View Full Version : Full-timing Kitties

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-28-2002, 10:40 AM
As most of you know, we have a big 40' diesel pusher motorhome as one of our "toys." It's a rather new toy for us, so we're still learning about it and about the whole lifestyle/hobby of motorhoming. The one thing I would really like to be able to do is bring the kitties with us in it, but I don't know enough about it yet, and I'm not sure how they would take to it since it is a vehicle and neither one of them are really thrilled about riding in the car.

Anyway, this last weekend we headed to Michigan for a big rally where all the motorhomes there were the big rigs like ours. This was our first event with over 300 big rigs in one place, that people actually lived in and used on a regular basis - otherwise I've only seen them at shows where the rigs are brand new and don't have the personal touches that they get when people actually live in them for awhile. One morning I was still in my bathrobe when Terry said, come here, you have to see this. He pointed to a coach that was way across the field and told me to look at the back window. I could just barely see something white sitting in the window and he told me it was a little kitty. Well, as soon as I got dressed, I had to head over to see the kitty up close and personal, and talk to the people about how they managed everything like the litterbox, etc. She was the most darling little calico girl, I fell in love instantly. She was tiny, but her "mom" said she was 17 years old. She was about 1/2 the size of Tubby, and about 2/3 the size of Peanut. Just a tiny, short haired calico with the cutest markings on her face, and the cutest expression, and she talked to me as soon as I touched her. They had rigged up a cage that they attached to the window so she could sit outside. They had a piece of plexiglass that they cut a hole in, and put some little strips of screen in the hole to somewhat act as a screen, but to still allow her to come and go as she pleased. They had the perfect set-up for the litterbox too, but it's kind of complicated to explain if you guys don't know much about motorhomes, but it was behind a door panel so it wasn't right out in the open which I really liked. Obviously there is limited space in these rigs because they are only so wide and so long. Cally was a "full-timer" meaning her "mom and dad" had sold their brick and mortar home and this motorhome was it, all the time, full time. No apartment, condo, townhome, house or anything like that to go back to, just the motorhome, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. There are more and more people doing this every year, and someday Terry and I hope to do it too, but not quite yet.

So after I talked to Cally's mom for a bit, the lady from the next rig down came over and started talking, and it turns out she had 3 - yes 3 :eek: :eek: cats in a 45' converted bus. There's probably about 400-450 square feet of living space in these things, and she had 3 cats! They were also full-timers. I know a lot of full-timers take their dogs along too, and it only makes sense because just because you sell the house doesn't mean you give up the pets too. And these are all the nicest people in the world, and fun!

Anyway, I really learned a lot about cats in motorhomes. I'm still not ready to take ours along, but I'm getting plenty of ideas for when the time actually comes. And I was just so smitten with little Cally that I could have scooped her up right then and there and brought her home with me, but I could tell her mommy would never allow such a thing.

There are no pictures of the kitties here, but if you want to see pictures of our motorhome and see more of what I'm talking about, you can go here (http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/HobbyCt/hddebbie/Motorhome.html) to see more.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-28-2002, 08:30 PM
:eek: WOW :eek:
That is sooooo nice....
I could live in that myself!!!!!!! We were riding down the road one day and passed a motor home---- not that big though I think and I was thinking how nice it would be to have one. You can pick up and go anytime you want to and not have to worry about paying for a hotel. I just love it and I hope dear Tubby and Peanut do too one day!!! (if they don't.... I will travel around with you http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/contrib/edoom/puppy_dog_eyes.gif )

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-28-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
:eek: WOW :eek:
That is sooooo nice....
I could live in that myself!!!!!!! We were riding down the road one day and passed a motor home---- not that big though I think and I was thinking how nice it would be to have one. You can pick up and go anytime you want to and not have to worry about paying for a hotel. I just love it and I hope dear Tubby and Peanut do too one day!!! (if they don't.... I will travel around with you http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/contrib/edoom/puppy_dog_eyes.gif )

Thanks, Sara. :) I hope to get them (Tubby & Peanut) in it. My biggest problem right now is that I think Tubby would be fine, but Peanut would be petrified. And I don't want to take Tubby and leave Peanut home alone, so that means neither one of them goes. :( Oh, and actually my biggest problem right now is Terry because he would be petrified for Peanut, and he would be a basket case, which means Terry goes, but Tubby and Peanut have to stay home. :rolleyes: :( :)

I talked to Terry and told him to get some pictures of Cally if he could, if she came out to her window perch again. I still can't get over what a little cutey pie she was. :)

05-28-2002, 09:14 PM
WOW!! That is absolutely gorgeous! I've never seen the inside of one of those and I'm impressed! What a great way to travel! No hotels! How great is that? You could live just about anywhere you've ever wanted! How exciting!
That's what I call travelling in style. Heck, I haven't seen apartments that nice! LOL LOL I'm with Sara, I'd come along with ya! LOL LOL
That would be neat to take the 'kids' along, but I can imagine that it could be stressful for them. Bless their little kitty hearts!:) Let's see more pics!!!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-28-2002, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
WOW!! That is absolutely gorgeous! I've never seen the inside of one of those and I'm impressed!
Thanks, Karen. :) And yes, you'd be amazed. They have certainly come a long way from the little "campers" and "tour buses" that started the whole motorhome trend. Everytime I go in a different one I'm amazed at what new ways they've found to pack more stuff into such a limited space, and not make it seem crowded or overdone. There really are some beautiful machines out there.

