View Full Version : Ray nagin is a moron.

08-26-2006, 02:21 AM
Ray Nagin is a moron.

He still cannot keep jis mouth shut.

His comment about 'the hole' in New York should make him feel wonderful,
If the US government can't fill up a hole what makes him think they are going to rebuild his city.

I do remember the 94 earthquake.

We got our arses handed to us and our freeway system sucked (still does)
for years.....and if you have a car but no road, especially in CA you really SUCK.


If you look at the WTC why should the government pay to clean it up?

It was a private building, private planes hit it.

So why should we worry about your sorry arse Mr. Mayor?

Sue mother Nature....

Have spke lee toss over some of the coin he's making on the city's sorrow.
Call the Rev. Al or Jesse.....they really care...

People of New Orleans. You voted him in. You deal with him! :eek: :rolleyes:

Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2006, 12:54 PM
Ray Nagin is a moron.

People of New Orleans:

You voted him (back) in.
You deal with him! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif


Food for Thought for some of the rest of us ...
'specially the folks who Don't VOTE! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif

/s/ Phred

Lady's Human
08-26-2006, 01:08 PM
In keeping with comments I've made about the current President, calling a politician a Moron is not the most constructive comment in the world. If we're calling a politician a moron, how intelligent can the people who voted him into office be?

Personally, I wouldn't be complaining about waiting for federal money to clean up the city. I'd be more concerned with motivating the people who live in the city to clean it up themselves.

Need a job? Here's a shovel/hammer/saw/ (I'm sure you get the idea).

Need bulldozers/operators? Have the national guard set up training for the people who need jobs, using NG equipment to train on, and solve two problems at the same time.

There are any number of creative, positive solutions to problems. Whining and moaning that Washington isn't doing enough isn't one of them.

08-26-2006, 01:19 PM
I agree with both you men , but LH they tried to get the locals to clean up. It seems more Illeagel mexiacans were more intrested in the jobs than the locals. Had freinds down there working there butts off to help and the locals for the most part sat on there arses whinning about not getting help or where to go to get there welfare checks. I really have to agree mostly with Richard on thois one.
Gee just realised I was the first woman to post sorry if I cut in on a guy thread> :D

Lady's Human
08-26-2006, 01:37 PM
If there's work to be had, and people are still on welfare, there's a simple solution. Are you able bodied? Here's a hammer, go to work. You don't want to work? No check. If the people who live there don't want to physically rebuild it, fine, don't. It's just a hole in the ground that will eventually be filled in by the Gulf of Mexico anyway.

A note to Mr. Nagin. Most problems (not all, but most) involving motivation and inspiration can be fixed by a motivated leader prepared to set the standard. People follow their leaders. If the Mayor is whining about Washington DC not helping (NOT Washington DC's job to fix NO, IMHO, it's NO's job to fix NO) what does he expect the people in New Orleans to do? People follow their leaders. Whining begets whining. Do NCOs in the military complain? Yes, but we do it between ourselves and behind closed doors. Whine to your staff, whine to the bottle on the desk, whine to your dog, NEVER whine to the press and expect to be an effective leader.

Laura's Babies
08-27-2006, 04:28 PM
The Baton Rouge TV stations have carried this story and had a list of the bloopers that have come out of his mouth (so far) just a few days ago. He REALLY needs to keep his mouth SHUT!

What Nagin was also saying was they HAVE to contact all the owners of all that peoperty to get permission to go in and clean up that property.. WHY can't it be declared a health hazzard and be cleaned up WITHOUT notifying anybody? They know it is a mess and needs cleaning up, no matter where they are in the USA, give them "X" number of days to do it, then go in and do it for them..

08-28-2006, 09:29 AM
If there's work to be had, and people are still on welfare, there's a simple solution. Are you able bodied? Here's a hammer, go to work... Most problems (not all, but most) involving motivation and inspiration can be fixed by a motivated leader prepared to set the standard.

