View Full Version : Dog chews his bowl!

08-25-2006, 03:28 AM
O.K. so here's the thing my dog is chewing the heck out of his food bowl. I even caught him dumping the little bit of food out that he hadn't eaten at dinner just so he could take his bowl in the living room and chew on it. I always take it away from him and replace it with a toy but he just goes back and gets it again. So now I've just been picking it up and putting it out of his reach. Does anyone have any advice on how to get him to not eat his bowl?

08-25-2006, 05:43 AM
If it's a plastic bowl I would just get rid of it and get him a metal one. Plastic bowls actually harbor lots of bacteria and germs in the scratches and crevices once they start to get worn, so they really aren't a good idea anyway. If it's a metal bowl, then well, I guess just pick it up the second he's done eating and put it up where he can't get to it, so he doesn't injure his teeth or mouth chewing on it.

Lori Jordan
08-25-2006, 06:07 AM
i had the same problem,now i use stainless steel bowls,for all 4 dogs,they are easier to clean,and have to be cleaned expesially if your feeding raw,I have to clean my bowls 3 times daily,With my Newf even more due to the drool.

08-25-2006, 01:35 PM
Ditto, we use stainless steel bowls for all three dogs. :)

08-25-2006, 01:41 PM
Concrete bowls are my favorite. I have a friend who owns a concrete company. Whenever he has a bit of concrete left over, he makes a dog bowl out of it. They are indestructible! I have a couple horders. Pingo used to take all the bowls and hide them in her doghouse! She can't lift the concrete ones!

Stainless steel is probably much easier for most people to get though!

08-25-2006, 01:45 PM
We use stainless too, they are so easy to clean and they can't break them. We pick up our bowls in between feedings and wash them.

08-25-2006, 11:01 PM
O.K. I guess we'll just switch to a non-chewable bowl. Thanks everyone.