What a great way to travel! No hotels! How great is that? You could live just about anywhere you've ever wanted! How exciting!
That's what I call travelling in style. Heck, I haven't seen apartments that nice! LOL LOL I'm with Sara, I'd come along with ya! LOL LOL

It is kind of neat. We are fully self-contained, meaning we can carry enough water to last us at least a week, and we can generate our own electricity as long as we have diesel fuel for the generator, so the only reason we would ever need to visit "civilization" is to empty the holding tanks (dirty water), fill with more water and refill the diesel tanks, oh, and fill the propane tank now. However, it's not just all that easy. You have to remember where everything gets it's power from. For instance the refrigerator either runs off propane or if you have the generator on it will run off that, or if you are plugged in, it will run off that! The good news is, the refrigerator is so smart that it knows what kind of power you have coming in and will figure out for itself what is the most efficient thing for it to run on. It is so high-tech in ways like that. The coach itself will not leave you stranded, even if that's what you're trying to do. I can explain in much further detail, but I don't want to bore everybody. Oh, and one day I couldn't figure out why the TV wouldn't go on. Turned out I didn't have a button pushed to convert one kind of power to the kind that the TV needed so it wouldn't work. Sometimes it's absolutely mind boggling, but I think we have it down pretty good now.

The only thing is, since there is a lot of complicated and high-tech stuff onboard, that also means there's a lot that can go wrong, and believe me, it does. The refrigerator was leaking this weekend. Fortunately we had the time to investigate ourselves and found out the hose for the ice-maker was disconnected, otherwise that could have been a nice hefty bill at the repair shop. So it is fun and everything, but it certainly does have it's downside too. But we've been fortunate and not had any major problems....yet....so we're still enjoying it immensely.

That would be neat to take the 'kids' along, but I can imagine that it could be stressful for them. Bless their little kitty hearts!:) Let's see more pics!!!:D

Someday, someday, I really hope to get them along. Slow but sure I'm breaking Tubby in, then comes Peanut....and Terry. ;) I thought I had more pictures to post, but I don't really unless you want to see technical ones like a drawing of the chassis. And you're thinking "yeah, right Debbie :rolleyes: first of all you have to tell me what a chassis is!" ;) :) Hopefully Terry will take a bunch at the rally. Did I mention he is still there? I had to come back to work, and he got to stay and play. :(

Hugs back to you too, Karen and thanks for the nice comments.

05-28-2002, 11:54 PM
A friend of mine has a motorhome but it's nothing like yours. Yours is so glamorous inside. It's like a five star hotel. My friend also has a dog and cat that would travel around with her. The funny thing is that the cat seemed to enjoy it more than the dog. Thanks for sharing the pictures.:)

05-29-2002, 01:24 AM
My parents manage an RV park and hotel in Sisters, Oregon. We have had the Foretravel group come and stay in our park, as well as another group (and I can't remember the name anymore!!!) that had rigs that were no shorter than 40 feet. These units are amazing! One guy had a washer and dryer in his, a GPS unit, an entertainment system underneath the motorhome so when you sat outside you could watch TV or listen to music (it was hidden by a panel) and marble floors. A lot of RVers bring their cats along. It was always fun to walk through the park and see all the nice motorhomes and cute pets!! :D

05-29-2002, 01:59 AM
GORGEOUS is the only word for that!!! oh what fun you will have, and I'm sure the kitties will love it, they arent scared of people are they? I bet they will love looking out at everything!
that motorhome is so spacious!! wow I'm jealous!:D

Edwina's Secretary
05-29-2002, 10:08 AM
My brother-in-law and his family have a camper (not as fabulous as yours!) They just bought a new one that is pulled behind a truck -- two bedroom, etc. Anyway, they (mom, dad, two teenage daughters) take the dog and the cat with them. Always have, even when they did not have such a fancy unit. Lily and Cashew ride in the truck with the family. When they park the camper they always leave the air conditioner running since the cat -- and sometimes the dog spend the day lounging there while the family is out and about.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-29-2002, 12:13 PM
Thanks everybody, you're all so sweet with your wonderful comments. And your comments are also encouraging about taking the cats with us. Maybe we're making too big of a deal out of it and we should just throw them in with us one time and see what happens. :) Terry just worries about them so much though, and he would be the worst of the three. Peanut would hide, Tubby would be on my lap, and Terry would be a complete basket case. ;) :D