People follow their leaders... People follow their leaders. Whining begets whining. Do NCOs in the military complain? Yes, but we do it between ourselves and behind closed doors. Whine to your staff, whine to the bottle on the desk, whine to your dog, NEVER whine to the press and expect to be an effective leader.

Most problems (not all, but most) involving motivation and inspiration can be fixed by a motivated leader prepared to set the standard. Read President Bush???

I agree with you about a strong leader. How about leading from the top? Doesn't president Bush and his administration have the authority to declare New Orleans a National Diaster and Disgrace. Can't he and FEMA begin the training on Bulldozer and Backhoes that you speak of. Can't he "lead" by example and get the ball rolling - "and others will follow".

I have lots of concerns about leadership and lack of and they begin with the Commander & Chief. One of my biggest? OIL!!! O-I-L, Oil... we don't need it. we could be OIL INDEPENDENT in 5 years (or less) if we took a hard stance and a LEADERSHIP ROLE... and just said good bye to the billions still to made yet in OIL investments. MANY, MANY of our international problems would just "fade away" if suddenly we "no longer needed" OIL from the Middle East.

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 09:35 AM
Local Leadership needs to solve local problems, which is what this thread is about. The leadership in New Orleans has been abysmal, but they have re-elected the people responsible for the problems dealing with the Katrina aftermath.

The Federal Government is not responsible for the management of the cleanup. The city is.

08-28-2006, 10:35 AM
Local Leadership needs to solve local problems, which is what this thread is about. The leadership in New Orleans has been abysmal, but they have re-elected the people responsible for the problems dealing with the Katrina aftermath.

The Federal Government is not responsible for the management of the cleanup. The city is.

I agree. Local Leadership should solve local problems. And yes, you are right the people of New Orleans have in fact, re-elected the folks who have shown ineptness in these matters. BUt when local leadership fails, isn't it time for larger, more powerful entities to step in and lend a hand. No... not by doing... but by showing how and establishing the means (training, volunteer organizing and collective deployment of availabale resources).

Haven't we - as a nation - sort of done the same. Haven't "we" re-elected a President who has failed to implement his many campaign promises and has become embroiled in a war that he has shown us to be incapable of managing?

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 10:40 AM
I'm not going to get into a discussion on Pres. Bush, as he has nothing to do with the situation in New Orleans. FEMA power is limited by law due to fears of FEMA stepping out of bounds. As FEMA is the lead agency in disaster recovery, that means all other fed agencies' power is limited as well.

If a higher division of government were to step in, it should be the State of Louisiana. Not the Federal government/US military/UN/illuminati/masons.......

It should follow the logical progression of government. The Federal Government is NOT the answer to all of life's problems, and in most cases just makes them worse when they stick their fingers into things.

08-28-2006, 10:52 AM
I'm not going to get into a discussion on Pres. Bush, as he has nothing to do with the situation in New Orleans. FEMA power is limited by law due to fears of FEMA stepping out of bounds. As FEMA is the lead agency in disaster recovery, that means all other fed agencies' power is limited as well.

If a higher division of government were to step in, it should be the State of Louisiana. Not the Federal government/US military/UN/illuminati/masons.......

It should follow the logical progression of government. The Federal Government is NOT the answer to all of life's problems, and in most cases just makes them worse when they stick their fingers into things.


So I see. Federal Government is "NOT" a viable resource to tap, in the case of national disasters. AND Federal Government "ACTUALLY" make matters worse when called upon to assist??? Thanks for the education.

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 11:05 AM
Once again........The required steps to take to get FEMA assistance in the form of boots on the ground (as opposed to money, which merely takes declaration of a state of emergency)

1) Declaration of a disaster by local government
2) same from state
3) same from fed govt
4) State calls out NG
5) AFTER calling out NG, the state Governor can then request fed assistance.

Federal assistance is limited in scope, by statute. The people who wrote the laws regulating FEMA wanted FEMA to be an ASSISTANCE and coordination agency, not an agency to come in and take over.

Federal military personnel, can be used, but only as a labor force, not as law enforcement/security. Law Enforcement and security falls on the shoulders of local law enforcement and the NG.

