View Full Version : Moving and shaking!

08-27-2006, 09:07 AM
I casually mentioned to hubby the other day that "I was thinking..." and the next thing you kow he was doing.

You see, hubby has always hated the large work table in my office. I agree it was (is) ugly but I needed it for work, so it stayed. I no longer do work for the client that gave me the projects that needed the table and figured I might do some moving and shaking to get the table in another room. I NEVER figured hubby would start the move the second I left for work.

He started by clearing off the table. Harry thought that was fun

Then hubby spent a couple hours removing all the dividers and emptying out the underneath space (what back breaking work that was!) Harry was still obsessed with the "naked" top, while Pouncer checked out how thoroughly hubby cleared out the bottom

Of course everyone had a conference to decide the fate of a lot of useless cardboard -- they reached a unanimous decision to "Trash it!"

The next morning hubby had trouble removing the top from the base because it seemed a certain Flutter Butter thought his sole reason for sitting on the floor behind this bohemouth table was to pet her :rolleyes:

Harry LOVED the fact that not only was the table top naked, but he could surf on it! We had a few minutes of fun, shifting the table top across the base.

08-27-2006, 09:12 AM
Ah, but all good thing come to an end and the table was relocated to the front room....... and in moves the entertainment center from the attic. It didn't survive the move as well as I had hoped. I remember moving it to the attic weakened it, but wow, its wobbly now! :eek: I'll have to find some extra screws and reinforce it everywhere - sometime :rolleyes:
check out where I placed the blue cat beds. I haven't seen anyone test them out there yet, so we'll see. I also tucked in another litterbox between the unit and scratching post. That makes for 3 litterboxes in my office :rolleyes:

Guess who was the first to jump to the tippy top?

Wait... you mean that picture doesn't help you much? You say it could be any one of my brown tabbies? Surprise of all surprises, it was ABBY who was the adventurous one!

Here's the other half of my office. Everyone seems amazed that my desk is actually CLEAR! LOL And from now on, since I moved "their" table, they will eat on my desk.

All in all, I think the kitties like it. ESPECIALLY the fact that the scratching post in now in front of the window. Flutter particuarly made herself quite happy last night.

And now, I'm sore, stiff, and exhausted. But happy. I really do like the new layout. I am happy to see the work table moved... it was UGLY. And next time the work table or that wall unit needs to be moved? Its to the trash! I'm NOT moving it ever again! :p

Laura's Babies
08-27-2006, 09:18 AM
If you only knew how many times I wished I had a big surface like that for cutting out fabric... As for being ugly (?)....... Who cares if it gets the job done!

08-27-2006, 09:42 AM
WOW that room looks fabulous now!!! (of course, I always liked the table, but who can argue with extra floor space?)

08-27-2006, 09:47 AM
Wow Kim! That would make a nice grooming table! :) I am sure my hubby could find lots of uses for that down in our basement, along with 1,000,000 other *cough* *cough* useless things he has down there. :p I know the good feeling it gives to rearrange a room and create more space. You (and your hubby) did good! :cool:

08-27-2006, 01:03 PM
Oh wow, your "new" office looks great! Not only that, it comes complete with kitty accomodations. Harry was an excellent supervisor over your project. How nice of hubby to get started with the project right away. Enjoy your revamped work area!!!

08-27-2006, 05:45 PM
It certainly looks a lot better.
The Found Cats hate when anything is moved or removed, it looks as though your Cats are taking advantage of things.

08-28-2006, 04:54 AM
wow, what a difference removing that table made! Look at all the room you have, plus there are nice comfy beds for anyone who is tired ;) ! It's fun re-arranging a room, give you (and others) new perspective.

I love all your little helpers!

08-28-2006, 05:41 AM
What fun! - to have the kitties help with the moving!

I loved all the pictures but my favorite was of your pretty Flutter having her tail grabbed! She looks so cute and comfy in that pic :)

08-28-2006, 06:11 AM
I love the way cats like to be involved in everything you do, you move something they sit on it, you put something new in, they sit on it, you have used carrier bags from shopping, they get inside it, a cardboard box from something you've bought, they get in it! It's cool the way they think they're helping out, and they do, they make it more fun!