View Full Version : Kitty Trapping Begins !!!!!

08-22-2006, 08:18 PM
Well tonight was my first night of trapping the strays, unlike before when I ran around with my net looking like a silly person.

The night started off pretty sad. The orange kitten I found a home was dead. :( I could of saved it the other day when I stopped by to fill up the food, and I tried to catch him/her but she/he moved too fast. :( I'm not sure what happened but I don't want to think about it right now. I'm too upset. I feel bad for having to tell this guy that his cat died. I'm going to try to push my last one that is left, it's an all white one with a grey patch on his/her head, so we'll see.

Now to start with the good news, I caught two cats tonight, one the other orange/white one and it's going to a very good home, it's actually where JD lives my other saved kitty.

I'm so happy about him already getting a home, I'm going to take him/her to the vets with the help of Cathy's money and get him checked over, I noticed tonight when I went to pick him out of the trap he has a bunch of scabs over his back so hopefully he will heal there poor thing must of been bitten by a ton of fleas...that's the only thing I can think of.

Next one I caught is an tiger striped one. Not sure if it's a girl or boy yet but I'll find out tomorrow. The poor thing was so upset in the cage that it got a bit of a bloody nose but he calmed down once I put a blanket over it's cage.

Well that's it for now, I attached the two pictures of the ones I got tonight :)

Talk to you all soon,


08-22-2006, 08:21 PM
What sweet babies, they look so scared right now, but they are lucky to have been saved! Thank you! :)

08-22-2006, 08:23 PM
Awwwww!!! They're both adorable.:) I hope that they both have healthy check ups and I'm so glad that the orangie already has a new home.:) Hopefully the man that was going to adopt the kitten that died:( will be able to adopt another kitten instead. You're doing wonderful work. We need more people like you in this world.:)

08-22-2006, 08:35 PM
Thank you. I hope so too. I'm just not even sure how ot e-mail him to tell him the cat he wanted died because of my neglect to catch it.

Awwwww!!! They're both adorable.:) I hope that they both have healthy check ups and I'm so glad that the orangie already has a new home.:) Hopefully the man that was going to adopt the kitten that died:( will be able to adopt another kitten instead. You're doing wonderful work. We need more people like you in this world.:)

08-22-2006, 08:52 PM
I wish you luck with your new task! Keep us posted please! Be carefull not to get bit by a stray...you never know what they are carring? God bless you for getting them off the streets!

The night started off pretty sad. The orange kitten I found a home was dead. :( I could of saved it the other day when I stopped by to fill up the food, and I tried to catch him/her but she/he moved too fast. :( I'm not sure what happened but I don't want to think about it right now. I'm too upset. I feel bad for having to tell this guy that his cat died. I'm going to try to push my last one that is left, it's an all white one with a grey patch on his/her head, so we'll see.


It is not your fault, maybe it was sick. I am sure the guy will understand. At least the other ones are safe! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

08-22-2006, 09:17 PM
Thanks, and also I'm praying for you and all your little ones...also speaking of getting bit I got scratched pretty good by the orange one but at least it will have a home tomorrow or thursday night depending when the vet can see him/her..

I wrapped up my scratch so I should be good. I'm sure I'll get more before I'm done with this.

Gotta run bye


I wish you luck with your new task! Keep us posted please! Be carefull not to get bit by a stray...you never know what they are carring? God bless you for getting them off the streets!

It is not your fault, maybe it was sick. I am sure the guy will understand. At least the other ones are safe! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

08-22-2006, 09:19 PM
I wrapped up my scratch so I should be good. I'm sure I'll get more before I'm done with this.

Did you put any medication on it? I got shingles from getting bit by my grandma's cat about six months back. Be careful please! Keep us posted, okay?

08-22-2006, 09:21 PM
Yeah I put some antibotic stuff on it....it blistered but we'll see...I can't wait till the morning to visit the other kitties...i'm just so happy about them...going to be fixed and other getting medical care...


Did you put any medication on it? I got shingles from getting bit by my grandma's cat about six months back. Be careful please! Keep us posted, okay?

08-22-2006, 09:26 PM
Just making sure. Keep an eye on it though. I am glad those kittens are being saved. That is so awsome! Great job!

08-23-2006, 10:39 AM
The orange kitty is a boy! He already has a home; he's going to live with JD my other white/grey kitten I saved about a month ago. I called them last night and they said they would love to rescue another one. I got him to the vets this morning and the vet said that he is very anemic but will recover with the proper food and water, she estimated him to be about 9-10 weeks old.

This little orange kitten was able to get his first kitten shots today with your money and the vet gave me a free revolution to put on the cat after he's had a good bath.

I'll let you all know about the other cat (Felix) what sex it is and how it's doing.


08-23-2006, 01:45 PM

The other tiger stripped one I took in was a GIRL!!!

She's fixed and waiting for me to pick her up. Well I know that one won't be having anymore babies!!!!YEAH!!!!!