FEDERAL military personnel CANNOT train civilians on the use of military equipment (bulldozers, etc). The state assets can do so.

FEDERAL military personnel cannot take control of National Guard assets to perform NG missions.

Federal assistance in a disaster is mainly limited to financial assistance. the Southern Tier in NY had severe flooding at the end dof June. There were no federal personnel on site with the exception of the people from FEMA handling paperwork. No military troops, just National Guard. No whining from local officials (Gov. Pataki brought local needs to the fed level, as is supposed to happen).

Who's rebuilding the southern tier? Local residents, with financial help from FEMA, which is the way things are designed to work.

08-28-2006, 11:17 AM
Federal military personnel, can be used, but only as a labor force, not as law enforcement/security. Law Enforcement and security falls on the shoulders of local law enforcement and the NG.

FEDERAL military personnel CANNOT train civilians on the use of military equipment (bulldozers, etc). The state assets can do so.

Who is talking about "Military Personnel"??? The Federal Government most definitely has the pwer and the authority to jump start any program it so desires. Training of "miltary equipment" - like the stealth "bulldozer" should be an "easy process".

I guess my concern is that when you see a member of your family struggling and failing - even due to his own ineptness and bad decisions - do you simply say, "I can't get involved"?

They created their own mess and they need to clean it up - EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW that eventually there mess (in the form of Crime, Poverty and Civil Unrest) is "going to be yours" in due time. Only by the time you inherit it - IT WILL BE BIGGER.

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 11:27 AM
BOB's Dad, there are these little things called laws that limit what the federal government can or cannot do.

For example.........

I cannot train a civilian on the use of military equipment (a bulldozer, for instance). It would be a violation of federal law, (barring non uniformed personnel from utilizing military equipment), the UCMJ, and orders from every command I've ever been in. The president cannot at a whim suspend several chapters of the Combined Federal Code.

The National Guard, however, can do so, and do so easily, as they have the authority to do so, normally granted by the governor of the state.

Civil relief in disaster areas is a local (local and state government) responsibillity. Period. By law.

08-28-2006, 11:43 AM
BOB's Dad, there are these little things called laws that limit what the federal government can or cannot do.

For example.........

I cannot train a civilian on the use of military equipment (a bulldozer, for instance). It would be a violation of federal law, (barring non uniformed personnel from utilizing military equipment), the UCMJ, and orders from every command I've ever been in. The president cannot at a whim suspend several chapters of the Combined Federal Code.

The National Guard, however, can do so, and do so easily, as they have the authority to do so, normally granted by the governor of the state.

Civil relief in disaster areas is a local (local and state government) responsibillity. Period. By law.

C'mon Lady's Human...

Adding a "Period" to the end of your comment doesn't make it any more authoritive or conclusive!

A Bulldozer is not Military Equipment (and I am not so sure why you continue to refer to it as such). I myself, can operate a bulldozer. And as far you, an NCO - training a civilian on a Bulldozer (or a Tank for that matter) - I suppose you are right. Seems reasonable... and a bit of a waste of your time. But as far as the Federal Government contracting a private firm to coordinate and handle the project - I am sure they can. It is called cooperation between the state, local and federal governments. And if you think it would be so beneficial (as you stated earlier) to do so, then it perhaps should be implemented.

I am not so naive as to think that the Federal Government is no longer involved in the affairs of Lousianna and New Orleans in particular. I would bet all of the money I have and will ever earn that they are still firmly entrenched in the matter. I am absolutely certain that there organizations, firms and individuals currently involved in the reconstructuion of New Orleans at the beheast of the Federal Government - contracted by and paid for by Federal Tax Monies. Perhaps their efforts and funding would be better directed at the development and implementation of the ideas you expressed earlier!!! See... we agree!!!

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 11:51 AM
By referring to a bulldozer as military equipment, I am referring to the several thousand bulldozers that the federal and state governments have painted in funny camoflage paint with men and women in funny looking tan/grey/green uniforms driving them.

