View Full Version : Big storms=me in bed with all 4 dogs!

My Peanuts
08-24-2006, 12:52 PM
I woke up at 5:30 this morning with all 4 dogs on my twin sized bed! Morty and Jimmy were un-phased really. Usually I only have Morty with me all night. I don't know why Jimmy was there. He really wasn't scared at all. Probably he thought, 'well everyone else is here.'
Sylvia was shaking and eventually calmed down, BUT... HARLEY was the worst! This guy isn't afraid of things he should be like musk rats, possums, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and squirrels. He will chase ANYTHING ANYWHERE, but a little thunder and lighting and he's scared out of his mind.

No real point to this thread. I know how to deal with him. NO ONE was worse with storms than RB Angie. Just thought you'd all like to picture me in my tiny bed with all 4 puppers! :D

08-24-2006, 01:07 PM
Don't you wish you could freeze time and crawl out of bed and take a picture?
I know there have been times like that in my bed that I wish I could!

Daisy and Delilah
08-24-2006, 01:29 PM
We're having storms here right now. I can picture the scene at your place :) Delilah is hiding in the bathroom, in the dark. It's in the middle of the house and has no windows. It serves as our safe haven for hurricanes too. :D She feels more comfortable in there than anywhere else.

08-24-2006, 05:10 PM
Sounds like a tight squeeze! ;) :D

08-24-2006, 05:15 PM
IDK Bailey just might top Angie... there's no sleep for me when it storms.

08-24-2006, 05:40 PM
Just thought you'd all like to picture me in my tiny bed with all 4 puppers! :D

I have a pretty good mental picture but would have loved to see a real picture of that. :D Right now I would LOVE a good storm. We are really parched here and the lawns are brown. Bella and Ripley don't mind bad storms, unlike some of my previous dogs. They have even been known to bark at loud thunder claps. :rolleyes: :D

08-25-2006, 12:15 AM
LoL! At least you were warm!

08-25-2006, 01:09 AM
I woke up at 5:30 this morning with all 4 dogs on my twin sized bed! Morty and Jimmy were un-phased really. Usually I only have Morty with me all night. I don't know why Jimmy was there. He really wasn't scared at all. Probably he thought, 'well everyone else is here.'
Sylvia was shaking and eventually calmed down, BUT... HARLEY was the worst! This guy isn't afraid of things he should be like musk rats, possums, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and squirrels. He will chase ANYTHING ANYWHERE, but a little thunder and lighting and he's scared out of his mind.

No real point to this thread. I know how to deal with him. NO ONE was worse with storms than RB Angie. Just thought you'd all like to picture me in my tiny bed with all 4 puppers! :D

First off, What a great picture, for my imagination!!! So, Thank-You for that!!!

You were lucky, actually. I woke up(sort of) to the sound of the thundering, then, fell back to sleep!!!!! Lots of RAIN!!!!! Hallaluyah!!!!!!!

I wish I had 4 dogs in my bed, sort of like a new song now. A Four Dog Night!!!! ;)

and, no other dog was worse, during thunderstorms, than my Rainbow Bridge Dog, Katie Lynn!!! Many a night and day did I spend with her. she was soooo vocal during thunderstorms!!!!

Jimmy? He is an absolute angel!!!!!!

You are sooooo lucky!!!! ;)

08-25-2006, 10:17 AM
Thunderboomers always give me a bed full of dogs too!

We had pretty bad one a couple of months ago, and after i got back to my room i found Maggie hiding in my closet ... now, the closet is about 2 feet wide by about 3-feet deep ... im not sure how she managed to wedge herself into that tiny space!


My Peanuts
08-25-2006, 12:23 PM
IDK Bailey just might top Angie... there's no sleep for me when it storms.

Uh, is Bailey a Shih Tzu? I was looking at your sig and I thought so. Angie was a Shih Tzu. :)

My Peanuts
08-25-2006, 12:31 PM
I just thought of a pretty funny story about RB Angie. I was going to Las Vegas for a trip in 2002. It was my first trip since 9/11 and my first time flying alone (friends went a day earlier) so I was pretty nervous. I had my bag all packed and a thunderstorm came. Angie was so nervous, but I was trying to get at least a little sleep before my flight the next morning. There was a really big crash of thunder and I jumped up to see where Angie was and she was on my suit case and as the thunder hit she peed all over it! It literally scared the pi$$ out of her! Poor girl.

I had to get up and wash ALL my clothes in the middle of the night and I washed the suit case as best I could. Being that is was a few months after 9/11 I thought if there are dogs sniffing these suitcases for bombs or whatever and mine smells like female dog urine (I couldn’t smell is since I cleaned it, but I figured trained dogs could), then those dogs are going to go crazy when they smell it.

LOL, it must have been fine because my suitcase made it to Vegas in one piece! :p

08-25-2006, 02:17 PM
Yes Bailey is a Shih Tzu =) We sleep in the bathroom when there's rain.

My Peanuts
08-25-2006, 03:05 PM
Yes Bailey is a Shih Tzu =) We sleep in the bathroom when there's rain.

LOL, been there! I used to sleep in the tub with Ang! Must be a shih tzu thing :)

It sounds funny, but that's one of things I miss, taking care of her during a storm. I remember being so fraustrated with her, but I knew she couldn't help it.

08-25-2006, 04:02 PM
im not sure how she managed to wedge herself into that tiny space!

OMG what a picture!! Poor girl, however did she get OUT? :)

08-25-2006, 06:15 PM
I have two cute stories about the same two dogs. I used to have two white GSD that were scared to death of thunder/lightning. We had guests for the week-end and my cousin was sleeping in the bedroom with my daughter in her bed. During the night there was a tremendous thunder/lightning storm and the shepherds jumped through the screen in the window and landed in bed with the two of them. Needless to say, they were really surprised!!
On another occasion we took the boat out on the lake for the day and forgot to close the back door. We were inundated by a tremendous storm and had to come off of the lake early. When we pulled down our driveway there were these two huge white dog heads sticking out through the screen door that they had jumped through.
My two Labs that I have now are not frightened at all. Thank heaven!!
Labmomma X 2

08-25-2006, 07:12 PM
I Thought We "were" Going To Be Treated To A Shot Of You In Your Nighties With The Pups!!!

08-25-2006, 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Blue_Frog
im not sure how she managed to wedge herself into that tiny space!

OMG what a picture!! Poor girl, however did she get OUT?

Cathy - *lol* she got out the same way she got in - as soon as the storm was over she was back to her happy bubbly muppet-faced self :D (Maggie's a bit of a contortionist, she likes little places and assuming the 'dog ball' position - that of a dog in the shape of a ball) :)

My Peanuts
08-28-2006, 12:16 PM
I Thought We "were" Going To Be Treated To A Shot Of You In Your Nighties With The Pups!!!

LOL, next time if someone is home with me I'll get them to take a snap of it :) .