View Full Version : quick question...

08-28-2006, 07:30 AM
cainan our new puppy, when we got him he was living on a farm and not in the cleanest conditions either! Now that we have him home and he is having a ball with coco and starting to get use to his new home, he is still a little skiddish inside the house! He isnt like that outside, what can i do to make him warm up to us a little more inside the house?!?

08-28-2006, 08:05 AM
Your puppy will eventually become familiar to the new smells, new food and different arrangements while living "inside" with humans.

Does he have his own feeding station? Assuming he was on his own before you got him, he now shares his new surroundings with a larger , lively Lab. ( And, I am so glad that they are getting along well to!!!!! ;) )

You will just need to give him some more time to adapt to these changes.

His picture on a different thread looks so darned sweet!!! He will do just fine once he has every thing figured out.

His Farm Days are over!!!!!!