The national guard can take these bulldozers in time of emergency (or any other horizontal/vertical building equipment in the military inventory), and train civilians in using the equipment, providing contractors with a trained workforce in the area, instead of having contractors import workers from other areas (expensive), and instead of having people sitting on their front porch collecting welfare checks.

The federal government is probably very much involved in the reconstruction of New Orleans, but they shouldn't be. Federal involvement directly means that the state and local governments have fallen flat on their faces and been unable to accomplish the job. Federal involvement should be limited to monetary contributions. If the people of New Orleans don't want to lift a finger to help rebuild the place, let the Gulf and Mississippi river reclaim it.

08-28-2006, 12:06 PM

I agree with you in concept, but you and I both know that it will not be so simple as to let New Orleans be absorbed by the impending ocean. It will become a sore that will fester and develop into a cancer. It will become a cesspool of poverty and crime and eventually spread. You and I will become infected and ultimately have to clean it up. Pay me now or pay me later!

Again, I can't overstate my position that I agree that "the locals" should be taking the bull by the horns and rebuilding "their town". But they obviously either can't - don't know how, or simply won't. In any event, someone needs to step and and take control. If that is local and state governments, then so be it. BUT if the Federal Government has a "good idea" and the capabilities to render "real, tangible" progressive action - then they should find a way to do it. Actually, I think you and I agree more than perhaps you think!!!

Remember this exchange?
Richard Nugent: Hey, you remind me of a man.
Susan Turner: What man?
Richard Nugent: Man with the power.
Susan Turner: What power?
Richard Nugent: Power of hoodoo.
Susan Turner: Hoodoo?
Richard Nugent: You do.
Susan Turner: Do what?
Richard Nugent: Remind me of a man...

Awhhh... the power of talking in circles....

Edwina's Secretary
08-28-2006, 12:56 PM
Haliburton....opps I mean the federal government HAS been involved in this disaster. President Bush suspended the Davis-Bacon Act for reconstruction of this area. The Davis-Bacon Act requires contractors on government construction projects to pay "prevailing wages" -- defined as union wages in the area. This allows contractors to the federal government ...such as Haliburton to pay less than prevailing wage.....and voila! underbid union contractors.

I just finished reading "Rising Tide -- The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How it Changed America" by John M. Barry. Fascinating. An incredible event I had never heard of before. But things don't change very much.....

08-28-2006, 01:13 PM
BOB's Dad, there are these little things called laws that limit what the federal government can or cannot do.

This is a bit off the subject at hand, but I can't resist after this comment. So far, with this administration, it seems there is no law they won't try to bend or break.

Edwina's Secretary
08-28-2006, 01:18 PM
This is a bit off the subject at hand, but I can't resist after this comment. So far, with this administration, it seems there is no law they won't try to bend or break.

Or suspend!

Never let a silly law get in the way of helping your friends!

08-28-2006, 02:03 PM
Absolutely! I was trying to be PC - to start with. Not wanting to offend anyone too badly. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/March16th/happy053.gif

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 02:40 PM
Davis-Bacon was reinstated after protest from congress.


08-28-2006, 03:04 PM
Congress prevailed with that - too bad it wasn't the President's conscience.

Edwina's Secretary
08-28-2006, 04:33 PM
Curious LH....is there anything that this president could do which you would not excuse?

Lady's Human
08-28-2006, 04:53 PM
Sara, Yes

Approving congressional spending without asking questions

Forcing unneeded programs on the military (By doing the above).....chances are if the military says we don't want another X# of M-1234567's, we'd rather spend the money on upgrading X, there's a reason for it.

Expanding federal programs. (We need less money filtering through federal bureaucracy, not more)

Line item veto power would be a nice constitutional amendment, but congress wil never pass it.

The Davis-Bacon reinstatement is why we have 3 branches of government, they're supposed to check and balance each other.

