View Full Version : Baby Goldfish???*pics*

critter crazy
08-25-2006, 02:05 PM
I have 8 large goldfish in a 75 gallon tank. I have just noticed that there are two very small clear/brown fish. Are they baby goldfish?? I have no idea what else they could be? I have never had babies before, and never expected to have any. I am quite shocked! they are pretty cute tho. :)

08-25-2006, 02:56 PM
Yes, sounds like babies. They won't get their colour for 2-6 months. Some go even longer without colour. If you notice breeding tubercles (tiny white spots) on the gills of your large fish- those will be the boys.

08-25-2006, 02:59 PM
Aww cute! Pictures please!! I know some adults will eat their babies, do goldfish too?

critter crazy
08-25-2006, 03:05 PM
I am just amazed! I have had these fish going on 4 years now, and never imagined they would have babies. Very cool tho! :)

08-25-2006, 03:15 PM
Yes, you would be best to seperate them. There is a reason you only see two and not two hundred.

08-26-2006, 12:12 AM
how cute! i would definatly separate them. i just found two guppy babies in my community tank last week. i separated them because the other fish ate the rest. i can't wait to see what these little guys will look like!

08-26-2006, 05:23 PM
Aww, baby fishies! Once when I bought platys there was a little grey speck swimming around that turned out to be a male guppy with a BEAUTIFUL tail!

critter crazy
08-26-2006, 06:50 PM
well I moved the babies to their own tank, and it took forever to get any pics to come out okay but here they are! I also took some pics of my large goldfish! there is one small baby and one larger one. :)

08-26-2006, 07:24 PM
Granted I've never seen a baby goldfish before, those look like feeder guppies to me. Did you buy any new plants or anything recently that they might have hitchhiked in on?

Guppies are my all time favorite fresh water fish! (Shh! don't tell my beta I said that!)

critter crazy
08-26-2006, 07:28 PM
Granted I've never seen a baby goldfish before, those look like feeder guppies to me. Did you buy any new plants or anything recently that they might have hitchhiked in on?

Guppies are my all time favorite fresh water fish! (Shh! don't tell my beta I said that!)

Thats what i thought they looked like, but I havent bought any new fish or anything in over a year! On top of that i have done many 100% water changes since then! so they almost have to be baby goldfish!

08-26-2006, 07:50 PM
They look a lot like my guppies to me! Nothing like goldfish babies. I have 4 baby goldfish, and they don't look anything like my goldies...

critter crazy
08-26-2006, 08:07 PM
Okay!! now i am realy stumped!! who is sneaking guppies into my tank!!!;)

08-26-2006, 08:35 PM
i don't think they look like guppies. :confused: But they are cute :)

08-26-2006, 08:45 PM
Okay!! now i am realy stumped!! who is sneaking guppies into my tank!!!;)

You can go to my thread: http://petoftheday.com/talk/forumdisplay.php?f=24 that has a picture of one of my little baby goldfishes and take a good look at him against your little guys. It's a mystery, I guess we'll just have to wait until they grow up :)

08-26-2006, 09:43 PM
In my opinion, I do believe its a baby goldfish, not a guppy or anything of that sort. :D
Keep in mind that some fish, when first hatched/born, they don't exactly look so much like their adult parents. Halfway on this (http://www.bensfish.wanadoo.co.uk/breeding%20and%20fry%20keeping.htm) page, you see a picture of a very small goldfish fry. I see the resemblance between the fish posted on this thread and the fish shown there.
Good luck with the little guys^^!

critter crazy
08-26-2006, 09:55 PM
All I know is that they have to be goldfish, unless someone realy is sneaking fish in my tank!! he he he!! they are cute, and i cant wait to watch them grow up!:)

08-27-2006, 11:11 AM
I looked at the link that Chilli posted but I still think they are feeder (or "wild") guppies. If you can pull them up side by side, take a look at your pic (http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=30013) and this pic (from Chilli's link). (http://www.bensfish.wanadoo.co.uk/baby%20fry%205.jpg) The mouths, gut, and tail fin are different on each animal.

I can't really see the smaller of your two fish but his body shape(s) look similar to these. (http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/livebearer_guppies/guppies_page_2.htm) And the larger one looks almost identical to this (very pregnant) female! (http://badmanstropicalfish.com/discus/messages/231/37030.jpg)

I think ya got a mystery on your hands!

08-27-2006, 12:17 PM
That large fish is a guppy. I can't see the small one too close. I have two tanks of wild guppies and tons of goldies.