View Full Version : Update on the Lil' Dirty Dozen for those interested.

08-26-2006, 05:30 PM
Today I took three of the 12 Olney kittens to the vet. The diagnosis was bad...but not horrible. Two of the kittens have ring worm. (the orange and white, Sampson; and the calico, Lola) All three, Sampson, Lola, and Icess (deaf white) have a URI. They are all on antibiotics. I asked for three extra prescriptions to give to the others that started coughing....they gave it to me. I know I will need more, but that was all I could afford. I have to bathe the two with ring worm once a week with prescription shampoo and put medicated cream on the spots that are affected. Sampson has patches above and below his right eye and one on the back of his head. Lola has one patch above her left eye...so far Icess has no symptoms. I hope this cures them. I am going to medicate the other three that are coughing...one is the orange momma and two are my other rescues. I am going to bathe all the cats with the medicated shampoo to be on the safe side. I am still trying to save for the appointment in three weeks. This is just the start of what I feel is a long, long proceedure with these kits. What needs to be done, will some how be done. Untill I am no longer to care for them (financially) I will do my best. So, now to the bath tub....Sampson is done...not happy though. Next is Lola, then Icess, and so on...... :rolleyes:

08-26-2006, 05:38 PM
Are there any rescue groups taht can help with the cost of those Kittens.
I hope the Vet is at least taking something off of the price of those meds.
We are praying for those Kittens.

08-26-2006, 06:08 PM
So sorry to hear of all the health problems you are having!! Sounds like you could use a nurse!! If only we lived closer!!! You have to be REALLY careful with the ringworm!! It is highly contagious, and yes, you can get it!!! Keep things CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN!!! Wash the towels/blankets every day and use a bleach solution to keep the area where the babies are CLEAN!!! Good luck!!

08-26-2006, 06:32 PM

I am VERY interested in the progress of the kittens. Ringworm is treatable but highly contagious, to both humans and other animals. Wear rubber gloves to treat the areas and make sure you wash your hands every time.

You did a good thing and those precious babies are in good hands. Please continue to keep us posted.

08-26-2006, 06:46 PM
Are there any rescue groups taht can help with the cost of those Kittens.
I hope the Vet is at least taking something off of the price of those meds.
We are praying for those Kittens.

The vet was descent. She only charged me for four of the bottles of medicine. I really couldn't expect much more then that. Thank you for all your prayers.

To Kb2yjz and Moosmom:

I know ring worm is contagious to humans and that worries me. My children were playing with Sampson yesterday...I only notice the patches today. I hope they don't get anything...or myself either. More worries!! I have been cleaning like crazy today! Thank you for all your advice. My fingers are crossed for our health!!

08-26-2006, 06:49 PM
O O!!! Watch those kiddies!!! Good to hear your are cleaning, words that makes a nurse happy!!!

08-26-2006, 06:50 PM
How come the vet did not give you the oral med for the ringworm? I think you posted that you got ointment...

08-26-2006, 06:59 PM
How come the vet did not give you the oral med for the ringworm? I think you posted that you got ointment...

I am not sure. She gave me Doxycycline for their infections...I am guessing that is what it is for. She never mentioned oral for ring worms. What should I do? Will the cream work. The cream is Miconazole....it says "cures jock itch". Is that even going to work?

08-26-2006, 07:50 PM
Tracy ~ Got your e-mail. Since I don't use paypal anymore, I mailed you a donation by snail mail today. It may take a couple of days because I don't think mail leaves Prudhoe Bay until Monday or Tuesday.

08-26-2006, 08:01 PM
Tracy ~ Got your e-mail. Since I don't use paypal anymore, I mailed you a donation by snail mail today. It may take a couple of days because I don't think mail leaves Prudhoe Bay until Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you so much. I will mail the other one back to you. I will mail it out on Monday. Thank you so, so much!! I am praying these guys get better quick!! Also that me, my fiance, and my boys do not get sick!! Talk to you soon....

08-26-2006, 08:06 PM
The cream is Miconazole....it says "cures jock itch". Is that even going to work?
That is the correct lotion for ringworm. Make sure to put it on TWICE a day faithfully. There IS an oral medication as well, but the cream and the shampoo should work fine.
Doxycycline is an antibiotic. It is very hard on the throat of a cat so make CERTAIN to give with food!