08-28-2006, 05:12 PM
And THAT folks, is why The Mayor indroduced the Dog House ;) May we all learn something here, and take another thought and ponder it as being valued and valid ... if perhaps misdirected ;) in some cases. See how easlily I slipped out of this one Karen.. I'm learning ~

Edwina's Secretary
08-28-2006, 05:24 PM
Okay...I rephrase my question....anything that doesn't have to do with the military that this president could do that you wouldn't excuse? ;)

What do you think of what he was TRYING to do by suspending Davis-Bacon?

08-28-2006, 09:05 PM
Richard Nugent: Hey, you remind me of a man.
Susan Turner: What man?
Richard Nugent: Man with the power.
Susan Turner: What power?
Richard Nugent: Power of hoodoo.
Susan Turner: Hoodoo?
Richard Nugent: You do.
Susan Turner: Do what?
Richard Nugent: Remind me of a man...

Ted Nugent: Cat Scratch Fever...............

The camoflauge paint on the those bulldozers didn't work....I could see them fixing the levees.


THAT IS WHERE THE RUMOR ABOUT the government blowing up the levees to
Flood out the poor folks and save the rich. Yes, it happened once upon a time. :(

08-28-2006, 09:21 PM
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
And the water gonna come in, have no place to stay

Well all last night I sat on the levee and moan
Thinkin' 'bout my baby and my happy home

If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
And all these people have no place to stay

Now look here mama what am I to do
I ain't got nobody to tell my troubles to

I works on the levee mama both night and day
I ain't got nobody, keep the water away

Oh cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do no good
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to lose

I works on the levee, mama both night and day
I works so hard, to keep the water away

I had a woman, she wouldn't do for me
I'm goin' back to my used to be

I's a mean old levee, cause me to weep and moan

Gonna leave my baby, and my happy home



I was thinking about how GWB got Pluto demoted to a dwarf planet and wondered whay Dick Cheney/Halliburton would gain from that..

Printing up all the new text books and star maps.... :rolleyes:


BEfore I get around to deleting this thread. I want you all to repeat after me.

I want a smaller government.
I want the government to stay out of my business.

Hey, a ________________ just kicked my town's arse....

Silly people,
You can't have everything. :p

08-29-2006, 05:09 PM
Speaking of Nagin: when did New Orleans become the ONLY city effected by hurricane Katrina?

All I have heard on the news the last few days is about poor old New Orleans and their plight. Ok, they went through a really really really tough time and they should be helped BUT THEY AREN'T THE ONLY ONES.

You don't hear a peep about the other cities that were almost washed off the map.

If they don't rebuild New Orleans back ABOVE sea level, one of these days they will have another hurricane and be back in the same situation.

08-29-2006, 06:02 PM
What should they knock down next "below sea level". Amsterdam??

08-29-2006, 06:10 PM
Now I did NOT say they SHOULD KNOCK IT DOWN!

I said they should rebuild it above sea level or another hurricane could destroy it again!!! Or at least that's what I MEANT to say! (just reread my earlier post and yep, that's what I said)


And by the way, my heart does go out to the ones who lost everything they had !!!

08-29-2006, 06:31 PM
Not saying it couldn't happen again, but after the storms and flooding back in 1953, the Dutch spend mega amounts of money to protect the country, including Amsterdam.

Written into Dutch law is the requirement that the coastal dikes be able to withstand the fiercest storm imaginable.

I saw a show on TV about their system of dikes; it was quite impressive - and compared to Louisiana, very new and state of the art.

Venice, Italy has also been flooded, the last big one in 1966. Italy launched the 4 Billion dollar project Moses to protect the city from future flooding.

08-29-2006, 06:38 PM
That could be something New Orleans should look into. By all accounts I have read, the dam that broke is not being repaired very effectivly.

I am sure more could be done to help protect it than is being done now at any rate. I think it would be better to spend money to rebuild it right and better if possible. It would save on property loss and loss of lives in the long run.

Lady's Human
08-29-2006, 08:43 PM
There are major differences between the cities of Amsterdam and Venice, and the City of New Orleans.

Amsterdam has had a national government lead the way in financing and running the dike/flood protection projects. Venice is the same.

