View Full Version : Nova and Buck (*7 pics*)

08-27-2006, 12:13 PM
I took these two for a walk this morning so that I could get pictures of them in some grass. I wanted to take all of the dogs down for a group picture but it was way too hot.



Thanks for looking :D

08-27-2006, 12:17 PM
I love the third picture, but they're all wonderful. I can't get over how big Buck has got!

08-27-2006, 12:19 PM
aww! those pics are too cute!

08-27-2006, 12:25 PM
Aww! Buck is getting very big! I love the 2nd and 3rd pictures!!! There so adorable :D

08-27-2006, 12:33 PM
they are too cute! :D

Toby's my baby
08-27-2006, 12:47 PM
Great pictures! Buck has gotten SO big!! :eek: He sure is handsome! :D

08-27-2006, 03:10 PM
Awww! It's good to see thoser two beauties again! They both look so happy together!

08-27-2006, 03:28 PM
They're both georgous dogs! I love all of the pictures. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. And here's to hoping for better weathe so we can see the whole gang. ;) :D

08-27-2006, 03:48 PM
aww how cute I love the first one! It's adorable and the one just of Buck too! Great pictures!

08-27-2006, 06:08 PM
GREAT pictures as always, Sarah. I love your pups so much, especially Buck. He's huge now! :eek: I loved all of the pictures but I LOVE this one!
Would you mind if I used it as my computer background?

08-27-2006, 06:41 PM
Beautiful Labbies! =D I love how their colors contrast each other, Nova & Buck look so cute together.

That picture of Buck that's in your siggy is such an adorable picture of him! You take the most amazing photos, Sarah!! I guess it helps that you have 4 gawjus models.

08-27-2006, 06:50 PM
aww! I just love seeing your kiddos! great pics ;)

08-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Thanks everyone :D

Would you mind if I used it as my computer background?
Nope, not at all! :)

08-28-2006, 02:44 AM
Beautiful pictures Sarah! Buck is getting so big! :eek:

08-28-2006, 02:53 AM
oh buck .. buck .. my buck! I reallyreally need to catch up! gee, he's soo big!! I'll have to look through your threads I missed to make sure it's the same buck. ;)

I like the first picture - looks like they're the duck hunters .. :o

choker for buckster, training? lovely black and whites!

08-28-2006, 04:46 AM
Oh I love black and white pictures! Who is the black dog? It can't be Buck, he's just a little puppy! :D Great pics!

08-28-2006, 01:23 PM
I can't get over how big Buck has got!
Exactly my thoughts! What cuties. :)

08-29-2006, 03:58 AM
Thanks everyone! :D

choker for buckster, training?
Yep! He did fantastic, too. I don't think I'm going to have to use it very long on him.

08-29-2006, 12:59 PM
Great pictures! Looks like they had fun. I esspecialy love the first one.

How is your hand doing from that bite?

08-29-2006, 04:13 PM
Nice pictures! I love the second & third ones especially. Man, seems like the last time I saw his picture, Buck was just an itty-bitty guy! Big & handsome now!