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View Full Version : Gabriel Helps Meowmie Make the Bed

08-28-2006, 05:57 PM
I swear, no sooner do I throw back a sheet or comforter that Gabe is right there ready to make things complicated......I mean HELP. ;)


I'm such a BIG help. How could anyone resist me helping out with making the bed??? :confused:


I am just tooo cute for my own good.

08-28-2006, 06:15 PM
Gabriel Is Doing His Best To Help Make Sure His Bed Is Comfortable.
Not Necessarily Neat, But Comfortable!!

Laura's Babies
08-28-2006, 06:39 PM
#1 reason why I don't/can't make my bed..... Samantha or Giz are always there to help!

He sure has grown into a handsome big boy! I love those tabby and whites.. (wonder why? :rolleyes: )

08-28-2006, 07:06 PM
Gabe, you ARE the cutest without a doubt! you can make my bed any time you want!!!

08-28-2006, 07:56 PM
Is that a water bed? When we had ours, all the cats would help us make the bed. And there was barely room for us at bedtime.

08-28-2006, 08:25 PM
How precious! It's so good to see Gabe again .... what a sweetie!!! :)


08-28-2006, 10:27 PM
What a delightful cutie patootie you are Gabriel and just a great little helper you are.

I have at least 3 of mine helping me make the beds and it goes like this.
Put cats down, try to get fitted sheet on bed, put cats down, try to finish putting fitted sheet on. Put cats down, try to get top sheet on, put cats down again...oh well, you get the picture. :rolleyes:

I should just close my door but then that takes the fun of it away. :D

08-29-2006, 05:07 AM
What a wondeful helper you are Gabriel, you can come and help me make my bed anytime you want!

smokey the elder
08-29-2006, 07:50 AM
He has to get rid of all the evil bed mice!

08-29-2006, 11:47 AM
What a wonderful helper you are, Gabriel! Not only do you help Meowmie make the bed, you get rid of all those nasty bed mice and then make sure the bed is still soft and comfortable. Scritchies and smoochies for a job well done!!!

08-29-2006, 12:20 PM
I think a bed made with gabriel looks so much better than one without ;)