The Army Corps of Engineers (the agency that handles most flood control and river projects in the US) was (im)politely told to butt out. The ACoE's plans were fought by both local officials and environmental groups. Local officials because the ACoE would have been running the contracts (no more kickbacks, pools of levee tax money, shoddily built levees at a premium price, etc), and environmentalists because the project would have disturbed the local wetlands.

After refusing Federal help to avoid the problem in the first place, now they want the Federal government to step in and take control.

The original city, the French Quarter, is above sea level, and can be easily protected from storms. The rest of the city needs to go, unless the local and state governments agree not to interfere with the ACoE's plans.

Edwina's Secretary
08-29-2006, 09:14 PM
I was thinking about this and I wonder....our tax dollars were spent blowing the #%#$ out of Iraq and are now being spent rebuilding Iraq....just in time for their civil war to blow it up again.

How does that differ? and why is it OUR federal government's job to do? Or to subcontract to close and personal firms to do? (and please...spare me any 9/11....just last week in a press conference GW AGAIN said there is no connection with Iraq....)

Lady's Human
08-29-2006, 09:19 PM
Sara, two words. It ain't. The money to rebuild Iraq should come out of their oil revenue.

Edwina's Secretary
08-29-2006, 09:21 PM
How about the money to blow it up in the first place?

08-29-2006, 09:45 PM
Read it and weep - THE COST OF WAR (http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=182)

What an absolute waste of money, lives and good will.

Lady's Human
08-29-2006, 10:34 PM
Sara, if they hadn't been shooting at us in the first place, and had abided by the UN resolutions in place, we wouldn't have had any reason to blow it up.

Besides, we had all this old cold war ordnance we had to use up before it went bad, and what better way to eliminate it from the inventory than use it on someone? :p

08-30-2006, 01:21 AM
Besides, we had all this old cold war ordnance we had to use up before it went bad, and what better way to eliminate it from the inventory than use it on someone? :p

I believe it's called "rotating stock"....

Look at all the old ordnance lying around Iraq. Not safe at all.

The only thing we had to pay for was the gas and the people to drop the bombs....I paid for all the rest before.
ANd in typical AH fashion, there is Mayor Noggin slapping the Prez on the arm like a long lost pal.....

Funny, ain't that the guy that you were talking smack about?

Edwina's Secretary
08-30-2006, 08:34 AM
Sara, if they hadn't been shooting at us in the first place


Newsflash....Iraqis firing on US...did I miss it? Or do you mean after we invaded their country?

08-30-2006, 12:07 PM
It's the psycho militants in Iraq that are the problem...not the general Iraqi population. Most of them support our help.

Maybe if we had just blown the crap out of Baghdad in 1991 we wouldn't have had this problem. Mike was within 50km of the capital in '91 and they were ready to go in when Bush 1 backed down. Saddam would have been long gone if we had just gone in and taken care of it then, but, we had to be PC about it and leave...and look where it got us...

Oh well...neither side is going to understand the other, so it really isn't worth arguing about it since no one is going to change anyone elses' mind about it.

As for New Orleans...re-build if you so choose and enter at your own risk. But next time...listen to the radio and when they tell you a week in advance to make plans to leave, then do it. And the government needs to pull their heads out and when people want to bring their animals...let them!

Lady's Human
08-30-2006, 12:12 PM
Surface to air missiles and AAA (anti aircraft artillery) fired at coalition aircraft enforcing the no fly zone.

(Sams obtained in violation of UN sanctions to boot)

08-30-2006, 12:34 PM
Mugsy, I totally, totally agree with you here ~ on all points. Good to "see" you by the way :)

09-01-2006, 07:46 AM
Thanks! I don't know how active I will be...between teaching, working at the store, and coordinating animal transports, my time is a bit stretched, but thanks!

Another thought on New Orleans...the people of N.O. should be the people rebuilding their city rather than spending the money from the government on stupid crap like new luxury cars, DVD players, expensive clothes, etc.

