View Full Version : Lets wish for this doggie to get adopted

08-23-2006, 09:25 AM
My neighbor has been fostering a dog that was wondering around the neighborhood for the past couple weeks. While she is gone she leaves her outside in the front. Unleashed. She's freindly, but does bark to protect the property.

She is a red colored shep mix. She loves to give kisses once she knows you are ok.

Anyways, she can't keep her long. She's posted signs and I've posted online. And there was one lady that emailed me wanting to adopt her if she doesn't find her home.

But yesturday, the cops had came to her house telling her if she doesn't take the dog, and put it in her backyard or inside that they would take her to the pound to BE PUT DOWN :mad:

So lets hope for this lil lady to be adopted to a good home. I don't know if her orig owners really wanted her. She had a colar, but no tags. She wasn't spayed, and there are no signs posted anywhere.

08-23-2006, 09:42 AM
So um, why can't she put her in the back yard until she finds her a home? Just curious. And why not let the lady who emailed you adopt her? The neighbor obviously hasn't found her a home at this point. And yes, they should take her to the pound if necessary, she is a loose unowned dog on the neighbors property, who is unspayed. I don't want to see her put down so I hope she gets a home, but they are just doing their job, your neighbor isn't being responsible about it, sorry.

08-23-2006, 09:56 AM
I have no idea why she's not in the back either. But the cops didn't say anything about just taking to pound to try to be adopted out, they specifically said to be put down right then and there. I guess they were trying to scare her or something. I dunno. I had already gave the info on the potential adopter to her husband a few days ago. He JUST NOW gave it to her. After the cops came. So she had no idea there was someone wanting her.
men! lol