View Full Version : Budinkskie

Miss Z
08-27-2006, 05:27 AM
Hello there, beautiful pet angel Budinkskie. I read your story this morning, and you reminded me so much of my hamster Foxy, who was also a great friend and never bit anyone, and who also passed on earlier this year. Your owner made a beautiful tribute to one very special little hamster. Sleep well darling little one.

08-27-2006, 11:38 AM
It's amazing how much love can come in such a small creature. Their life is so short but it sounds like you made the most of it together. Marigold2

08-27-2006, 01:52 PM
How true Marigold. The tiniest of creatures are often the ones with the biggest of hearts:) Budinkskie, you most certainly are one of the Rainbow Bridge's most precious furangels. The love you shared with your Mom, the comfort and joy you brought to her life, will forever and always live on in her heart and console her until your joyous reunion! What an everlasting legacy of love you have left behind, precious one.

To the Mom of Budinskie, you were truly blessed to have known the love of such a special furkid and so extra blessed to have had him as your first:) Thank you so much for sharing your and his special story with us all. The deep love you hold in your heart for him still was felt with each word of your loving tribute. We are honored to name him our very special and deserving Sunday honoree. Bless you, beautiful, precious Budinkskie:)