09-01-2006, 02:39 PM

I agree with you that there is abuse in almost every program or effort to assist. I don't why that is, but there seem to be con artists and scamsters everywhere. It must be human nature to some - hey, if they can get away with it, why not (must be how they think)? We will never eliminate that element from the equation - even the rich do it. They rationalize it by thinking of it as a victimless endeavor. But should we just eliminate any and all government assistance??? Or should we better manage our resources and programs.

I say the latter! It is vitally important "who" we select or nominate to take these post and oversee these agencies. unfortunately, politicians have for too long (forever and across all political boundaries) seen "this as an opportunity to 'reward' some longtime friend or campaign contributor". It always seems like when major abuse and a genuine lack of supervision in a program is uncovered - the "PERSON MANAGING" it is some "TOTAL INCOMPETENT" - with no credentials and "NO REASON" to be in CHARGE!!!

THEREIN the fault lies!!!

Now for some real tangible evidence of folks helping themselves in this fiasco is the musicians of New Orleans who are coming back (some never left) and rebuilding their homes in a common area. Some say they are "being given" something - but I say they are merely being lent a hand. These people have "NOTHING". Everything they owned was wiped out, destroyed and carried away in the flood waters. They had no "flood insurance". they do not have a penny to their name (many of them). Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT being "given" money, but rather - being lent it. They can get up to $70,000 (Interest Free) if they choose to rebuild. As part of the deal, they have to contribute 300 hours of manual labor - assisting others who have embarked upon the same path.

I saw a program on them and their efforts. Very modest homes - but new and clean. And I know it was just a program, but they showed many folks working "very hard" with hammers, saws, nailguns, and some just grunt work - helping each other out. For them... I say, "GOOD FOR YOU" I wish them luck!!!

Lady's Human
09-01-2006, 02:44 PM
Bob's dad,

Kudos for the ones that are helping themselves and others. I'm glad people are helping those who CANNOT (as opposed to will not) help themselves.

For the ones who can but aren't?

Get off of your !@#(*&( and get to work.

09-02-2006, 03:37 AM
Dear Your Honorable Mr. Nagin,

Your stupity overwhelms me.

Here is a clue...

Take a news crew into one of the wards, pick up a hammer, roll up your sleeves and even if it is a photo op, make like you are helping to square away your effed up city.

Instead of showing your gums and teeth, show that you are part of the community....

Don't just show up at a pancake breakfast and pal around with the prez, at least act like you care.


Every AH that shows up on camera is the tip of the iceberg.

That person is standing on the shoulders of the people who are making things happen......

Blowing a trumpet is either music or knocking a wall down....one musician playing a song helps you forget until the music dies.

Then you are back in reality.


Here is a test for everyone.

Get in your car and drive down any street in your neighborhood.

Drive one mile and then think about helping every household you have passed.

When you have helped one household get ready, there are ten more to be assisted.

I am really tired of the government (GWB or not) being blamed for all the problems.


Silly people!

09-02-2006, 02:07 PM
If I had a car . . . ;)

09-02-2006, 07:28 PM
"If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. I'd hammer in the evening~ alllll over this land.."

09-02-2006, 10:07 PM
Here is a test

Get in your car and drive down any street in your neighborhood.

Drive one mile and then think about helping every household you have passed.

When you have helped one household get ready, there are ten more to be assisted.

I am really tired of the government (GWB or not) being blamed for all the problems.


Silly people!


I didn't get this far in your post... or just read down far enough - as you often have songs and sayings trailing your main message. But now I see that folks are responding to this part.

But as is often the case, I don't get it??? How about making that drive and having tens of thousands of other drivers who work for you and tremendous financial resources? Do you suppose you could help out more than the original ten?

Obviously, you can't do for them what they won't do for themselves, but maybe you could lend them a hand and help them (low interest or no interest loans) get a start.

09-03-2006, 11:53 PM
But as is often the case, I don't get it??? How about making that drive and having tens of thousands of other drivers who work for you and tremendous financial resources? Do you suppose you could help out more than the original ten?

Here, this may help you understand.

What is a metaphor?

It helps me count to metafive. :confused:


My whole point is that there are too many people for the gov't. to help all at once during a disaster.