08-23-2006, 03:24 PM
Melissa ,
I am sorry to hear that the orange won died. Don't blame yourself. You are doing all you can to give them a chance at a better life where they are loved and taken care of. The other two are beautiful! Keep up the good work.

08-23-2006, 03:40 PM
Melissa - how very heartening to hear that you have help and that you are able to go ahead with the very important TNR or, in your case so far, TNA (adopt). It's very sad about the little orange kitten, perhaps it was extreme anemia from the fleas. The orange one you caught has lovely deep coloring and I bet the family that adopts him are going to be thrilled. Congratulations on hanging in on a situation that looked hopeless at times. Will you keep an eye on the area as other strays come in to take the place of those you have taken?

08-23-2006, 03:41 PM

Yeah, I'm sorry about the orange one too. I just hope that the person who wanted that one doesn't hate me for not taking it sooner, I would of, if I had the space to put it but at least I'm going to be giving away this other sweet orange kitten that will be spoiled and well taken care of.


Melissa ,
I am sorry to hear that the orange won died. Don't blame yourself. You are doing all you can to give them a chance at a better life where they are loved and taken care of. The other two are beautiful! Keep up the good work.

08-23-2006, 04:18 PM
Rescuing Stray Kittens is no easy task.
They are so fast, and wary of people.
That Orange Angel has his wings now, and has a home with Nugget And Karina at thier Mall.
You are doing such Wonderful Work.
We are sending all The Prayers we are able to.

08-23-2006, 08:25 PM
thank you so much, i really appreciate it and so do the kitties!

Rescuing Stray Kittens is no easy task.
They are so fast, and wary of people.
That Orange Angel has his wings now, and has a home with Nugget And Karina at thier Mall.
You are doing such Wonderful Work.
We are sending all The Prayers we are able to.

08-24-2006, 08:39 AM
Well I caught another one last night!!!!!

It was the little white long hair kitten and it's a BOY!!!!

I have a vet appt. schedule for him tonight at 5:45 pm and I'm going to see the dr. about my hand...it's really read today and it hurts but I'll live...

I'll let you all know what the vet said about him.


08-24-2006, 12:32 PM
Congratulations on the latest catch. He sounds like a pretty cat that you should be able to find a home for - unless you need to return him? I can't remember, did you get a scratch or a bite? I'm very glad that you are going to see a doctor, I was worried when you said you just treated it yourself. Don't be surprised when she/he puts you on antibiotics.

08-24-2006, 02:23 PM
Yeah I got bit and scratched. The bit on my hand is infected and around it, it's all red but hopefully it's nothing to worry about.

I can't wait to go see this little guy I want to keep him so badly, I just can't afford another one at the moment but I'd love to...


Congratulations on the latest catch. He sounds like a pretty cat that you should be able to find a home for - unless you need to return him? I can't remember, did you get a scratch or a bite? I'm very glad that you are going to see a doctor, I was worried when you said you just treated it yourself. Don't be surprised when she/he puts you on antibiotics.

08-24-2006, 03:09 PM
I'd get it looked at by a Doctor -- i got bit my my friends cat (he got me good too, right down to the gumline into that part between your thumb and forefinger), and it started out like yours (red and puffy), and went into a full blown infection needing antibiotics to clear up :(

Definately take care -- my friends joked with me for a while afterwards that Orange Cats must be carriers of Tetnus since they're Rust coloured ;)

** yes, I know, Tetnus and infections aren't the same thing -- you may want to make sure you're up to date on that shot as well **

Good luck with all the kitties too -- its really fantastic that you're helping out all these little kittens! :):)

08-24-2006, 03:54 PM
And, after being nastily bitten when I worked at a kennel - if you see a thin red line going in ANY direction from the wound, GET TO THE DOCTOR!

That's the start of blood poisoning!


08-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Well I went to the dr. and I'm on antibotic red patch has gotten a bit bigger but I'll live and I just hope it doesn't get any bigger. It's hard to type because it hurts.

So I took the little boy (Hermies) to the vets and the vet gave him some antibotic to clear up his cold and gave him his rabies and his other baby's shots.

I gave him a bath and put flea medicine on him and the rest of my cats as a precaution.

He's sooo cute I want to keep him but I did get a few responses so I'm just awaiting there replys now.

I'll send pictures soon.


08-25-2006, 08:22 AM
Hermies (white kitten w/grey patch) is so cute!!! I want to keep him so badly....but would it be better for him to get another home if he could.

My co-worker told me her boyfriend saw baby kittens with a mom cat yesterday...is this ever going to end???

I'm going up there tonight if it doesn't rain to see if I can spot the mom cat and maybe trap her and get her babies and keep her safe so her babies don't grow up feral but we'll see what happens...

I just really want to keep Hermies

:( but I know it's just not possible with a small 1 bedroom apartment and I have 4 cats already...and is it really fair to my other cats....but I can't help that I love this little guy either...he's just so special.