08-26-2006, 08:16 PM
Oh No....Oh Tracy, you certainly have your work cut out for you. My heart goes out to you dear girl and how I will be praying that you and your family do NOT get ringworm also.

08-26-2006, 08:28 PM
I don't have any advice as to the ringworm but I didn't know that it can be passed from cats to us but I guess that makes sense.

Anyway, I know with the white kitten (Hermies) I'm fostering I just found worms in his poop earlier tonight so I bagged it up and on Monday I'll take it to the vets to be checked to see what worm it is.

I'm thinking round worm but he did get a pill for worms on Thursday evening and also I put revolution on him Thursday night after his bath.

Well good luck and I'm praying for you all.


08-26-2006, 10:53 PM
I can hardly believe all these things keep piling up on you, but it tends to work that way, I know.

I fostered a backyard breeder Persian kitten with ringworm that someone gave away in an ad in a newspaper. Although he was about 3 months old, he was too underweight to get the oral medicine, and that may be why the vet didn't prescribe it. It's also quite expensive, at least I found it so. I didn't get ringworm and neither did my nine other cats (much to my vet's surprise), but he was in total isolation and I stripped all clothing off me, including cloth gloves, and into a bin every time I left the room. I didn't wear shoes in his room and nothing left that couldn't be washed right away. Since ringworm is spread by spores, it is in the air. I suggest that the children not be allowed anywhere near any of the rescue cats for a while.

You'd better charge people about $500 for each of these kittens when it comes time to put them up for adoption. :D

08-27-2006, 01:35 PM
So sorry to hear about the ringworm problem with the kitties. All I can offer you is prayers that those nasty ringworms go away and realize that your place is where they don't want to be. Please let us know how things are working out?

08-28-2006, 10:38 AM
I can hardly believe all these things keep piling up on you, but it tends to work that way, I know.

I fostered a backyard breeder Persian kitten with ringworm that someone gave away in an ad in a newspaper. Although he was about 3 months old, he was too underweight to get the oral medicine, and that may be why the vet didn't prescribe it. It's also quite expensive, at least I found it so. I didn't get ringworm and neither did my nine other cats (much to my vet's surprise), but he was in total isolation and I stripped all clothing off me, including cloth gloves, and into a bin every time I left the room. I didn't wear shoes in his room and nothing left that couldn't be washed right away. Since ringworm is spread by spores, it is in the air. I suggest that the children not be allowed anywhere near any of the rescue cats for a while.

You'd better charge people about $500 for each of these kittens when it comes time to put them up for adoption. :D

I am trying to take every precaution so my children and I do not get sick. I wear gloves and a mask in the room...but I do not have protective clothing. I have been medicating them twice a day. There are now three with ring worms. Lola, Sampson, and Luna (she is a tortie)...all from Olney. So far my other fosters have only come down with a cough. The orange momma we took from Olney is really sick...she is weazing and coughing. I am taking her to the vet this week to be sure it is not pnemonia. I have been giving her Doxycycline...hope she gets better soon! As for charging $500...wish I could!! LOL! No just joking...as long as they are healthy once again and recieve loving fur-ever homes...I am content.

08-28-2006, 11:45 AM
According to my vet, the cat cold/flu this year has been particularly bad with the cats getting sicker and for longer. The kittens I took from the shelter last month had colds that lasted about 3 weeks and they were on Amoxi and Teramycin for all that time and beyond. One of them even had frequent nosebleeds that worried both the vet and me. The stresses these kittens, and your cat and kittens, have been through really plays havoc with their ability to cope with their illness.

I didn't wear protective clothing as such, I simply got very, very cheap loose pants and long sleeve tops from a thrift shop, added old socks, and wore a clean one of those outfits each time I went into Thor's room. We are all going to be holding our breath and sending many positive thoughts that you can get through all this with all of you well.

smokey the elder
08-28-2006, 11:49 AM
You might be able to get some cheap scrubs from a uniform supply or medical supply.

08-28-2006, 02:59 PM
Did you know that instead of getting the cat cold medicine from the vet for a high price you can just use a small amount of Pepto Bismol? They use the same sort of thing, its jsut that the stuff they give you has the taste damped down a bit so as not to annoy the kitties.

Just a little tip I learned from a friend. Maybe that could help you save on expences, since kitty cold medicine doesn't give you much and it costs so much. Pepto Bismol is cheep and such, and they actually come in big bottles! XD lasts longer for a fraction of the price!
teehee, I sound like a marketer.

