View Full Version : I'm Back: An Update

08-25-2006, 01:18 AM
So, for the past month or two, I've been doing some serious lurking. I just thought I'd update you all a little on how things are going.

My dad and Angie are still very happy together. Her kids and I have bonded a lot over the summer. They are two wonderful children and I am truly blessed to have those two wonderful almost-step-sisters and almost-step-mom in my life.

My mom lost her job... I don't remember when. I think it was at the end of July. She was an emotional WRECK for about 3 days, and would call me sobbing every night telling me to come home. (I was on vacation at the time, and from the way she has treated me in the past, I was in no mood to come at her very beckon call and deal with her crying all day.) She has finally started a new job (she started on Monday,) and she is very happy with it and things are starting to look up for her.

She is not at all fond of Angie, as she has every right to be, but she is still secretly seeing John behind everyone's backs. She stays OVERNIGHT at his house, and doesn't get home until 6am in the morning, only to get ready and be at work by 8am. It doesn't really bother me that she's never home, it just bothers me that she is STILL seeing this man who has broken her heart countless times.

My biggest improvement-- she gets a piece of my mind when she makes me angry or offends me. Something I have never been able to do; stand up to my mother. :)

My sister recently got promoted, she is very excited to start her new job. Gavin turned three on June 20th, and is now potty-trained. :)

I've been spending most of my time at this small snowcone stand that I work for sometimes. The owner is my dad's best friend, and he needs help every so often. The owner (his nickname is Butch, I know him no other way, I was shocked to find out his name is actually Earl, lmao) and I have become really great friends-- mind you, he IS 41. He is an amazing person, truly. He was over in Iraq about a year ago, he loves to tell me storys of the war, etc. He is so easy to talk to. We get along really well, and 9 hours everyday in the parking lot of a grocery store trying to sell snowcones is pretty boring, so I'm down there for the majority of the day keeping him company.

He is having a lot of trouble at home. His wife is really... bossy and makes him do everything. She does not appreciate him at all, nor do her daughters, Butch's stepkids. They are AWFUL children, I have yet to hear a good thing about them. Julie, Butch's wife, spoils the children rotten and they do not respect Butch in the least. Butch needs to have me around just so he can get some of this stress off his chest. He has really bad ulcers and migraines, in combination with his doctor telling him he is a walking heart-attack, seeing as how he is "30-pounds overweight", smokes, and his cholesterol is nearly triple what it should be. He has become very important to me and is one of my best friends.

And last but not least, my latest confession. I'm slowly starting to recover from a bad bad cutting addiction. I've been doing it for about a year and I'm just trying to overcome it. I've been looking back on some of my last posts about me being stressed and I'm starting to take some advice from everyone. I'm caring more about myself and trying to make myself happy. I'm not letting these little things get to me so much anymore, and I'm doing what I feel is right and I'm starting to stick up for myself.

Things are looking up PetTalk... thank you all sooo much!

ETA: Butch is the middle picture in my signature. I am obviously the first picture, and my dad and Angie are the third picture.

08-25-2006, 09:49 AM
I am really glad to hear things are improving for you.

If you are still cutting you should seek help, ask your father or Angie. I really hope you don't keep these things inside.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-25-2006, 09:53 AM
Glad to read such an upbeat post from you!

08-25-2006, 10:07 AM
I am so Happy to Hear things are going a lot better for you. :D

08-25-2006, 10:21 AM
I'm so glad to hear things are improving for you! :D That's wonderful news. :)

08-25-2006, 10:33 AM
Well, I just had to perform a rescue mission.

Gavin locked himself in our bathroom.

Mind you, it only locks from the inside, the door is about 20 years old, and there is no key, nor any way to get it open from the outside.


I pulled Gav through the window from outside, but the window is too small to get myself through. I even tried to coach Gav through unlocking it again and it didn't work. Soo, while pulling him through the window, he got a bit of the "naughty" talk. (Mind you, he is FAMOUS for locking himself in rooms, he does it at home all the time, I swear, he does it JUST for the rush.)

Twenty minutes later, Gavin by my side playing with screws and our little cordless drill, we get the door open after nearly taking it apart.

*sigh again*

It never ends, does it? :p