View Full Version : Need your input on introducing a new cat...

Russian Blue
08-28-2006, 08:31 AM
As I mentioned earlier, I will be bringing a new kitten home this weekend. Since I have never been through this process does anyone have any tips, tricks or suggestions to make this go smoothly? This is what I have learned so far:

*Keep the cats separated until the new one adjusts to the surroundings (using litterbox and eating).
*Rub down each cat with a towel and get both cats adjusted to each other's scent (also can add vanilla to their nose to distract smell)
*Always feed the original cat first, acknowledge and give extra attention to show alpha priority
*Supervise the cats when introducing them the first few times until they are comfortable

'Daisy' will be sectioned off on the second floor and Nakita will be on the first floor. Of course, each will have their own litter and feeding areas until the introductions are over. Nakita always sleeps with me so I'm not sure how she will handle the new cat after the intro period. Nakita has never really had any experiences with other cats except a neighbour's male cat that wonders by the house sometimes.

Also, Rob will be creating a screen door that will be placed on the top of the stairs so Nakita can wonder up there on her own time & they can see/smell each other on their own terms without getting hurt. I also purchased some Feliway spray.

So beyond some hissing what else should I look out for? Is a little 'swat' ok or should that be discouraged?

I'm so excited but so nervous that this may not go well and Nakita's problems will get worse rather than better. Nakita has hyperesthesia syndrome and the vet's have suggested it may be the result of boredom so a kitten might be the distraction she needs. I'm trying everything before drug therapy.

Thanks for any experience or insight you can share, it's greatly appreciated to this intro newbie! ;)

08-28-2006, 09:05 AM
Hey, congrats on the new addition-to-be! Nakita will probably be happy to have a buddy to keep her company.

My experiences vary. It depends on the cats and their personalities. You just cannot predict.

Since Daisy is so young I suspect she will be non-threatening to Nakita. It usually takes two distraught cats to fight.

I would let them at each other from moment one, to test the waters. They may becoming fast friends. I have done that with the last three additions to my camp and it has worked. I have had some not work, as in Ti, the Bengal cat. Even Gabe, Robyn's ragdoll kitty fit right in even though he was known to be a BEAR around strangers etc.

Maybe a little Rescue Remedy in the water a couple of days ahead of time, would help.

I would hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

I put my money on the best. I suspect Nakita would love a little buddy and would be a good friend and Mama to the kitten.

Keep us posted.

SAS and her campers :)

08-28-2006, 09:16 AM
Russian Blue,

Everything you're doing is right. I guess a few people are going through new introductions on here, including myself.

Rather than build a screen, what I do is stack baby gates on top of one another in the doorway. Fortunately, with this new introduction between Coco (my new Sphyx) and my crew, it's been smooth sailing so I don't need the gates.

Since Daisy is a baby, I don't think you'll have any major issues. Kittens are very easily incoroporated into a kitty household, at least from my experience.

Good luck!! Can't wait to see pictures. ;)

08-28-2006, 09:40 AM
I think that Nakita when she gets over the shcock will learn to love the new Addition.
Imagine how you would feel if your Cat suddenly brought in a New Person to live with YOU.
I know that there will be hisses at first, but cuddles afterwards.

Laura's Babies
08-28-2006, 09:46 AM
Can't wait for pictures of the new one!! Good luck on the intros!

08-28-2006, 12:33 PM
Not ALL introductions need to be done in the same manner. And introducing a kitten should not require a lot of "rigamarole".

Most important things are having enough stuff so they don't have to share. My personal suggestions would be 2 extra litter boxes and at least one extra water/food station. If Nakita has a special cat bed or toys also try to encourage Daisy to use new ones especially for her so Nakita doesn't get jealous.

You may find that you only need to confine the kitten when you are not available to supervise. But make sure the baby knows where the litter box and water/food is. Access to too large an area might confuse a small one at first.

Hissing, growling, swatting, posturing, following the kitten around, are all NORMAL occurances. And this could last for days (weeks for the truly stubborn).

Just have fun watching them, it really IS interesting how cats react with their own kind. OH, and one more thing.....................KEEP THE CAMERA HANDY. ;)

08-28-2006, 02:22 PM
Rescue Remedy works for EVERYTHING, doesn't it, sasvermont? XD

I've used it too. I put some in the water that Clover drank when we took her to Astoria, and also when we moved her to her foster home.

Just introduce the kitties, see how it works out. ^_^

Russian Blue
08-28-2006, 08:23 PM
Thanks so much for your suggestions everyone! :D

I figured I was on the right track but it's always good to hear from the experienced owners. Plus, Rob has been making fun of me because I'm picking this process to death. :o Ok, now I just have to wait until the little one comes home.

08-28-2006, 08:25 PM
Ok, now I just have to wait until the little one comes home.
This will seem like the LOOOOOOOOOOngest week ever!!! :eek: :rolleyes:

08-28-2006, 10:06 PM
Congratulations on your new addition. I can't wait to see pictures.

Here is a good link about introducing new kitties.

08-29-2006, 01:00 AM
You have all of the right information and as others have said, a kitten is much less threatening so I hope that you won't run into any problems. With Starr, Pearl, and now baby Ziggy Stardust, I just let them roam around and I never had to confine them. I've had Ziggy here since Sat. afternoon and as of this evening, all of my cats have now accepted her but they're also used to living with other cats. Good luck and please keep us updated.:) Pictures would be nice too.:)