Just an idea to help you save money.

08-28-2006, 03:20 PM
Tracy, I am so sorry that the babies have ringworm. Years ago one of mine had it and spread it to some of the others. It took awhile to get rid of but finally I did. I am also sorry that the mom cat is so sick. I hope she will be ok. I feel so bad for getting you into to all of this and so guilty for not being able to help you out with it. I am thinking about you and praying for all the babies to get healthy so they can find their furever home.

08-28-2006, 08:11 PM
Tracy, I am so sorry that the babies have ringworm. Years ago one of mine had it and spread it to some of the others. It took awhile to get rid of but finally I did. I am also sorry that the mom cat is so sick. I hope she will be ok. I feel so bad for getting you into to all of this and so guilty for not being able to help you out with it. I am thinking about you and praying for all the babies to get healthy so they can find their furever home.

Melissa, you didn't get me into this...I agreed to go. I actually offered to go and save Icess....remember? I just brought home a few bonuses...with extra baggage! No biggie...I am a little frustrated..but not at any of you or at the kits...just at the price of meds. I don't know how much more I can afford..and nobody, I mean nobody wants cats/kittens around here. I though someone on PT wanted the two gray babies? Wasn't it you or Lizzie? I can't remember. They are sweet babies. They are brother and sister. Thanks for the prayers. :)

08-28-2006, 08:49 PM
It was me who asked you to pick up the two greys with the white kitten, and I paid their adoption fees - although I hope the shelter didn't charge you, did they? As I wrote before, let's see how everyone does before we decide which ones may need to be shipped to me, but I'm certainly willing to take the greys - and find them homes. Another shipment to arrange!

08-28-2006, 09:46 PM
It was me who asked you to pick up the two greys with the white kitten, and I paid their adoption fees - although I hope the shelter didn't charge you, did they? As I wrote before, let's see how everyone does before we decide which ones may need to be shipped to me, but I'm certainly willing to take the greys - and find them homes. Another shipment to arrange!

Sorry, I know you sent me the money, but I forgot who wanted them. I paid for all of the kittens but the final four that were taken on impulse. The gray ones are very healthy and ready to go. If you can take them and find them homes that would be great. We have a total of 18 cats (the 12 Olney and six other rescues). Plus our four and Sunshine. Let me know.

08-29-2006, 08:52 AM
I'll post another request on the truckers network. Illinois to Seattle should be easier than the other requests.

Here's a shocker - I have ringworm too. Not just one of the kittens, but me, so I can't accept any new cats until I know the house is clear. I was fussing Cattulus this morning, one of Ashley's brothers, and found a sore area above his eye. Things started to click in my waking brain and I literally leapt out of bed to check a small sore under my chin that I thought was a garden spider bite that I'd rubbed too much. It's ringworm. It it had been on my arm, I would have know much more quickly but even with a mirror, it was hard to see right under my chin. This is going to be chaotic, and very, very expensive since I'll probably have to treat all my cats.

08-29-2006, 09:08 AM
I'll post another request on the truckers network. Illinois to Seattle should be easier than the other requests.

Here's a shocker - I have ringworm too. Not just one of the kittens, but me, so I can't accept any new cats until I know the house is clear. I was fussing Cattulus this morning, one of Ashley's brothers, and found a sore area above his eye. Things started to click in my waking brain and I literally leapt out of bed to check a small sore under my chin that I thought was a garden spider bite that I'd rubbed too much. It's ringworm. It it had been on my arm, I would have know much more quickly but even with a mirror, it was hard to see right under my chin. This is going to be chaotic, and very, very expensive since I'll probably have to treat all my cats.

That is crazy!! Trust me I know about chaotic and expensive!! I am treating three of the Olney kittens for ringworm and five (plus one of my other rescues so six) for respiratory infections...I am so baffled on how I am going to pay for their shots and altering!! Let me know when you are ready for the gray duo! Thanks Lizzie..if I find a home for them in the mean time, I will let you know.

08-29-2006, 03:56 PM
Ring worm, athlete's foot, jock itch, etc. are all fungal infections and the same medication is effective on them all. Fungal infections are contagious! Always wash your hands after handling the kittens. The best advice has already been offered: Clean, clean, clean!

08-29-2006, 09:10 PM
Thank you everybody!