View Full Version : Oh, Gross......

08-24-2006, 07:29 AM
Everyone dreams of waking up to singing birds, sunshine, flowers. Well, not for me !

This worning I woke up to the sound of hurling. What's worse, I accidentaly put my feet right down in the hurl. And, Jen figured she hadn't hurled enough, so, ( for good measure ) hurled once again. In the same spot. Were, you guessed it, My foot was. :eek: My foot is now all sticky.

( sorry to go into details, but... ) She hurled up Coconut. Some people might say " Well, It was YOUR fault, why did you feed a dog coconut? Wolves didn't eat coconut, why should dogs"?

The most annoying part: I didn't give her the coconut; It was STOLEN coconut ! Snatched right off the counter, in the middle of the night, no dout. By you-know-who herself. :mad:

Oh............. Someone's been a bad girl.

( those are "dissapointed in you" smilies )

Sorry 'bout this awful thread, I wanted to get rid of the feeling. ( and get rid of the hurl on my carpet and toes ) Hope nobody else got off to a bad start like I did.

Wishing you all mornings filled with singing birds, sunshine, flowers and peacefully sleeping non-coconut consuming dogs.

( stupid dog :rolleyes: )

08-24-2006, 07:38 AM
Greyhoundgirl, awww I hope Jen feels better soon!
Jen, be a good girl and don't get into the coconuts again!!

"Hope nobody else got off to a bad start like I did."
Um well, I awoke to the same sound, but luckily my feet missed the piles. Daisy hurled this morning too. I wish we could teach them to do it on the floor, rather than the carpet. blah. *hugs*

08-24-2006, 07:42 AM
Must be full-hurl-moon. :rolleyes:

08-24-2006, 08:01 AM
Must be full-hurl-moon. :rolleyes:

But, in all sincerity, I hope Jenny starts feeling better!!!

I've never heard of a dog snatching a whole coconut off from the counter!!!! :eek:

08-24-2006, 08:07 AM
Greyhoundgirl, awww I hope Jen feels better soon!
Jen, be a good girl and don't get into the coconuts again!!

"Hope nobody else got off to a bad start like I did."
Um well, I awoke to the same sound, but luckily my feet missed the piles. Daisy hurled this morning too. I wish we could teach them to do it on the floor, rather than the carpet. blah. *hugs*
You know, that's the truth, WHY do they look around for the nice clean carpeting just before they hurl??

That must have been some Birthday Party :eek: :D

Ohhhh Daisy Pearl, I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!

08-24-2006, 08:09 AM

But, in all sincerity, I hope Jenny starts feeling better!!!

I've never heard of a dog snatching a whole coconut off from the counter!!!! :eek:

ROFL ! LOL ! It wasn't a whole coconut, silly, My dad and I opened it the night before. ( Jen has sharp teeth, but I don't think they're sharp enough to get through a coconuts shell. ) It was coconut in pieces in a bowl. ( and now I don't have any coconut to have with my breakfast. :( )

And, luckily, Jen never shows long-term effects from hurling. she just gets it out of her system ( literally ! )

08-24-2006, 08:18 AM
:D :D Okay, Must Be Too Early for Me!!!!! :D :D

Now, I feel like buying a coconut!!!!!!(Sometimes You feel like NUT!!!) :D

Look on the positve side of this morning!!

Jenny brought you your breakfast ---in bed!!!!! :eek: :D :D

It's Happy Hurl Day!!!!!! :eek:

08-24-2006, 08:28 AM
Who told Raustyk that today was hurl day? She threw up a little bile this morning, 2 little piles to be exact. :rolleyes:

08-24-2006, 09:05 AM
I found more evidence ! I found a chewed-up ziplock bag on the floor in the sitting room. Great, another mess. She muist've been pretty determined o get the coconut. The coconut was in a ziplock bag in a bowl, on the counter. She jumped up, carefully got the bag full of coconut out of a delicate bowl (congrats on not breking it ! ;) ) brought the bag to the carpet, chewed it apart, and ate every last speck of coconut.

08-24-2006, 09:07 AM
:D :D Okay, Must Be Too Early for Me!!!!! :D :D

Now, I feel like buying a coconut!!!!!!(Sometimes You feel like NUT!!!) :D

Look on the positve side of this morning!!

