((hugs hugs))))

08-28-2006, 08:41 PM
Does sound like classic depression, sweetie, do talk to a doctor, okay?

08-28-2006, 09:03 PM
What areias, gina's ark, and Karen all said. DEFINITELY talk to your doctor, and the sooner the better. Antidepressant medication can help this a great deal, and it isn't just something you can "snap out of" without medical intervention. Keep us posted, OK?


08-29-2006, 08:55 AM
I'm going to agree with the others, that's exactly how my depression started. I'm so sorry you're going through a rough time. If you ever need to talk please PM me. ((((hugs))))

Pawsitive Thinking
08-29-2006, 09:32 AM
I'm going to agree with the others, that's exactly how my depression started.

Mine too! Get yourself to a doctor honey - you would if it was a broken limb that needed mending

08-29-2006, 11:51 AM
Thanks everyone, I feeling so tired today and I've hardly done anything even at work we wasnt busy, Last night I had like 2 hours sleep so that really didn't help either.

I took a test and its quite worrying really even if it is only a guideline test but I Really do not want to see my doctor because I dont think he even listens to me half the time and I dont want to be put on medication like anti depressants, I've heard so many bad things about them and I dont want even go there.

I been thinking about everything and I have no routine in my life and I think that would be a good way to start.. Like I will come home and sleep til about 10 then wont sleep at night because I find it so hard to sleep when im meant to.

I'm going away for 2 weeks with my boyfriend so seeing a doctor before then isnt really an option anyway seeing as it takes about 5 days to get an appointment :mad:

I'm definatly going to make myself get into a routine because I know really this is all in my head and its only going to get better if I really do make the effort wether I want to or not.

I've had alot of spare time today just thinking and I think I've sorted some stuff out but I think it will take sometime to feel 100% again.

Thanks everyone its really nice to know that people do care :)