View Full Version : clicker training 3 year old

05-28-2002, 11:54 AM
Hello everyone,

Last night at flyball practice... I was asking an instructor about heeling. My girl still will not heel outside. I tried the GL, she only whines hysterically with it on. I've decided I need to get the behaviour I want, not try to use instruments to make her do it... SO.. it was suggested I try clicker training with her. It was also suggested that clicker training will help her in agility....and with making her 75% accurate commands into 100% accurate. My only question is that if I start to use a clicker, do I have to carry it with me at all times?....Or is it something where once the behaviour is learned, the clicker is no longer needed?.....

Thanks for your help

Dixieland Dancer
05-28-2002, 03:18 PM
I clicker train Dusty. I trained Dixie with positive reinforcement but not with a clicker. Dusty is learning so much faster than Dixie did and more accurately. The theory behind clicker training is to teach the behavior. You eventually need to phase out the clicker when the behavior is shaped.

As for carrying it around with you, I don't. While I am shaping the behavior I want the dog to give, I only work the dog under controlled circumstances. You do not want to send mixed signals. Dusty is worked twice a day for 10 minutes each session. I do it before breakfast and dinner and I use his kibble so he doesn't get too much extra food to pack on unwanted pounds. At training class I use special treats such as cheese or boiled chicken.

The nice thing about clicker training is that the behavior is enforced quicker. While you give a verbal and a treat, there may be a few seconds between the behavior and the reward. With clickers, the sound is instant and you have a few seconds to pass on the treat.

05-28-2002, 04:06 PM
Like Candy, I don't always carry the clicker. We use it primarily when we are tryin to shape a new behavior, so the dogs know when they are starting to get the idea. Over time we up the criterea before the are "clicked" I occasionaly I still click sits, and downs, just to remind them what the clicker means.