Jenny brought you your breakfast ---in bed!!!!! :eek: :D :D

It's Happy Hurl Day!!!!!! :eek:

Breakfast in bed ! Another thing we humans like to wake up to. ( but not quite what I had in mind... :rolleyes: )

08-24-2006, 09:31 AM
I just hope that your Jenny is all right!!!!!

She sure sounds dainty, what with lifting a zip-loc bag, ever so gingerly, out of a delicate bowl!!!!

She sure is clever!!!! Your Jenny!!!!

Sorry for your Tropical Sunrise too!!!!

08-24-2006, 09:35 AM
Just an FYI, I'd check the bag over really good to make sure none of it is missing. If so I'd check her vomit & fecals for the missing pieces of plastic. It can cause a blockage which can be fatal. I hope she's ok. HUGS

08-24-2006, 02:57 PM
Just an FYI, I'd check the bag over really good to make sure none of it is missing. If so I'd check her vomit & fecals for the missing pieces of plastic. It can cause a blockage which can be fatal. I hope she's ok. HUGS

Yea, I know, she attacks plastic bags often. :rolleyes:

And, oh, yes, she is clever... ( clever "lil devil. ;) )

08-24-2006, 03:10 PM
Poor Jen (and you for stepping in it), I hope she feels better soon!

Lol...today must just be the day, because I also awoke to the same sound But fortunately for me, Tango wakes me up so she can go outside.

08-24-2006, 03:39 PM
Poor Jen (and you for stepping in it), I hope she feels better soon!

Lol...today must just be the day, because I also awoke to the same sound But fortunately for me, Tango wakes me up so she can go outside.

So she hurled outside? Or went out afterwards? I just wake up to the pre-hurl cough. :rolleyes:

08-24-2006, 03:42 PM
She did it outside, she's only ever gotten sick in the house once and thought she was going to be in tons of trouble for some reason (eventhough she wasn't) so she always wakes me up now.

08-24-2006, 03:55 PM
Hey, You could have stepped in something else you know!!!!

08-24-2006, 04:43 PM
Poor you and poor Jen. It better not be hurl day, cuz I step in enough cat puke. :rolleyes:

08-24-2006, 04:45 PM
Bleauk http://www.hivelife.com/smiley/dead.gif. Gross.

08-24-2006, 07:16 PM
She did it outside, she's only ever gotten sick in the house once and thought she was going to be in tons of trouble for some reason (eventhough she wasn't) so she always wakes me up now.

Awww, Lucky you.

Jen hurled again. In her crate. LUCKILY ( I'm sooooo relived ) she hurled through the bars, not on her bed. So it landed on the tile floor. I guess that's just one of the pluses ( + ) of having a too-small crate, she can't hurl in it ! :rolleyes:

08-24-2006, 07:17 PM
Hey, You could have stepped in something else you know!!!!

URG..... I dunno what's worse.

08-24-2006, 07:29 PM
"I just wake up to the pre-hurl cough. "
I know what ya' mean. I must say, I have not beet feeted it out of bed that fast in months. (Hoping to yanno, get something under Dais before the inevitable plop.) :D :rolleyes:
No such luck though. Thank goodness for my handy spot removing machine.

Originally Posted by MajesticCollies
Hey, You could have stepped in something else you know!!!!
Ha ha! One day I was at work and smelled something awful coming from my foot area. i thought, dang I scrubbed and exfoliated my feet this morning. I must have really bad foot odor or something. Come to find out, I had a tiny bit of dried poop on the bottom of my shoe. Blargh.
It doesn't take much. :p

08-24-2006, 07:33 PM
[I]Thank goodness for my handy spot removing machine.

Can I borrow it? ( It left a lovely brown stain on my floor..... :rolleyes: )

08-25-2006, 12:00 AM
Eeew! I've been house-sitting for my parents, and their old kitty doesn't keep down much food anymore (she's been vetted and is on meds which only help a little) so I can kinda relate. -_-

09-09-2006, 07:06 AM
Again this morning. But I didn't wake up to the pre-hurl cough :) ..... I woke to the lovely sound of her stomach pushing up food. :( The grombling was THAT loud. :eek: . ( It take a lot to wake me up. )