View Full Version : 4 day car ride?

08-23-2006, 06:56 PM
What should I do about the little box situation while Otis(my cat) and I travel to CA? It will be a 4 day car ride and each night I will be sneaking him into a hotel room. Any suggestions?

08-23-2006, 07:03 PM
I'd suggest putting kitty in a big carrier with a small cat box. That way, everytime you stop and open the door, you won't have a cat trying to escape (my folks lost a cat for good like that on the Alcan).

They make small litter boxes to go in carriers. If you can't find one, I guess you could use a shoebox with a trashbag liner to catch the "liquid". Then you can dump it at night.

By the way ~ Welcome to Pet Talk! I hope you will stick around and let us know how your trip went.

K & L
08-23-2006, 07:43 PM
You could also line the carrier with pet house breaking pads. When/if they get soiled just change them out.

Laura's Babies
08-23-2006, 09:08 PM
You can get those puppy pads at Wal Mart and they are not that expensive. REAL easy to dispose of.

08-23-2006, 11:12 PM
Ditto to everything above.

When my husband and I brought our two cats to Louisiana from Oregon, it was a long drive. We drove through California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. It took about four or five days as we had to stop for various things. Isis cried until we figured out (about 3/4s of the way) to switch crates and she was fine.

We lined their crates and gave them food and water BUT they refused to use it until we stopped for the night.

08-24-2006, 12:20 AM
You could also line the carrier with pet house breaking pads. When/if they get soiled just change them out.

I was going to suggest this as well. When my husband made the drive from Indiana to California, this is what he did.
He also told he that he tried making periodic stops to let the kitties stretch and eat/drink. We have harnesses, so they could walk on the grass without escaping. I think they mostly used the litterboxes when he smuggled them into the hotel for the evening though.

Good luck on your drive!


08-24-2006, 09:01 AM
There are alot of pet friendly hotels out there so you don't have to sneak Otis into the hotel. Here is a link for some:


I know that I have stayed with the Holiday Inn chain with cats and they have been great.

08-24-2006, 09:33 AM
We moved 5 cats and 1 Golden Retriever from Connecticut to Seattle - 5 day road trip with all furries in the "critter-mobile" (a Volvo stationwagon). They settled into their crates, had water and crunchies if needed, but for the most part....they slept all day and were up all night exploring the hotel room. By day two they had the routine down and we never had any potty accidents in the crates. Of course once we got to the hotel...there was a big line for the litter boxes. We usually set up 3 in the room, so there was only a short wait :p
We "declared" one dog and one cat at the hotel check-in, paid the fee and hauled in the rest of the crew under the radar. They were the best bunch of road warriors you could ask for and all made it to the west coast without any signs of stress or illness.
We were lucky to have such a good group of kitties and Golden.

08-24-2006, 09:33 AM
We hope that you and Otis have a great trip to Catifornia.
And Welcome To Pet Talk from All The Found Cats and I.

08-24-2006, 10:19 AM
I'd suggest putting kitty in a big carrier with a small cat box. That way, everytime you stop and open the door, you won't have a cat trying to escape (my folks lost a cat for good like that on the Alcan).

They make small litter boxes to go in carriers. If you can't find one, I guess you could use a shoebox with a trashbag liner to catch the "liquid". Then you can dump it at night.

By the way ~ Welcome to Pet Talk! I hope you will stick around and let us know how your trip went.
This is the best advice!
I cannot imagine losing a cat in travel.That would KILL me.And of course kill the cat!